So Is No One Watching the President's State of the Union?

Originally Posted by CruThik3

He's killing it at reading the teleprompter.

Every president since the invention of the teleprompter (Starting with Eisenhower, except for Nixon) have used a teleprompter for a majority of their speeches. It's called being smart.  To think that a president or most politicians should just wing it is absurd. No matter how big or small the speech is

so is he gonna keep "Hope" as one of his major slogans this Campaign? excited for the new adjective that he'll use to death in hope of being re-elected.
Cut the **%% with the "he needs more than 4 years." I remember seeing that after his 1st year on here. I remember seeing that after his second year. And it seems like you're just repeating what his campaign has been saying. He has done things -- but you know damn well you don't know a single one and don't follow any of it. There are some core philosophical issues to discuss and no one knows the best decision, but the reasons most of you support him can fit on a bumper sticker. Be honest with yourself.
No matter what that man says people still wont give him a chance he thinking about the future. Economy isn;t a 4 yr fix it took 8 yrs to mess it up atleast 8 to get it back on track.
The hissy fits and bickering that takes place amongst PEOPLE, MANKIND, CITIZENS, etc, is the primary reason why the desires and riches you want will not manifest themselves.  Stop pointing your finger or trying to hold someone else accountable for actions you didn't act upon. All these negative connotations and selfish ways of thinking is why global improvements have not taken place. Money holds precedence over every thought and emotion in this world and, that is quite astonishing. People are living within society not with the hopes of even leaving a legacy or being remembered by the coming generations.
This scenario to me is like someone promising you success if your under their tutelage of study. Well, they promise you success however, YOU have to take it upon yourself to work, study your craft, and implement those tools in your life and you will become successful. Stop waiting for a handout and expecting one individual to work miracles without inputing your own ideas. These cycles have taken place since ever since the hunter/gathering done by the earliest human species became obsolete and crop raising took over and built an economical structure which built cultures. Stop feeling entitled just because you're a breathing being, if you don't do your part, you have become worthless and are actually a detriment to society. We all are a cohesive group. If people don't believe that, than, tell those people who manufacture your clothes, process your food, provide you internet, operate the electrical plant in your city to stop working right now.
a lot of stuff people were standing and clapping for isn't even happening, he just said "send me the bill and ill sign it"...well i bet the bills never get sent
........and thats Obama's fault, eh?

obama has done enough to get re-elected...

i dont have to sit here and list his accomplishments

you salty guys are gonna be hearing them nonstop once the joke GOP actually picks their loser

and that has absolutely nothing to do with the state of the union.

(like 98% of the posts in here)
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