So Serious

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

black women are probably the most generalized and least respected person on the planet.

Dadadada!!!! Lot black dudes on this website for some reason have to step on top of a black woman to make themselves feel better and then turn around and school everyone on eurocentrism at the same damn time. HILARIOUS. Thats why I quit entering these black post because the hypocrisy and selfishness is crushing.

glad someone else noticed it...

You've both been decieved...

It's not only Black men on this board...Niketalk is a male dominated forum. I'd like to think that it's a microcosm of the actual country.Therefore, Caucasians are the predominant group followed by w/e other racial groups...Point is Niketalk is a MALE DOMINATED forum.

For you to sit there, and state--with no clarification whatsoever--that black dudes are misogynistic, but even worse--imply that they are the ONLY misogynisticmembers on this forum is quite frankly--irresponsible and ignorant of You.

The majority of dudes on this forum are sexist--and it has nothing to do with being black...get it straight...



On another note however, OP's og post brought up another dynamic I'd always mused about. Why is that when a successful black woman "gets"with a "white guy", she is considered to be doing good, if not, big things. Granted, her family members and close associates, if they are black, willgive her a lil flak about it but ultimately, she is percieved as doing good for herself. However, when a successful black man "gets" with a"white woman", more often than not, he is the subject of whispered critisms. He is considered a sellout to his people. Essentially, what's reallygood with this...

LOL come on you gonna call me Bruce Lee and call me out for my generalizing?

I'm pretty sure high school students have been taught about slavery...they're damn well aware of their ancestors did. Slavery is huge part of America's history. I dont think any school skipped over 400 years of history...

That was the whole point

Look, I'm not going to go in depth with the uninformed, especially when it's blatant that black history is not adequately implemented into thecurriculum of most public schools. Your statement about slavery proves that. My own academic career up to college also proves my point.

Take black history in college and you'll learn what SHOULD be taught. I have a great professor and it's a rewarding experience to learn the truth.
Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by NT OG


you have another definition for a typical black kid? or are you gonna say there is no such thing as a typical anything.

EHHHH... being that white people generalize black people EVERYDAY... I think it's okay for me to generalize whites... i>D

Oh okay so the typical black kid is WORTHLESS and NOT successful right? Thanks for the knowledge!
The statement that you quoted was simply an ignorant statement on my part... which I will admit...

Qft!!!!! What the hell is a typical black kid????? Staying in a slum infested neiborhood ???? Play BASKETBALL WELL, but is not smart??? Speaks brokenEnglish??? Is brolic and likes to fight????
Originally Posted by NT OG

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Hey Bruce Lee, chill on the generalizations alright?

Btw...You're gonna have a hard time convincing white people today that they're responsible for what their ancestors did.
Do you know why? It's because most American's are unaware of their own country's history, nobody claims white people today are responsible anyway. They've simply carried the torch.

LOL come on you gonna call me Bruce Lee and call me out for my generalizing?

I'm pretty sure white high school students have been taught about slavery...they're damn well aware of their ancestors did. Slavery is huge part of America's history. I dont think any school skipped over 400 years of history...

Oh okay so the typical black kid is WORTHLESS and NOT successful right? Thanks for the knowledge!

The statement that you quoted was simply an ignorant statement on my part... which I will admit...

no..not worthless...they still have a chance to go to a community college and get an education and be successful.

sheesh. yall tryna call me out on my racism and look at yall.
can't have your cake and eat it too guys.

Oh okay... thanks for letting me know that basically the typical black kid is NOT successful therefore is unequal to kids of other races!
You sir... are VERY ignorant...
Oh okay... thanks for letting me know that basically the typical black kid is NOT successful therefore is unequal to kids of other races!
You sir... are VERY ignorant...

what do you mean successful? like as in school? if you're talking about schooling, then I would agree. Most black kids aren't successful in school.

and by kids I mean middle school / high school..... if you're in college,,then I would definitely say you've been successful...

but where the hell did I say a black kid is not equal to a kid of another race?

but if you ARE saying that they are indeed equal to kids of other races....then why aren't they able to excel in schoollike a white kid or asian kid?

Qft!!!!! What the hell is a typical black kid????? Staying in a slum infested neiborhood ???? Play BASKETBALL WELL, but is not smart??? Speaks broken English??? Is brolic and likes to fight????

i already said it. bad grades...bad grammar..doesn't give a +#++ about education. if you wanna throw in that basketball stuff..that's you. i would saythat most blacks live the worse parts of town..and that's why moving to the suburbs is such a big deal.

and you see how you have your own definition of a typical black kid? with no help from me? yea.....that's how a lot of people would say a typical back kidis...

and b smooth..i wasnt sure if that the bruce lee comment was sarcasm or not...but I wasn't offended by it or anything. it's just hard to sense sarcasmover the internet than in real life.

anymore questions for this inner city los angeles asian kid guys? I'm here all day.
Originally Posted by NT OG

Oh okay... thanks for letting me know that basically the typical black kid is NOT successful therefore is unequal to kids of other races!
You sir... are VERY ignorant...

what do you mean successful? like as in school? if you're talking about schooling, then I would agree. Most black kids aren't successful in school.

and by kids I mean middle school / high school..... if you're in college,,then I would definitely say you've been successful...

but where the hell did I say a black kid is not equal to a kid of another race?

but if you ARE saying that they are indeed equal to kids of other races....then why aren't they able to excel in school like a white kid or asian kid?
You are basically saying that a black kid is not equal to a kid of another race simply because it is your opinion that YOUR "so called"
typical "black kid" doesn't do the same things as their counterparts of other races... as if black kids aren't naturally successful and kidsof
other races are... therefore YOU are saying that black kids are unequal to kids of other races...
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

black women are probably the most generalized and least respected person on the planet.

Dadadada!!!! Lot black dudes on this website for some reason have to step on top of a black woman to make themselves feel better and then turn around and school everyone on eurocentrism at the same damn time. HILARIOUS. Thats why I quit entering these black post because the hypocrisy and selfishness is crushing.

glad someone else noticed it...

You've both been decieved...

It's not only Black men on this board...Niketalk is a male dominated forum. I'd like to think that it's a microcosm of the actual country. Therefore, Caucasians are the predominant group followed by w/e other racial groups...Point is Niketalk is a MALE DOMINATED forum.

For you to sit there, and state--with no clarification whatsoever--that black dudes are misogynistic, but even worse--imply that they are the ONLY misogynistic members on this forum is quite frankly--irresponsible and ignorant of You.

The majority of dudes on this forum are sexist--and it has nothing to do with being black...get it straight...



On another note however, OP's og post brought up another dynamic I'd always mused about. Why is that when a successful black woman "gets" with a "white guy", she is considered to be doing good, if not, big things. Granted, her family members and close associates, if they are black, will give her a lil flak about it but ultimately, she is percieved as doing good for herself. However, when a successful black man "gets" with a "white woman", more often than not, he is the subject of whispered critisms. He is considered a sellout to his people. Essentially, what's really good with this...


On that first statement you clearly read what you wanted to read. Reread it and get it straight.

And if you honesty think black women dating and/or marrying white are seen as doing big things and receive none if not just as much criticisms as black menthen you are terribly mistaken. Just walking with white male friends the occasional "WOW you couldn't get a black dude?" "he cant handle allthat"...etc. is not a rare event. If thats your personal observation then fine but unlike you I won't and wouldn't state it as an absolute.

Which I definitely didn't in my first statement the term "Lots" was a clear indication that I wasn't stating in absolutes. In other wordsthis @@*! "they are the ONLY misogynistic members on this forum" wasn't what I was trying to say.
Originally Posted by NT OG

Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

Originally Posted by NT OG

No one's gonna help you if you don't help yourself first. Same thinking applies here. If the black community isn't gonna help itself, whites
won't feel the need to help out. Now there are some people who still try their hardest, and they're the ones that make it. But most won't because
of the lack of support, encouragement, and even hostility.

I'm Asian and I grew up in inner-city Los Angeles. I went to an inner-city high school in Los Angeles. The successful black students that I knew and saw
didn't have black friends. They were friends with the smarter kids. They're not going be be friends who were going to make fun of them for learning and

Btw...You're gonna have a hard time convincing white people today that they're responsible for what their ancestors did.
dude i started to type a complete essay on the +$+% you're saying. try thinking beyond your microscopic world fam. you aint black so you don't know the half. you havent walked a day in a black person's shoes. maybe if this post garners some intelligent discussion I'll chime in, but you sound just like any other white person.


Like I said..I'm Asian..lived in inner city los angeles my whole life...went to inner city high school my whole life. don't say that I had more advantages than any black, latino, asian, or whatever other race you can think of.

This is what I've known and seen. I really don't wanna say this..but I was friends with the succesful black students. One of my best friends was black.
The other black students...? I played ball with them.

If you disagree with what I said....point out out what you disagree with. Don't just stoneface me and tell me I'm not black. I already said I was Asian. :rofl:
i have a ton to type on this subject, and I really doubt ill get all of it out efficiently and who the hell wants to read an essay? its almostinevitable though.

for background, I'm an african american male. I went to an 80% black high school with the other 20% was mainly hispanic and a some asian/white

Let me start off by saying a lot of the criticism blacks get now a days from their own has to deal with images white america has engrained into our heads asbad. obviously there is some warranted criticism, but there are still racial prejudices that are engrained by white I'm curious as to howold are you? I've worked in corporate america during college and what people fail to realize is that there are cultural differences amongst differentraces. articulating is not the same as talking white in the first place. yes the argument can be made that whites articulate most but whatever. now I'vebeen around/worked around white people since I've graduated from HS. My college is basically all white. White people can talk and act comfortably in anysituation because they are the majority. When there are work parties and white people want to get drunk and act however, its considered funny. When they wantto talk however they please about whatever they please its funny or interesting.

The minute a black person does the same thing its ignorant. If I get drunk and start dancing the way my culture does I look ignorant. It's ****ing. Ican talk plainchant in my own african american dialect and give you just an equally intelligent conversation. problem is when I start to get into my comfortzone, people cant get past the fact that im talking "ignorant" and they aren't hearing what I'm saying because it sounds so different to whatthe majority believes is the correct way to talk when you're in your "comfort zone". There are tons of black people making moves in corporateamerica, and for you to minimize the walk that people are going through is ignorant. You think there aren't "successful" black people that donthave to deal with opression. Thing is most of them have gotten used to it and keep pressing on. That doesnt mean racism doesnt exist.

now how bout you even think back to the fact that african americans were slaves in this country in the first place. what do you know about the grandfatherclause? people in places of high authority will continue to be in places of high authority. when i was growing up in high school, I was minimized to my scopeof the community I lived in. I had to go to my HS because my parents cant afford to pay for me to go to a better school. and why was that? because theirparents couldnt afford to pay for them to go to a better school? and why is that? you get the picture. Now I happened to be that lucky break in the chainthat was able to get out of my community and do better. why though? because my parents urged me because I had more opportunity than they did. But even withthat said, I did awesome in HS, but my educational system from HS was so much worse that it was a hindrance amongst everyone else. why? because their parentswere able to afford a good HS education.

now i could type on and on about different instances, but you trying to minimize the situation as if there are no downward forces is just ignorant. andyou're asian homie. you havent had to shake the stigma of the lazy or "ghetto" or "militant" stereotype. yall are looked on as hardworkers. just look at the demographics of higher education and the work world. im already tired of typing
, but your minimalization is what i hear white people do all the time and ofcourse you can't convince people that what their ancestors did is their fault, but you can definitely convince people that what their ancestors did was anactual problem and set back which is why we have things in place to try to help make up for that per se, but we still have a long way to go
Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

black women are probably the most generalized and least respected person on the planet.

Dadadada!!!! Lot black dudes on this website for some reason have to step on top of a black woman to make themselves feel better and then turn around and school everyone on eurocentrism at the same damn time. HILARIOUS. Thats why I quit entering these black post because the hypocrisy and selfishness is crushing.
i cant speak for everyone, but women are women period. Ithink women in general all have the same problems. and i wont lie, sometimes the dumb shh they think/say is baffling to me. but it doesn't matter. ithink all women have problem. but i do think that black dudes who tend to *%%% on black women are the wackest of wack and generally aren't strong enoughto cater to a black woman. but as a black woman, please dont try to act like black women are the only women who get !!@$ on
NT OG I was with you for a minute, but now you're making yourself look ignorant with the bias generalizations.
Why were you attending an inner city school in the first place? You're Asian right? School is a top priority right? Every Asian is successful right?
Why weren't you attending a private school like myself to get the best education? (I'm African American)
I guess you're parents aren't as smart as mine since you grew up in the inner city and not the suburbs like myself.

The thing that helps you come as a racist is you fail to mention any other races when making these generalizations, and when you do they are all positivetoward every ethnic group but African Americans. You went to an inner city school, therefore dealing with ignorant students was inevitable, however if youattended a private school like myself you would see that African American students are able to do anything any other race can do. You make it sound like everyAsian/White person that attended your school are successful. Stop making it a race thing. It's an income thing.
the sad part is i loved my black woman growing up, but once i hit middle school/high school i realized a good 80+ percent of them only messing with the bum____s. as a result my game shifted to other races, and black woman have the nerve to mean mug or claim their arent any good black men out there anymore. smh
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

black women are probably the most generalized and least respected person on the planet.

Dadadada!!!! Lot black dudes on this website for some reason have to step on top of a black woman to make themselves feel better and then turn around and school everyone on eurocentrism at the same damn time. HILARIOUS. Thats why I quit entering these black post because the hypocrisy and selfishness is crushing.
i cant speak for everyone, but women are women period. I think women in general all have the same problems. and i wont lie, sometimes the dumb shh they think/say is baffling to me. but it doesn't matter. i think all women have problem. but i do think that black dudes who tend to *%%% on black women are the wackest of wack and generally aren't strong enough to cater to a black woman. but as a black woman, please dont try to act like black women are the only women who get !!@$ on

Until I use the word only then I'll mean only.

So far I've never assume that black women are the only people who get +%%%*%! on.
It is annoying just like white people do to black people in general to see black men downplay what black women are going through.
For those who need clarification I see black men on this website specifically complaining about not being heard or dismissed by white people and/or schoolingpeople about eurocentrism and its negative effects, but are turning around and doing the same to black women and/or are the most affected by eurocentrism inregards to black women themselves.
To me its hypocritical and selfish and I called it out.

Its a cycle yall not recognizing it comes you're dismissing.
I'm Asian. I went to a high school that was probably 50% Latino, 25% Asian, and 25% black. and maybe like 3 white people.
I'm a freshman (turning19 in a couple of days) in college where the majority is white. Totally different from my HS. I wanted to go somewhere different. I'm not your"typical"Asian (typical being what you said..hard working, smart, good grades). I had like 2.8 GPA...didn't apply myself in HS. I'd ratherhang out with my black and latino friends because we had more in common.

Of course people do have to realize that they're are cultural differences. Like how Blacks think it's ok to speak with bad grammar, using slang, etc.But people also have to realize that this isn't appropriate around races like white people(I dunno what race a white person is
). People also have torealize that you won't be able to be in your "comfort zone" even when you should be able to. This is not an ideal world. It might not be fair,but you'll have to deal with it. Of course then there are the people who make the choice to behave "ignorantly", and there are consequences forthat. I don't see how I'm downplaying a black person's move up the corporate ladder though. It's definitely hard when you're black becauseof the stereotypes black have. These people went against their culture and decided for themselves. That takes a lot of guts.

The grandfather clause? The clause where you couldn't vote if your grandfather was a slave? Black codes?
. I knew that because the only AP class I tookwas US History. Got a 4 on the test. I know more about black history than I know about my history. How many black people in that class btw? Maybe about 1 or 2out of 30. My parents didn't have money to send me to a good school. They were refugees and immigrated over here from Vietnam because of the war. My momnever went to college even though she was the best in her class. Why? The communists wouldn't let her because her father was a Colonel in the SouthVietnamese Army. My dad? He had to go fight in the war. He wound up in a "re-education" camp(concentration camp is what it really is) for 18 years.They came over here poor as dirt. Now? They're still not that much better off. You think Asians have it easy or something?

I'm going to have to assume that you're talking about things affirmative action and why it should be in place. Why just for Blacks and Latinos though?Asians don't get it even though we are a minority. Because we're Asian, we're supposed to get good grades and not need affirmative action? I do seewhy we need affirmative action. But race shouldn't be the qualifying factor. It should be economical.

StaXX wrote:
NT OG I was with you for a minute, but now you're making yourself look ignorant with the bias generalizations.
Why were you attending an inner city school in the first place? You're Asian right? School is a top priority right? Every Asian is successful right?
Why weren't you attending a private school like myself to get the best education? (I'm African American)
I guess you're parents aren't as smart as mine since you grew up in the inner city and not the suburbs like myself.

The thing that helps you come as a racist is you fail to mention any other races when making these generalizations, and when you do they are all positive toward every ethnic group but African Americans. You went to an inner city school, therefore dealing with ignorant students was inevitable, however if you attended a private school like myself you would see that African American students are able to do anything any other race can do. You make it sound like every Asian/White person that attended your school are successful. Stop making it a race thing. It's an income thing.

I never said every Asian was successful. I can't help it if most generalizations of Blacks are negative and generalizations of Whites and Asians. Iwholeheartedly agree that's it's an income thing. My family has been poor for as long as I can remember . My dad has post-traumatic stress disorder andmy mother has epilepsy. Courts have ruled that they cannot work. My mom can't even drive legally drive because of her epilepsy. I was born into unfortunatecircumstances and I'm trying to make the best of it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that a lot Blacks complain that the government and the system is holding and keeping them down. What I see is that themajority of Blacks aren't trying to do anything about it. Granted some Blacks might not be able to do anything about it all. But most can, because I'veseen poor Asians make it into Berkeley, UCLA, USC, etc. So why can't Blacks do the same? I don't go to any of those schools by the way.

and I can't speak on Black women..I only know 2 of them and they're close friends. One is really white washed. (oops?
) and the other one is amuslim.
they're best friends and they're like complete opposites.

call me out on anything I said or missed...
- Speaking proper English is imperative, particularly in surroundings where you are critically judged by others.
- Prior to my entrance to ANY classroom environment, I give myself a deep wedgie and from that point on, only the King's English......The secret has beenrevealed.

- Life is waay too short to worry about perceptions, stereotypes; positive, negative or other.

- I'll worry about that feces in my next life.
It's whatever. I've been an outcast all my life for talking too proper, being too light-skinned, being too polite, et. al. At 21, there's nothinganyone can tell me to change who I am and what I stand for.

And I love my Black women.
Originally Posted by NT OG

I'm Asian. I went to a high school that was probably 50% Latino, 25% Asian, and 25% black. and maybe like 3 white people.
I'm a freshman (turning 19 in a couple of days) in college where the majority is white. Totally different from my HS. I wanted to go somewhere different. I'm not your "typical"Asian (typical being what you said..hard working, smart, good grades). I had like 2.8 GPA...didn't apply myself in HS. I'd rather hang out with my black and latino friends because we had more in common.

Of course people do have to realize that they're are cultural differences. Like how Blacks think it's ok to speak with bad grammar, using slang, etc. But people also have to realize that this isn't appropriate around races like white people(I dunno what race a white person is
). People also have to realize that you won't be able to be in your "comfort zone" even when you should be able to. This is not an ideal world. It might not be fair, but you'll have to deal with it. Of course then there are the people who make the choice to behave "ignorantly", and there are consequences for that. I don't see how I'm downplaying a black person's move up the corporate ladder though. It's definitely hard when you're black because of the stereotypes black have. These people went against their culture and decided for themselves. That takes a lot of guts.

The grandfather clause? The clause where you couldn't vote if your grandfather was a slave? Black codes?
. I knew that because the only AP class I took was US History. Got a 4 on the test. I know more about black history than I know about my history. How many black people in that class btw? Maybe about 1 or 2 out of 30. My parents didn't have money to send me to a good school. They were refugees and immigrated over here from Vietnam because of the war. My mom never went to college even though she was the best in her class. Why? The communists wouldn't let her because her father was a Colonel in the South Vietnamese Army. My dad? He had to go fight in the war. He wound up in a "re-education" camp(concentration camp is what it really is) for 18 years. They came over here poor as dirt. Now? They're still not that much better off. You think Asians have it easy or something?

I'm going to have to assume that you're talking about things affirmative action and why it should be in place. Why just for Blacks and Latinos though? Asians don't get it even though we are a minority. Because we're Asian, we're supposed to get good grades and not need affirmative action? I do see why we need affirmative action. But race shouldn't be the qualifying factor. It should be economical.

StaXX wrote:

NT OG I was with you for a minute, but now you're making yourself look ignorant with the bias generalizations.
Why were you attending an inner city school in the first place? You're Asian right? School is a top priority right? Every Asian is successful right?
Why weren't you attending a private school like myself to get the best education? (I'm African American)
I guess you're parents aren't as smart as mine since you grew up in the inner city and not the suburbs like myself.

The thing that helps you come as a racist is you fail to mention any other races when making these generalizations, and when you do they are all positive toward every ethnic group but African Americans. You went to an inner city school, therefore dealing with ignorant students was inevitable, however if you attended a private school like myself you would see that African American students are able to do anything any other race can do. You make it sound like every Asian/White person that attended your school are successful. Stop making it a race thing. It's an income thing.

I never said every Asian was successful. I can't help it if most generalizations of Blacks are negative and generalizations of Whites and Asians. I wholeheartedly agree that's it's an income thing. My family has been poor for as long as I can remember . My dad has post-traumatic stress disorder and my mother has epilepsy. Courts have ruled that they cannot work. My mom can't even drive legally drive because of her epilepsy. I was born into unfortunate circumstances and I'm trying to make the best of it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that a lot Blacks complain that the government and the system is holding and keeping them down. What I see is that the majority of Blacks aren't trying to do anything about it. Granted some Blacks might not be able to do anything about it all. But most can, because I've seen poor Asians make it into Berkeley, UCLA, USC, etc. So why can't Blacks do the same? I don't go to any of those schools by the way.

and I can't speak on Black women..I only know 2 of them and they're close friends. One is really white washed. (oops?
) and the other one is a muslim.
they're best friends and they're like complete opposites.

call me out on anything I said or missed...
They can? They do. Are you saying that there are no African Americans that attend Berkley, UCLA, & USC?
It's statements like this, which make you look ignorant. You're basically saying the same thing, and placing whites/asians on a pedestal, all comes down to income. If you went to a poor Caucasian/Asian high school, you would see the same things that helped you conclude this notion thatAfrican Americans aren't able to do what Caucasian/Asians can do.

As for the generalizations, you're spreading propaganda stating that African Americans aren't capable of doing what other races can do so yes, you canhelp it.
Cut the stereotypes out. Just because you're Asian you know karate, and own a nail shop, and make all my Nikes?..No. I didn't think so. Everyindividual is different man. I don't personally know you, but how would you feel if I linked you to all those things? Exactly.. take every person for whothey are, and stop categorizing groups of people.
They can? They do. Are you saying that there are no African Americans that attend Berkley, UCLA, & USC?
It's statements like this, which make you look ignorant. You're basically saying the same thing, and placing whites/asians on a pedestal, and all comes down to income. If you went to a poor Caucasian/Asian high school, you would see the same things that helped you conclude this notion that African Americans aren't able to do what Caucasian/Asians can do.

As for the generalizations, you're spreading propaganda stating that African Americans aren't capable of doing what other races can do so yes, you can help it.
Cut the stereotypes out. Just because you're Asian you know karate, and own a nail shop, and make all my Nikes?..No. I didn't think so. Every individual is different man. I don't personally know you, but how would you feel if I linked you to all those things? Exactly.. take every person for who they are, and stop categorizing groups of people.

Yea. That's exactly what I'm saying.
Of course there are Blacks at those schools. But if you look at the percentage of Black students at thoseschools, it's tiny in comparison to the other races, even worse when you want to compare it to the whole Black population.

I already said I wholeheartedly agree with you that it's an income issue. I don't see what you're arguing about.

How the hell am I putting whites and Asians on a pedestal? This is what I see happening. Most of them are getting into the good colleges, while most Blacksaren't. This is reality.

Most blacks do have the capability to get into a good college. Most choose to not utilize that capability, some do utilize that capability,and some just don't have that capability.

What I've posted is my first-hand experience with Blacks. I don't see anything wrong with posting what I've experienced with Blacks.

You might have a problem with it because it perpetuates the stereotypes of Blacks, but that doesn't mean what I've experienced is false.
How about everyone stops fighting and goes out and does something about problems rather than complain over the internet?
Originally Posted by demcovici

How about everyone stops fighting and goes out and does something about problems rather than complain over the internet?

Why do so many people assume because we talk abou something on the internet we aren't doing anything to help?
What I don't get (and I'm white...if that matters? It shouldn't but whatever...) is that it's apparently a bad thing to speak with propergrammar, enunciate, and use words that actually exist?

You speak correctly, and you get ridiculed for it?

That's ******ed.

Sorry for those who get that kind of reaction for trying to be educated.
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