So, we're back at war in Iraq/Syria. Still think we should have pulled out of Iraq?

Take it up with isis. The mass amount of deflection is staggering. If you are killing people who aren't muslim in the name of Islam then you are a Muslim organization. They call themselves islamic and I believe them.

When Christians kill abortion doctors it's well known they did it as an extremist Christian.

The only propoganda coming at the moment is from people who want to pretend that people chopping heads off in the name of Islam has nothing to do with Islam. Even if 1 percent of followers are extremist that's millions and millions of people.

This alliance between liberalism and radical Islam is curious. I guess they just believe in moral relativism.

So because a small group of people choose to bastardize a religion that automatically means that's what the religion is about?

You sound childish.

Islam is a religion of peace and the people that carry out these horrendous acts in the name of Islam are shunned by true believers as they should be, but that's not the story america wants told the US media wants to vilify an entire religion so that people here don't feel bad for all the innocent people being murdered or pay attention the fact that our nation just cant seem to mind it's own damn business. When in reality our armed forces are only in the middle east for oil and to do whatever israel wants us to apparently.
Of course not all Muslims are terrorists, but 99% of terrorists are Muslim. Ted Kacynski didn't knock down the twin towers, behead our people, and take over large amounts of territory like ISIS is doing. Just to name a few of their atrocities.

this is flat out offensive and can not be supported with any sort of facts

some of you dudes have soo much hate in your hearts it's scary

Terrorism-the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

now you really want to say that 99% of terrorist are Muslim? By definition terrorist are everywhere including in our government.

**** that definition sounds like what this very country was built on
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At the end of the day these terrorists we've been fighting, since the 80s do all they so in the name of Islam. They are Muslim and they want it to be known.
At the end of the day these terrorists we've been fighting, since the 80s do all they so in the name of Islam. They are Muslim and they want it to be known.

That doesn't mean they represent Muslims everywhere nor is it a reflection of the beliefs of Islam

Catholic priest having being sexually assaulting children for a couple hundred years, yet the entire religion isn't held responsible.

Yet some how if a small group of people who claim to be Muslims do terrible things its supposed to be a reflection of everyone who follows Islamic teachings.

That's ********.
Take it up with isis. The mass amount of deflection is staggering. If you are killing people who aren't muslim in the name of Islam then you are a Muslim organization. They call themselves islamic and I believe them.

When Christians kill abortion doctors it's well known they did it as an extremist Christian.

The only propoganda coming at the moment is from people who want to pretend that people chopping heads off in the name of Islam has nothing to do with Islam. Even if 1 percent of followers are extremist that's millions and millions of people.

This alliance between liberalism and radical Islam is curious. I guess they just believe in moral relativism.

So you honestly believe in your warped little mind that Islam advocates the beheading of people not affiliated with islam you ignorant...... People who are chopping off heads happen to be Muslim and are acting on their own accord, Violence isn't advocated in Muslim religion.

That's equivalent to saying well Bush/Obama have killed hundreds of thousands world wide so Christians have systematic belief in killing all who oppose. Just because someone commits atrocities while claiming to be of a certain religion doesn't equate that religion with promoting those ideologies, because if that was the case christianity BY FAR would be considered a religion of beast and violence but nobody ever seems to state that.

Dudes are so ****** inept it's mind boggling.
FWIW, I've heard PLENTY of times where Timothy McVeigh etc. are referred to as "domestic terrorists." Same w/ some militia groups.
That doesn't mean they represent Muslims everywhere nor is it a reflection of the beliefs of Islam

Catholic priest having being sexually assaulting children for a couple hundred years, yet the entire religion isn't held responsible.

Yet some how if a small group of people who claim to be Muslims do terrible things its supposed to be a reflection of everyone who follows Islamic teachings.

That's ********.

You must not be familiar with me. I do blame all Catholics for the child rape. So that argument won't work with me. I don't know how the Islamic corporate structure works but if I did, I'd probably be against it if it's anything like the Catholics.
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At the end of the day these terrorists we've been fighting, since the 80s do all they so in the name of Islam. They are Muslim and they want it to be known.

In the view of another country... "at the end of the day these terrorist who have been attacking us and destabilizing our governments, and stealing our resources since the 80's, all do so in the name of Christianity. They are christian & they want it to be known"
i agree with obama he wants nothing to do with this crap
thats why he was forced to go in

but to get the job done in the long term ground troops need to be sent in
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I still can't believe this **** man
We got people dying over here
Homeless in our streets
People loosing jobs
People barely making enough to take care of their families
But we stay going everywhere else tryna bring democracy
And to police the world
And show the world what they're doing wrong
When we got ALLLLLLL this **** going on here
All this damn money they spend on missiles
Man my kids school needs books
**** my cousin needs money to go to college
**** my Patna needs a job
Why the **** can't we get out **** right over HERE first
**** gets me mad
I don't give 2 ***** about Isis
Yeah that's messed up what happened to the journalists
But damn didn't it happen to dude before
wasnt this the second time he got kidnapped
He knew the risks involved
Man we got our own cops killing our own citizens
Where's the justice that America be talking about when them cops get off
Man let someone else handle that Isis ****
Watch we gonna meet someone whose bite is bigger than our bark
China and Russia waiting in the wings :smh:
In the view of another country... "at the end of the day these terrorist who have been attacking us and destabilizing our governments, and stealing our resources since the 80's, all do so in the name of Christianity. They are christian & they want it to be known"

This is just silly. We have never fought a war with religious ideology as our reason. Please try again.
I wonder what NT's reaction would be if these terrorist where black and they were referred to black terrorist.

**** would be brewing QUICK :lol:
This is just silly. We have never fought a war with religious ideology as our reason. Please try again.

And you being the lost little boy that you are seem to think that throughout all these years these "Terrorist" groups are simply waging war because of Religion. Are they reading from some sort of secret testaments? because i'm sure that Muslim religion doesn't advocate the attack of innocent people or hostile takeovers.

But drown in your ignorance and act as if you know small things such as Money, territory, political structures, resources aren't an aim for these "extremist" groups (who most of the time have had several run ins with American officials & have often been helped in training or weaponry. No it's just these evil Muslims out to burn the world they just love to see **** burn :rolleyes

Get the **** off of this Earth with that
I wonder what NT's reaction would be if these terrorist where black and they were referred to black terrorist.

**** would be brewing QUICK :lol:
I don't get what race
or religious beliefs has to do with anything
a terrorists is a terrorist
Idk why I thought this was gonna turn into an intelligent discussion this was a bait/troll thread from the jump :lol:

And this dude said 99% of terrorists are Muslim

Lock this up man :rofl: :smh:
I wonder what NT's reaction would be if these terrorist where black and they were referred to black terrorist.

**** would be brewing QUICK :lol:

Well technically when thinking of Muslim religion it's NEVER depicted as one that is linked with white people or imagery that includes people with lack of Melanin but that's a WHOLE other story and motive for the constant attack of Muslim religion.
To say that the terrorists we're currently fighting are not doing what they're doing in the name of Islam is willful blindness. An to say that America is doing what we're doing in the name of Christianity is willful ignorance. Like seriously, if you said for oil, or nation building, or to spread democracy you might potentially have a point. But for Christianity? Try again.
Of course not all Muslims are terrorists, but 99% of terrorists are Muslim. Ted Kacynski didn't knock down the twin towers, behead our people, and take over large amounts of territory like ISIS is doing. Just to name a few of their atrocities.

This is the dumbest and most insulting thing I've EVER heard on NT. WOW

We have rules and regulations against racism on NT, but stuff like this can fly? Where is @Methodical Management to make sense of this? :lol:

Reported...seriously this time
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To say that the terrorists we're currently fighting are not doing what they're doing in the name of Islam is willful blindness. An to say that America is doing what we're doing in the name of Christianity is willful ignorance. Like seriously, if you said for oil, or nation building, or to spread democracy you might potentially have a point. But for Christianity? Try again.

But that's your opinion that's his whole point

The US opinion of right and wrong is spread around as fact like there isn't another side to this story

The fact that people have been sticking there noses in these countries business for decades couldn't possibly be why groups are lashing out no, no it must be their religion.

Miss me with that ****.
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