So the womens say that they don't like a-holes...

Originally Posted by Pmighty

Originally Posted by suprastar

me and my friends talk about this all the time like one of my of mans always plays this nice guy role and chicks be like awww he is so nice why cant yall act like him...but the funny thing about that is he gets no girls lmao....they be like he's so nice to talk to but thats all they do nothing else hahahahaha and im like man dont no women want a nice guy...then the other day im in the car with my ex girl and she knows i have a girl now and everything she like i dont like you cuz you such a dog to women but then at the same time she like thats what i like about you tho...i just started laughing and turned the music up to some GUCCI


women between the age of 18 and 27 love holes of the "a" type. probably because most of them are NOT looking to settle down with anything serious,which makes it easier to break up with holes of the "a" type in the long run
Originally Posted by FreshPrince

women between the age of 18 and 27 love holes of the "a" type. probably because most of them are NOT looking to settle down with anything serious, which makes it easier to break up with holes of the "a" type in the long run

Originally Posted by kaleidAsc0pe

Originally Posted by FreshPrince

women between the age of 18 and 27 love holes of the "a" type. probably because most of them are NOT looking to settle down with anything serious, which makes it easier to break up with holes of the "a" type in the long run


can someone please teach me how to be a-hole! (im being serious)

i need to learn... hate bing the nice/funny/stoner- guy
i used to always be attracted to a holes but i'm past that phase, i've learn to become one, since i couldn't beat them, i joined them. life isbetter on the "other side"
Originally Posted by dunks87

i used to always be attracted to a holes but i'm past that phase, i've learn to become one, since i couldn't beat them, i joined them. life is better on the "other side"

I was with an ex last night who made that same transformation....NOT a good look
Woman love a-holes. The next girl you meet, ask her about the last dude she messed with. 9 times outta 10 shes gonna say that he was an a-hole.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by dunks87

i used to always be attracted to a holes but i'm past that phase, i've learn to become one, since i couldn't beat them, i joined them. life is better on the "other side"

I was with an ex last night who made that same transformation....NOT a good look

hey you guys push us to these places, if you don't like it, you have no one to blame but yourselves.
Originally Posted by Battousai701

women take nice guys for granted

not all women.
i've liked nice guys before, and the reason that things did not work out had nothing to do with them being nice.
nice guys> a holes...
but unfortunately there's a lot more a holes out there then nice guys.
so it's hard to take something for granted when it's a rare commodity to begin with.
Is funny cause i was talkin about this topic with my boys...there always telling me that im too nice with girls an if i want the girl i gotta be a mix of bothan a-hole and a nice guy here an there. From what i learned it is true cause girls do want someone thats nice but not too nice to the point that he's doingeverything and anything for the girl..there has to be some fine line...but idk girls are confusing lol they say one thing but want another so i jus try ananalyze every girl an situation cause each girl is different cant be an a-hole to all of them but you cant be nice to all of them...
Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by Battousai701

women take nice guys for granted

not all women.
i've liked nice guys before, and the reason that things did not work out had nothing to do with them being nice.
nice guys> a holes...
but unfortunately there's a lot more a holes out there then nice guys.
so it's hard to take something for granted when it's a rare commodity to begin with.
BUT when women come across these "rare commodities" they don't just jump on the opportunity, more times than not they let it go andtake the niceness for granted and enjoy the short term happiness.

just my tip of the iceberg analysis, whatever the reason may be the nice guy doesn't stand out, so the true essence of the nice guy isn't seen, and thenice guy is too nice to bluntly point it out so they depart just as they met...believe me I know...really
Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by dunks87

i used to always be attracted to a holes but i'm past that phase, i've learn to become one, since i couldn't beat them, i joined them. life is better on the "other side"

I was with an ex last night who made that same transformation....NOT a good look

hey you guys push us to these places, if you don't like it, you have no one to blame but yourselves.
Originally Posted by C Money 88 05

Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by Battousai701

women take nice guys for granted

not all women.
i've liked nice guys before, and the reason that things did not work out had nothing to do with them being nice.
nice guys> a holes...
but unfortunately there's a lot more a holes out there then nice guys.
so it's hard to take something for granted when it's a rare commodity to begin with.
BUT when women come across these "rare commodities" they don't just jump on the opportunity, more times than not they let it go and take the niceness for granted and enjoy the short term happiness.

just my tip of the iceberg analysis, whatever the reason may be the nice guy doesn't stand out, so the true essence of the nice guy isn't seen, and the nice guy is too nice to bluntly point it out so they depart just as they met...believe me I know...really
you on point right there my mind
yea u need a mix of douch and nice guy

theres a difference btw being nice and being the "nice guy"

a guy can be nice but still be alpha by being assertive

the"nice guy" does it because he cares about others opinion of him and lets other walk over him
"Why cant i ever find a nice guy that likes me for me??"
Then the next thing you know their back to the same kinda dudes.
Originally Posted by Jfresh7

ask her about the last dude she messed with. 9 times outta 10 shes gonna say that he was an a-hole.
QFT!! My current GF said that about her last ex when we first started talking.

Originally Posted by Battousai701

women take nice guys for granted
Not all the time.................but about 90% of the time.
Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by dunks87

i used to always be attracted to a holes but i'm past that phase, i've learn to become one, since i couldn't beat them, i joined them. life is better on the "other side"

I was with an ex last night who made that same transformation....NOT a good look

hey you guys push us to these places, if you don't like it, you have no one to blame but yourselves.

We can't make you do anything, YOU choose to let us effect you

If I changed due to the women in my life I would be on some Joker status
Originally Posted by roback1991

There's a difference between being an "a-hole" and being confident and a tad cocky at the right times.

It's all about balance, family. You need to know when to be a sensitive, sweet, nice guy and you need to know when to be the cocky, masculine MAN that makes her feel safe and keeps her on her toes.

Women aren't so cut and dry - they're complicated.

Love em' or leave em.
Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by Battousai701

women take nice guys for granted

not all women.
i've liked nice guys before, and the reason that things did not work out had nothing to do with them being nice.
nice guys> a holes...
but unfortunately there's a lot more a holes out there then nice guys.
so it's hard to take something for granted when it's a rare commodity to begin with.
well of course not ALL women... but of course u knew that right?

most often than not, u hear "i wish i can find a nice guy..." the thing is theyre really not looking for one. theres a difference between beingattracted to a nice guy and ideally being with a nice guy.

we always hear girls say... "i used to be into a-holes, now im not" or "i dated a-holes and was into those bad boy types" etc etc.

i wanna see a female honestly post that they still currently like the a-hole alpha male type
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