Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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so you accidentally crash a cyclist, BREAK HIS LEG... and da prevailing opinion is you speed off?
i hope none of people talking ever set foot in

a vehicle...
No man, prevailing opinion is to speed off once you feel like you and your family's life is in danger.

I hope you never have kids.

Love how you ignore all rationality for the "streets" mentality.

That's why you'll never better yourself.
so having kids gives you da license to run over people, break their legs, run over MORE PEOPLE and speed off? ok
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yall are so ******g stupid with your "hood mentality"

Yeah just stand still and get circled and talk it out with people. You should never fear for your safety when outnumbered, or getting cornered, or people approach you threateningly. Just stand your ground. :lol: :rolleyes

I've ran, I've thrown the hands, and I've stood while thinking I was superman and watch a group faking the funk. And the final one was pure stupdity. You think you're a man cause 20 men approaching you doesn't concern you? Your masculinity is all ****** up. Anyone could get it at any time. Follow your gut
He had already hit one of the drivers at that point.

And notice how it's just one guy walking up to him while everyone else is parked, chilling?

Y'all stay with the stupidest "if that was me, I woulda......" scenarios.

Well someone else had the same inane, cartoonish thought process as y'all and he got rag-dolled for his idiocy.

" Imma call y'all the woulda kids, never there when it jump off but always talkin bout what yall woulda did."

everyone is CHILLING until da loon decides he wants to run over GLAD that piece of **** caught that fade

none of these punks in this thread came from our era b....da closest thing to a showdown they ever had is a pokemon card battle...

a simple TALK would've took care of EVERYTHING....

Speaking of the herd mentality.....look at this thread.

Y'all forgoing logic just to jump on one poster.

Hypothetical: So you're sitting in the woods, minding your business eating a snack and 4 bees start buzzing around your head. You swat at them and one of them stings you, the other 3 start circling you in response......does it make sense to run straight into the bee's nest with a stick and start swinging at all of them?

Y'all completely ignoring the fact that the man ran over half a dozen innocent people in a SUV.

Those people he ran over, did nothing to him and he seriously injured them, could have killed multiple people...shattered dozens of families because of cowardice.

The bikers were riding on a crowded highway and everyone else went about their business.....could it be that this one irrational chickens_ brought this upon himself?

Nah, right?

What were they going to do murder him in broad daylight on the Westside highway?

Some of y'all heads are in space.
Your little hypothetical shows you're not very bright.

And uhhh, those "innocent" people purposefully boxed him in mostly likely because he called the cops on them so others could at the very least intimidate him but judging from the other video and the report, they probably wanted to beat his ***.  Watch that other video and tell me what's more likely, that this was an isolated incident caused by one irrational chicken **** driver or they do this **** for fun because they think they own the road?

How is the driver supposed to know what they are or aren't gonna do?  It's clear they have no problems assaulting someone in broad daylight.  When have you ever heard of a group of 50+ dudes boxing someone in and stopping traffic in broad daylight just wanting to talk it out?

Now think about whose head is in space.
so you accidentally crash a cyclist, BREAK HIS LEG... and da prevailing opinion is you speed off?
i hope none of people talking ever set foot in

a vehicle...
After 25 seconds of a mob surrounding his vehicle and attacking it. I don't know which part of this you're not understanding. You're trying to pretend the guy sped off for no particular reason.
so having kids gives you da license to run over people, break their legs, run over MORE PEOPLE and speed off? ok :lol:  

Love how that's the only thing that you latch onto.

What I meant by statement was that having kids makes your realize how much you'd protect them at all costs.

Like I said before, I'm not siding with dude's actions, but I'm sure as hell not on the side of the bikers like you--saying they shouldn't be arrested and what not.

Talk about jumping to conclusions. Check yourself.
Y'all all full of s_.....

Look at the video again.

29 seconds in he hits the first rider who was only talking crap to him for honking his horn at them. Then by the 49th second of the video he was mowing down the whole group.

When does all of this bike laying down and tire slashing happen? I don't see him run over 1 bike lay down in front of him. As a matter of fact some of the bikers were moving out of his way before he went ham.

Dude was in no serious danger.

He was on the WS highway in an SUV in broad daylight and grazed 1 rider, apologize, take a kick to your door and keep it moving.

Instead he violently runs over half a dozen innocent people and pulls into Harlem seeking refuge

And y'all fail to see how he contributed to hiss own asswhuppin?

Come on.....
he didn't even graze em homie, da idiot BROKE da guy's leg...but da people will have you believe he had EVERY RIGHT to not only break a guy's

leg and NOT STOP, but to mow over dozens of other bystanders....

im estastic that this twerp caught da hand of god.
No man, prevailing opinion is to speed off once you feel like you and your family's life is in danger.

I hope you never have kids.

Love how you ignore all rationality for the "streets" mentality.

That's why you'll never better yourself.

So the RATIONAL thing to do is to run over property/people over a minor traffic accident?

That's RATIONAL to you?



based on or in accordance with reason or logic.

A lot of you guys sound really timid!
Im sure it was more to the video but they will not show that specially if its crucial evidence
Y'all all full of s_.....

Look at the video again.

29 seconds in he hits the first rider who was only talking crap to him for honking his horn at them. Then by the 49th second of the video he was mowing down the whole group.

When does all of this bike laying down and tire slashing happen? I don't see him run over 1 bike lay down in front of him. As a matter of fact some of the bikers were moving out of his way before he went ham.

Dude was in no serious danger.

He was on the WS highway in an SUV in broad daylight and grazed 1 rider, apologize, take a kick to your door and keep it moving.

Instead he violently runs over half a dozen innocent people and pulls into Harlem seeking refuge :rofl:

And y'all fail to see how he contributed to hiss own asswhuppin?

Come on..... :lol:

Can y'all point out where the tire slashing and laying down of bikes took place from 00:29 - 00:49?

Cause I see none of it.
Definitely a couple of hotheads in the group and they were driving very recklessly but peep how the Prius situation is over in a matter of seconds compared to the Wall Street tool in the Rover just running over everything in his path.

A B.S. from Columbia but NO street smarts.

Yeah After he slapped fire out of the prius driver :lol:

We don't even know if it was over cause dude with the camera speed off.

For all we know he could have still been there jawing with the guy and having his homeboys surround him,
If the first motorcyclist purposely brake checked me, i would assume the motorcyclist was looking for a physical confrontation. I am pretty sure the RR was scared and pressed the gas.
So the RATIONAL thing to do is to run over property/people over a minor traffic accident?

That's RATIONAL to you?

A lot of you guys sound really timid!

No, the rational thing to do is protect your family if you feel threatened.

Read my previous posts.
2:45 or so once the driver past that exit  the bikers knew it was a wrap for him and all sped up to catch him
He had already hit one of the drivers at that point.

And notice how it's just one guy walking up to him while everyone else is parked, chilling?

Y'all stay with the stupidest "if that was me, I woulda......" scenarios.

Well someone else had the same inane, cartoonish thought process as y'all and he got rag-dolled for his idiocy.

" Imma call y'all the woulda kids, never there when it jump off but always talkin bout what yall woulda did."

everyone is CHILLING until da loon decides he wants to run over GLAD that piece of **** caught that fade

none of these punks in this thread came from our era b....da closest thing to a showdown they ever had is a pokemon card battle...

a simple TALK would've took care of EVERYTHING....
This typifies ninjahood. All that's relevant is what he can see happening directly in front of him.  Forget that right before it in the video you see a dude brake check right on the Range's front bumper or the dozens of bikers that surrounded the car because they're all just chilling and having a mid-day tea break on a lovely afternoon on the scenic West Side Highway.

"Come from our era"? 
 I'd rather be from an era and hood than yours if it means I don't think or look like you.
No man, prevailing opinion is to speed off once you feel like you and your family's life is in danger.

I hope you never have kids.

Love how you ignore all rationality for the "streets" mentality.

That's why you'll never better yourself.

So the RATIONAL thing to do is to run over property/people over a minor traffic accident?

That's RATIONAL to you?


That's the crux of this situation.
Yeah After he slapped fire out of the prius driver
And broke his mirror off. 

I'm sure the bikers just wanted to talk that one out too.

Also broad daylight keeps getting brought up like nothing bad has ever happened in broad daylight before.
none of these ****** is street dudes...alot of monday morning GTA V back seat driving quarter backers...

a simple talk would've diffused da situation, takes alot more courage then mowing down people in a 2 ton SUV acting like a coward.
NH trying to paint this "cowards" picture.

It's not working.

Real cowards is a mob of bikers beating on dude having realized there's a little girl in the car.

Real cowards is a mob of bikers escalating an accident into a full-blown 15-1 attack.

SMDH. You backwards as hell.
right...a cyclist brake checks.

da driver BREAKS his leg,

doesn't stop,

RUNS OVER more people as he makes a get away (hit and run is illegal)

and get trapped,and turns into a stain on da concrete (which i walked over today, its still there)

yeah...cowards in SUVs.

alot of ya should never leave da internet..its real safe behind them keyboards acting like GTA is real life...
4:55 min driver is well within his rights, do got off the cycle and grab his door to open. Im not going to sit around and say okay beat me now
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