Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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You proof what just happen in the video - dude gets clipped he was going to be dealt with in a more tactical way ....

why not call the cops?

Yeah .. we know!

Nothing tactical about getting off your bike standing in front of the car, that's dumb
You don't understand that this group of motorcyclists were already breaking laws all over the place which placed the driver of the RR in extenuating circumstances which probably led to him accidentally (you said yourself scene of an accident) clipping/hitting one of them. But once that happened they brake checked him to pull him over, he did pull over, and they started assaulting his vehicle with his family inside. <-- THIS is where the problems really started. Malicious intent. I don't know how you can't comprehend this but you're severely lacking critical thinking skills and the basic cognition required to form a coherent sentence so I guess it is not that surprising.
I'm just quoting myself so that ninjahood has a chance to respond.

I'm waiting ninjahood...
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If the RR really did flee the scene of another accident....

Why is there zero video of this incident when there is video of the rest of the ride ?

Why did no riders report the hit and run to the police ?

Why did the RR contact the police to report the riders PRIOR to being stopped ?

Why did the RR choose to stop when he clipped the guy on the white bike ?
Cuz, they were trying to slow down the RR so they can actually talk to the driver to see why he hit the bike. Maybe exchange inurance information and leave them alone!

I guess the RR didnt have insurance and he panic running over people to skip a ticket!

yeah, thats it!
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Steezy doesn't understand da driver already fled

Da scene of an accident BEFORE da film started.

If the RR really did flee the scene of another accident....

Why is there zero video of this incident when there is video of the rest of the ride ?

Why did no riders report the hit and run to the police ?

Why did the RR contact the police to report the riders PRIOR to being stopped ?

Why did the RR choose to stop when he clipped the guy on the white bike ?
Posted November, 4th 2012
I bought a motorcycle and got it towed home without knowing how to ride one either, I just watched several YouTube vids and taught myself,. I still don't have a license

internet biker with less than a year experience speaks on this topic like he knows you even have your m class kid?
 what ever makes him feel like more of a man i guess

do bikers know that ONLY other bikers think what they do is cool? southpark summed it up pretty well 
How do you know that's where the problem really stared??? Again Something obviously happened before that

ALLEGEDLY it was stated he clipped two bikers....doesn't give the bikers ANY right to threaten his life or that of his family.

Because da life of a biker is worth less huh...oh :smh: :lpl

it was a minor traffic accident... leaving the scene = misdemeanor
threatening his life and his families = felony

its da laws b
dudes didn't threaten the driver, they actually acted on the thread by pulling out knives, slashing tires, punching/kicking the vehicle. 
You don't understand that this group of motorcyclists were already breaking laws all over the place which placed the driver of the RR in extenuating circumstances which probably led to him accidentally (you said yourself scene of an accident) clipping/hitting one of them. But once that happened they brake checked him to pull him over, he did pull over, and they started assaulting his vehicle with his family inside.
Y'all cats in New York aren't use to bikers???
They be killin them 4 wheelers and dirt bikes up there, and not to cause harm but just ride and enjoy themselves.... If you see them slow down and let them pass

Is this sense of entitlement that kills me, every motor vehicle operator on the road needs to follow a set of rules, just because I'm in a car and you are in a bike doesn't give you the right to over lookmy rights as another vehicle on the road....if the bikers rode their parade without braking any traffic laws I GUARANTEEEEEE you none of this none sense would have taken place....

Lulz @ "let them pass" "let them ride on sidewalks" "let them ride into oncomig traffic" "let them not obey traffic lights" "LET THEM BRING A SPEEDWAY TO A HALT"

GTHO with that none sense. a driver da 1st thing you're posed to do

Is drive DEFENSIVELY.. That means you YIELD

For your safety as well as da safety of

Riders arent protected like motorist are, so to act

Ya share "equal" space is turd talk.

You let them go ahead to prevent accidents because

It's da right thing to do.

its a highway tho. the highway is a long stretch of road that allows motor vehicles to traverse areas at faster speeds, to get to point a to b faster. there are no lights or stop signs. you get on and go. wtf u talkin bout yield for?

so it would be obvious that stopping or slowing down too fast on a highway with a car behind you is a bad idea. and the video shows just that. the range had a high amount of bikes peppered ALL around him, like mario kart when u hit the turtle shell ability. where the hell is gonna go? why would he slow down on a highway?

the fool on the bike, slowed down at a rate that was too fast for any driver of a car behind to react, not to mention at a distance that was too close. also the fact that he did that gives strong indication that he was not aware of his surroundings, because no1 in their right mind would stop short on a highway ESPECIALLY on a bike. if this had gone to the insurance, the biker's claim would have been thrown out. the video clearly shows him failing at life.

put urself in that father's shoes...replace the range with ur truck...and replace said shoes with...idk some jordans. and u were surrounded by bikes. and a biker is 8 feet in front of u and stops short. are you gonna have time to react? i kno ur delivery truck ain't rollin with Brembos...
BTW, from what I heard about the cat that was paralized was that he doesn't have a license, has been ticketed at least 16 times since 1999, and his Mass right to drive was revoked until 2017.

I guess he should of have obey the law and he wouldn't be in the situation he is in right now!
Because da life of a biker is worth less huh...oh :smh:

Which biker?...because there is not even a report of any other biker admitted to a hospital allegedly injured prior to the filming, so the point your are debating NOW is strictly based off "hersay"
Lulz @ "let them pass" "let them ride on sidewalks" "let them ride into oncomig traffic" "let them not obey traffic lights" "LET THEM BRING A SPEEDWAY TO A HALT"

GTHO with that none sense

If I'm in a car and have my green light to legally proceed and decide to stand my ground and not stop for a group of bikers who decide to commit a traffic viation by not obeying their light, I better be prepared to face the consequences??...of what?...legally proceeding and following traffic laws?...who the ****** do these bikers think they are?....only people that have these rights they seem to excersice when they ride out are emergency vehicles.

How is it nonsense when these bikers are doing the exact things you mentioned without any consequences? Today, tomorrow, this weekend, next year... etc.. etc..

I mean I get what you're saying, you're a law abiding citizen and shouldn't have to deal with this mess, but the TRUTH of the matter is, these bikers that ride in a group do OWN the road.

Are you guys this dense to not realize this?

The Police are not stopping them which is the reason why situations like this do occur.

So you have two choices, stay away from them or face the consequences. Lien obviously chose the later and look what happened.

I am just :rofl: that someone posted the NYC Statute.. like these bikers give a damn about rules and regulations. The guy that is in a coma had how many citations? Did that stop him?
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How do you know that's where the problem really stared??? Again Something obviously happened before that

ALLEGEDLY it was stated he clipped two bikers....doesn't give the bikers ANY right to threaten his life or that of his family.

Because da life of a biker is worth less huh...oh :smh: :lpl

so any time someone gets into an accident with you you're allowed to threaten his life?

U allowed to hit & run?
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