So, we're back at war in Iraq/Syria. Still think we should have pulled out of Iraq?

I'm sorry but I can't continue this argument. The terrorists we're fighting are Muslim, they have Muslim ideals, if they win they will spread their brand of Islam throughout the region. These are not opinions, these are facts.
I'm sorry but I can't continue this argument. The terrorists we're fighting are Muslim, they have Muslim ideals, if they win they will spread their brand of Islam throughout the region. These are not opinions, these are facts.

what are Muslim ideals?

you said it yourself THEIR BRAND
This is just silly. We have never fought a war with religious ideology as our reason. Please try again.
 Ever heard of Manifest Destiny? The doctrine where former US presidents believed that they had a "god given" duty of "civilizing" most of the Western Hemisphere,particularly in the Americas,in order to justify their expansionist and imperialistic policies throughout the 19th century. 
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Manifest Destiny was not a war. You all need to stop with these incredible reaches.

Don't ask me what Muslim ideals are. I'm not religious. An yes their brand...of Islam.
Manifest Destiny was not a war. You all need to stop with these incredible reaches.

Don't ask me what Muslim ideals are. I'm not religious. An yes their brand...of Islam.
 How is that a reach? Then what do you call the Indian Wars my dude? The Mexican-American war? Manifest destiny was grouped with the Monroe doctrine as the major driver behind the US foreign policy of the day
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Manifest Destiny was not a war. You all need to stop with these incredible reaches.

Don't ask me what Muslim ideals are. I'm not religious. An yes their brand...of Islam.

So you're talking out your ***?

nuff said.

And if almost wiping out a race of people for their land isn't war what is?

You should have sat this one out sport you're in waaaay over your head and you're just coming off as ignorant and close minded at this point.
 Yeah I don't what point you're trying to prove after that ignorant assumption earlier. Don't think anyone's denying the Islamic influence of a group that's called the "Islamic State"
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:lol:  Don't think anyone's denying the Islamic influence of a group that's called the "Islamic State"

People are 100% denying that. Many are vocally upset about people claiming isis is an Islamic group.....

Islamic advocates have asked David Cameron to stop calling it the Islamic state for exactly that reason. And Obama said that they are not islamists.

It's a strange position to take. There can be millions of peaceful Muslims but we are still fighting islamic terrorists who act in the name of Islam. Not sure why it's complicated and I detest the downplaying and deflection
I hate that "isis" etc are referred to as Muslim terrorist organizations nobody ever calls Ted Kaczynski a catholic terrorist, propaganda at it's finest, the US should face charges for constantly dragging an entire religion thew the mud for the sake of a make believe war.
Of course not all Muslims are terrorists, but 99% of terrorists are Muslim. Ted Kacynski didn't knock down the twin towers, behead our people, and take over large amounts of territory like ISIS is doing. Just to name a few of their atrocities.
Historically, this has been the face of terror in the United States:

By far, more of "our people" (Americans) have been murdered, maimed, and mutilated on American soil by White Supremacists than "Muslim Extremists."  That's not a relic of the distant past, either. 

Ted Kaczynski may not have "knocked down the Twin Towers," but Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building - an act inspired by "The Turner Diaries."  Ever hear about the "Dynamite Hill" neighborhood in "Bombingham," Alabama?  Beyond the four young women murdered in the 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church, there were over forty "unsolved" bombings in Birmingham alone committed to terrorize Black citizens and civil rights activists.  

As for "tak[ing] over large amounts of territory," let's not forget about the fact that North America was settled and occupied long before it was "discovered" and colonized by Europeans.  There's a history of attempted genocide in this country that can't be ignored.  And that's to say nothing of world history.  

My point isn't to engage in an exercise of "competitive suffering", but to expose this rhetoric for what it is:  biased.   If, based on the above, someone were to say, "not all White people are terrorists" or "not all Christians are terrorists" .... "but 99% of all terrorists are _____."   you'd flip the hell out.  There's a word for that:  stereotyping.  So don't play that game.  It's vulgar and bigoted.  
I hate that "isis" etc are referred to as Muslim terrorist organizations nobody ever calls Ted Kaczynski a catholic terrorist, propaganda at it's finest, the US should face charges for constantly dragging an entire religion thew the mud for the sake of a make believe war.
Of course not all Muslims are terrorists, but 99% of terrorists are Muslim. Ted Kacynski didn't knock down the twin towers, behead our people, and take over large amounts of territory like ISIS is doing. Just to name a few of their atrocities.
Here are forums more suited to your tastes:


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This is just wildly ignorant.

The sad part is that you probably don't even think you said anything WRONG.

Based on this thread, you probably think the police are just doing their job when they profile and abuse their power against their own citizens. Shoot, you probably think that Darren Wilson was just doing what he was supposed to when he murdered "killed" (don't want to offend you 
) Mike Brown.

That is very ironic, because that falls under terrorism.

Historically, this has been the face of terror in the United States:

By far, more of "our people" (Americans) have been murdered, maimed, and mutilated on American soil by White Supremacists than "Muslim Extremists."  That's not a relic of the distant past, either. 

Ted Kaczynski may not have "knocked down the Twin Towers," but Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building - an act inspired by "The Turner Diaries."  Ever hear about the "Dynamite Hill" neighborhood in "Bombingham," Alabama?  Beyond the four young women murdered in the 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church, there were over forty "unsolved" bombings in Birmingham alone committed to terrorize Black citizens and civil rights activists.  

As for "tak[ing] over large amounts of territory," let's not forget about the fact that North America was settled and occupied long before it was "discovered" and colonized by Europeans.  There's a history of attempted genocide in this country that can't be ignored.  And that's to say nothing of world history.  

My point isn't to engage in an exercise of "competitive suffering", but to expose this rhetoric for what it is:  biased.   If, based on the above, someone were to say, "not all White people are terrorists" or "not all Christians are terrorists" .... "but 99% of all terrorists are _____."   you'd flip the hell out.  There's a word for that:  stereotyping.  So don't play that game.  It's vulgar and bigoted.  
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Saddam should have never been taken out of power. He kept that whole area in check, with the US claim that he had WMD's. So no one tested him, now that he's gone everybody in that region with an agenda aren't afraid to pursue it. Those folks have been oppressed for too long and some are acting fool now that Saddam is gone. They got rid of Saddam cause he was getting too big for his britches, now all those folks that were scared have no fear and want the rest of the world to feel as they do.

Obama is going by it the right way. He is trying to get others in the fight. Americans aren't these guys only target and we shouldn't be the only ones fighting a worldly fight. I'm surprised the French are involved, they wanted nothing to do with the Iraq war.
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People are 100% denying that. Many are vocally upset about people claiming isis is an Islamic group.....

Islamic advocates have asked David Cameron to stop calling it the Islamic state for exactly that reason. And Obama said that they are not islamists.

It's a strange position to take. There can be millions of peaceful Muslims but we are still fighting islamic terrorists who act in the name of Islam. Not sure why it's complicated and I detest the downplaying and deflection
I think that most people in here were mostly upset about the "99% of terrorists are Muslim" claim which is completely false.

From what I've heard in his speeches and press conferences,Obama's repeatedly said that they don't represent true Islam and they perverse and twist Islam for their own barbaric agenda.
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Historically, this has been the face of terror in the United States:

View media item 1193086

By far, more of "our people" (Americans) have been murdered, maimed, and mutilated on American soil by White Supremacists than "Muslim Extremists."  That's not a relic of the distant past, either. 

Ted Kaczynski may not have "knocked down the Twin Towers," but Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building - an act inspired by "The Turner Diaries."  Ever hear about the "Dynamite Hill" neighborhood in "Bombingham," Alabama?  Beyond the four young women murdered in the 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church, there were over forty "unsolved" bombings in Birmingham alone committed to terrorize Black citizens and civil rights activists.  

As for "tak[ing] over large amounts of territory," let's not forget about the fact that North America was settled and occupied long before it was "discovered" and colonized by Europeans.  There's a history of attempted genocide in this country that can't be ignored.  And that's to say nothing of world history.  

My point isn't to engage in an exercise of "competitive suffering", but to expose this rhetoric for what it is:  biased.   If, based on the above, someone were to say, "not all White people are terrorists" or "not all Christians are terrorists" .... "but 99% of all terrorists are _____."   you'd flip the hell out.  There's a word for that:  stereotyping.  So don't play that game.  It's vulgar and bigoted.  

So you guys are telling me that the vast majority of modern day terrorism isn't carried out under the guise of Jihad and by Muslim extremists? That's all I was saying. I think it's pretty hard to deny that fact.

But ok, you all have resorted to name calling and ridicule, straight out of the Saul Alinsky playbook. I'll stop giving my opinion now, you win.
So you guys are telling me that the vast majority of modern day terrorism isn't carried out under the guise of Jihad and by Muslim extremists? That's all I was saying. I think it's pretty hard to deny that fact.

But ok, you all have resorted to name calling and ridicule, straight out of the Saul Alinsky playbook. I'll stop giving my opinion now, you win.

when confronted with facts play the victim. :smokin
People are 100% denying that. Many are vocally upset about people claiming isis is an Islamic group.....

Islamic advocates have asked David Cameron to stop calling it the Islamic state for exactly that reason. And Obama said that they are not islamists.

It's a strange position to take. There can be millions of peaceful Muslims but we are still fighting islamic terrorists who act in the name of Islam. Not sure why it's complicated and I detest the downplaying and deflection

To say they act in the name of Islam is basically stating that Islam as a religion condones and advocates terrorism... how the **** do you not see why people would be upset about that. These people are acting on ambitions of their own and parading it as Muslim religion, don't buy into that garbage. Islam doesnt promote any of these atrocious ideas so it's utterly disrespectful to call it an islamic state.

As posted abopve how would christians feel about the KKK being paraded as a christian "state" because their ideology clearly revolves around some twisted fom of christianity that they developed on their own and have hid under the umbrella of religion.
So you guys are telling me that the vast majority of modern day terrorism isn't carried out under the guise of Jihad and by Muslim extremists? That's all I was saying. I think it's pretty hard to deny that fact.

But ok, you all have resorted to name calling and ridicule, straight out of the Saul Alinsky playbook. I'll stop giving my opinion now, you win.
Here's one adapted from the conservative playbook:

Americans are far and away more likely to be killed by "American on American crime" than by a member of ISIS or al Qaeda.  

Deny that
To say they act in the name of Islam is basically stating that Islam as a religion condones and advocates terrorism... how the **** do you not see why people would be upset about that. These people are acting on ambitions of their own and parading it as Muslim religion, don't buy into that garbage. Islam doesnt promote any of these atrocious ideas so it's utterly disrespectful to call it an islamic state.

As posted abopve how would christians feel about the KKK being paraded as a christian "state" because their ideology clearly revolves around some twisted fom of christianity that they developed on their own and have hid under the umbrella of religion.

View media item 1072752

So you guys are telling me that the vast majority of modern day terrorism isn't carried out under the guise of Jihad and by Muslim extremists? That's all I was saying. I think it's pretty hard to deny that fact.

But ok, you all have resorted to name calling and ridicule, straight out of the Saul Alinsky playbook. I'll stop giving my opinion now, you win.

Dude, stop acting like a victim. You straight up stereotyped an entire religion and classified anyone who believes in Islam to promote terrorism and violence. Islam means peace for God's sake :lol:
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Dude, stop acting like a victim. You straight up stereotyped an entire religion and classified anyone who believes in Islam to promote terrorism and violence. Islam means peace for God's sake :lol:

No, I didnt. I went out of my way to say that not all Muslims are terrorists. But the vast majority of modern day terrorists are Muslims. Unfortunately.

Can you grasp that concept?
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Dude, stop acting like a victim. You straight up stereotyped an entire religion and classified anyone who believes in Islam to promote terrorism and violence. Islam means peace for God's sake
No, I didnt. I went out of my way to say that not all Muslims are terrorists. But the vast majority of modern day terrorists are Muslims. Unfortunately.

Can you grasp that concept?
That you are a bigot, yes I can.
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