So Serious

Jan 1, 2009
To my black NTers, if a black a woman speaks proper english, she's a educated black woman. but if a black man that speaks proper english, they are toldthey speak like they're white. the reward system is not the same, then black woman are amazed when there aren't any "good black men" outthere. this is a problem that MUST be fixed....
true, but it has gotten to a point where nobody really cares anymore. I could honestly not care how a woman or man speaks, as long as they dont speak in anignorant manor
I speak proper English and so does my sister. Growing up, a lot of kids told us we speak "too white" and "too proper".
In college nobody says it though because of obvious reasons.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

I speak proper English and so does my sister. Growing up, a lot of kids told us we speak "too white" and "too proper".
In college nobody says it though because of obvious reasons.

AJ, is it safe to say from your OWN personal experiences, black woman are encouraged to be successful while a similar foundation for black men isn'tencouraged? IN GENERAL..
When i think about it, all the black woman in my family are really pushed to get into top schools, while with the boys it's sorta like whatever.
In my honor classes, the blacks that are in the classrooms are almost always black woman.
I go to a program that helps blacks get into top schools, and out of about 20 students, it's about 16 girls, it's sorta sad to see..
I speak proper english and I hear all the time that I talk white, don't blame me for being and sounding educated.
its one of those double standards in life...

ex: a man with many GF's is called a player,
and a woman with many BF's is called a [insert ignorant phrase here].

The black community has to make school and education top priority.
If we all spoke in an intelligent way, this would be a dead issue.
very true im constantly labeled around how I feel I should act, not how i should live to the typical black stereotype.
Blacks do a lot of things that hold their progression back....while also blaming it on the white man.
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by AJChick23

I speak proper English and so does my sister. Growing up, a lot of kids told us we speak "too white" and "too proper".
In college nobody says it though because of obvious reasons.

AJ, is it safe to say from your OWN personal experiences, black woman are encouraged to be successful while a similar foundation for black men isn't encouraged? IN GENERAL..
I know what you're saying but in my life I can say that I've seen organizations that help young black men WHO WANT TO HELP THEMSELVES.
My brother and his friends were in a group MOT (Men of Tomorrow).

Originally I had a really long reply, but I'm shortening it.

Bottom line is who cares if you speak intelligently? If that's the worse thing you can say about you then you're doing pretty damn good.

The stereotype of young black men always doing wrong shouldn't make you want to give up and keep that stereotype alive.
It should make you want to better's motivation separate yourself and continue your education..Rise above the rest.
Originally Posted by NT OG

Blacks do a lot of things that hold their progression back....while also blaming it on the white man.
I do agree that we as a people do actually hold our progression back with certain
things that we do... but for some reason Whites tend to forget or downplay the things that
they did and our still doing to hold our progression back.
Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by NT OG

Blacks do a lot of things that hold their progression back....while also blaming it on the white man.
I do agree that we as a people do actually hold our progression back with certain
things that we do... but for some reason Whites tend to forget or downplay the things that
they did and our still doing to hold our progression back.
I want to chime in on this comment too. NT I know there are plenty of black people who want to blame everything on "the man keepingthem down"...but don't sit up here and laugh it off like some white people don't try to hold black people down sometimes.

I know there is a black..well half black man in office, but racism in corporate America and other parts of our society are still alive and well.
Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by NT OG

Blacks do a lot of things that hold their progression back....while also blaming it on the white man.
I do agree that we as a people do actually hold our progression back with certain
things that we do... but for some reason Whites tend to forget or downplay the things that
they did and our still doing to hold our progression back.
IMO blacks oversimplify the problem, while whites tend to under simplify the problem and as a result, we'll never find the medium we need.

The stereotype of young black men always doing wrong shouldn't make you want to give up and keep that stereotypealive.
It should make you want to better's motivation separate yourself and continue your education..Rise above therest.

I agree greatly with you on this statement. This is one of the reasons why i'm so focused, i'm trying to break down barriers and prejudice for myfellow black men.
All i need is my michelle obama
, but it's so hard findingone
You guys just don't understand it though. I am hungry to bring about change, a hunger fueled by romantic notions of the civil rights movement and a desireto be a part of something bigger than myself.
No one's gonna help you if you don't help yourself first. Same thinking applies here. If the black community isn't gonna help itself, whiteswon't feel the need to help out. Now there are some people who still try their hardest, and they're the ones that make it. But most won't becauseof the lack of support, encouragement, and even hostility.

I'm Asian and I grew up in inner-city Los Angeles. I went to an inner-city high school in Los Angeles. The successful black students that I knew and sawdidn't have black friends. They were friends with the smarter kids. They're not going be be friends who were going to make fun of them for learning andstudying.

Btw...You're gonna have a hard time convincing white people today that they're responsible for what their ancestors did.
Yup, I've been called "too proper" and "white" before, but I could really careless anymore. I am who I am.
i speak proper english. and im from cali. so when dc/md/va ppl hear me talk. they say i talk white as well. so dont feel bad.
Mastamind89 wrote:
Yup, I've been called "too proper" and "white" before, but I could really careless anymore. I am who I am.
Yeah. And people are always asking"Where are you from?" They seriously don't think I'm from the South, I guess they expect me tosound country or BS like that.
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