Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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@ dudes repping themselves on bogus accounts.
LOL ... Like that's going to give their solo argument credibility!
I have read these comments and in conclusion I realize that the attitudes that most of you have are the very reasons bikers have to always be on the defensive. The real menace is you with the road rage. I have been riding for decades. This is an escalation of unfortunate events. Until you have been damn near killed by a non caring, Bigoted against bikers, simply because they are on a bike and you dont like it hater, then you feel that he is somehow justified in almost killing someone. I have been on rides where there were 100 to 500 bikes and traffic control is extremely important due to the fact that anxious to go nowhere *** haters feel as though somehow a motorcycle rider is trying to take something from them. MOst times when we are that deep there is a police escort to protect us from you. I have damn near been run over more times than I care to remember by arrogance from the driver of a car.

I stop reading right here ....

I been riding for years and I don't remember a driver trying to run me over once. Have their been the occasional close call when I'm on someone's blind spot and they try to cut in, yes .. that has happen both when in car or on a bike!

You might friend seem to be a reckless driver that somehow is always in the wrong place and the wrong time when these drivers have tried to run you over, or are just reckless period and you are all over the road when you ride.

Anyways, you really have some guts or lack of their off or are pretty pathetic to make a new screen name to have another supporter for bikes .. either way you made a new name and claimed that after you read these comments to came to the conclussion .. ***** ....

Man up and continue your argument on your on screen name .. 

P.S. Bikers are still going down and snitching on each other .. what a band of ...... hahahahha

i am not in total agreement with Trufictt (nor am i familiar with the scope of the entire argument), but just because you haven't experienced a crazed driver doesn't mean they don't exist...

it is pretty obvious that what took place during that ny ride was a result of a series of bad choices by both the riders & the's really that simple
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First of all, I was linked here from a member of the forum that I frequent BGOL and you can go see there that I stand by what I said. Judging by how soft the posters here sound most of you are part of this young generation of kids that have been alive for less years than I've been riding for.

Think about it, If the biker that he hit was going that fast he couldnt just stop immediately in front of the car.They were however, going slow enough that he could have stopped
Despite popular belief, A Motorcycle is not some magic machine that just appears out of no where to trick you. Dont be surprised if the driver of the rover get charged as well.
He certainly will be on the hook for millions in the soon to be pending lawsuit. Was the road rage it worth it ?

Im a Club president and a part of much larger network of bikers and people who do more for society through fund raisers and charity work than most people who drive cars everyday ...... which never gets publicized or the air play that this ******** gets.If there were a band of bikers doing some **** like that There are people in the motorcycle community who would put an immediate stop to it and it would never make the news. Now you want o be real about it. Let me give you the reality of this situation. If...IF those bikers were anything like a Biker Gang... many of which I do know who have national ties and affiliations, The first thing that would happen is that they would get his tags and make a few phone calls. From there Dudes life changes forever with him and his self righteous indignation. He and his family would never live another peaceful day. Trust me dude you have no Idea how this **** really works.
Dude ****** up and the **** escalated. They are all wrong, including Mr. Range Rover....His wallet is about to get real thin real soon for not stopping.
okay before we get into all this one question:

do you think it's okay for these guys to be riding around doing what ever they want breaking the law?
First of all, I was linked here from a member of the forum that I frequent BGOL and you can go see there that I stand by what I said. Judging by how soft the posters here sound most of you are part of this young generation of kids that have been alive for less years than I've been riding for.

Think about it, If the biker that he hit was going that fast he couldnt just stop immediately in front of the car.They were however, going slow enough that he could have stopped
Despite popular belief, A Motorcycle is not some magic machine that just appears out of no where to trick you. Dont be surprised if the driver of the rover get charged as well.
He certainly will be on the hook for millions in the soon to be pending lawsuit. Was the road rage it worth it ?

Im a Club president and a part of much larger network of bikers and people who do more for society through fund raisers and charity work than most people who drive cars everyday ...... which never gets publicized or the air play that this ******** gets.If there were a band of bikers doing some **** like that There are people in the motorcycle community who would put an immediate stop to it and it would never make the news. Now you want o be real about it. Let me give you the reality of this situation. If...IF those bikers were anything like a Biker Gang... many of which I do know who have national ties and affiliations, The first thing that would happen is that they would get his tags and make a few phone calls. From there Dudes life changes forever with him and his self righteous indignation. He and his family would never live another peaceful day. Trust me dude you have no Idea how this **** really works.
Dude ****** up and the **** escalated. They are all wrong, including Mr. Range Rover....His wallet is about to get real thin real soon for not stopping.
Once again, your argument is that the RR had to stop ...

In what world do you live in where you have to stop and/or yield for criminals????

In addition, who gives a damn about your charity work? Really .. Like we are bikers and we do charity work .. moreso than car drivers ... Does it give validity to the actions that took place? Please!

Lastly, from all the charity work that doesn't get publicize to the criminal behavior of finding out where individuals live to terrorizing them .. good job of explaining your side ....

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When he hit that first bike..... There were no bikers bothering him at all.They were trying to help the injured rider....he freaked out and ran them over....period.
If I have a gun and am surrounded by a group of people who are simply standing there I can not whip out my gun and start shooting people.
The news is a *****...They kept using the word gang and showing only the attack at the end and not the hit and run incident.
But the police will which is why charges have been dropped for one already.
The civil suits will be bad for dude...he gon be broke as hell....
Show me where he was being attacked after he hit the first bike...

Also that bike didnt slow down the rider with the camera sped up and the truck did too.
No brake light...
LOL ... you didn't see the busted passenger side, along with the slash tires?

You didnt read the instagram from a biker there? 

Bruh - seriously?

the guy with the camera and the other 7 or 8 bikers all speed up .. the only that kept his speed was the guy that got hit .... yeah ok .. moron! LMAO
First of all, I was linked here from a member of the forum that I frequent BGOL and you can go see there that I stand by what I said. Judging by how soft the posters here sound most of you are part of this young generation of kids that have been alive for less years than I've been riding for.

Think about it, If the biker that he hit was going that fast he couldnt just stop immediately in front of the car.They were however, going slow enough that he could have stopped
Despite popular belief, A Motorcycle is not some magic machine that just appears out of no where to trick you. Dont be surprised if the driver of the rover get charged as well.
He certainly will be on the hook for millions in the soon to be pending lawsuit. Was the road rage it worth it ?

Im a Club president and a part of much larger network of bikers and people who do more for society through fund raisers and charity work than most people who drive cars everyday ...... which never gets publicized or the air play that this ******** gets.If there were a band of bikers doing some **** like that There are people in the motorcycle community who would put an immediate stop to it and it would never make the news. Now you want o be real about it. Let me give you the reality of this situation. If...IF those bikers were anything like a Biker Gang... many of which I do know who have national ties and affiliations, The first thing that would happen is that they would get his tags and make a few phone calls. From there Dudes life changes forever with him and his self righteous indignation. He and his family would never live another peaceful day. Trust me dude you have no Idea how this **** really works.
Dude ****** up and the **** escalated. They are all wrong, including Mr. Range Rover....His wallet is about to get real thin real soon for not stopping.

View media item 604056
j/k lol
If those bikers where a biker gang like the media is making them out to be then the dude in the RR wouldn't be breathing, that's correct
had the rangedriver counted to 7 m-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i the bikes would have passed byand nobody would have nothing to talk about....The suv driver definitely added fuel to the fire by hitting the biker who slowed down....Imo, a road rage reaction, which set off a chain reaction...a accident on your bike could be your last, a accident in a range rover airbags deploy

Why does the SUV have to let the bikers pass? This idea that you own the rode just because you're riding on crotch rocket is ridiculous. I wish you nothing but the worst in life and I hope you decide to brake check someone in the near future and subsequently end up in the hospital.
Posted November, 4th 2012
I bought a motorcycle and got it towed home without knowing how to ride one either, I just watched several YouTube vids and taught myself,. I still don't have a license

internet biker with less than a year experience speaks on this topic like he knows you even have your m class kid...or is having a license not "tactical"?

had the rangedriver counted to 7 m-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i the bikes would have passed byand nobody would have nothing to talk about....The suv driver definitely added fuel to the fire by hitting the biker who slowed down....Imo, a road rage reaction, which set off a chain reaction...a accident on your bike could be your last, a accident in a range rover airbags deploy
so how does waiting 7 seconds work when they slow down not speed past
Show me where the car was being attacked after the initial hit in the video and Ill shut up..But I know you cant

I'll put the pic of the car in a spoiler, b/c it's large...something seems to be missing from the car. Maybe a tire?


A biker pulled in front of the car and slowed down, forcing Lien to stop — at which point, as seen on the gang’s video, the bikers stop and a confrontation ensues.

“They take their helmets and they start to dent his car, and apparently his tires are slashed with a knife,” Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said at a press conference Monday.

Feel free to shut up now.
Bikers protect each other because we know the dangers and often have seen them first-hand (drivers texting/not looking/not caring/just plain careless). ONLY the bad habits get publicized. But when we do rides for Trayvon, juvenile diabetes, sickle cell, etc. you don't see coverage of that at all.

Demonize bikers if you want, but your only as tough as long as you're behind that wheel. Respect us and you will also get respect.

Oh shoot you rode for Trayvon and sickle cell? Nevermind then you are definitely right about everything now. Sorry, accept my apologies and have a wonderful weekend.
Why is the driver obligated to let them go ahead? Why couldn't they wait for him to go ahead?

Stop with your rational thinking.

5 NYPD officers mean.gif

And look at how long it took for them to come forward... mean.gif

C'mon now, we are talking about NYPD.

They are all wrong, including Mr. Range Rover....His wallet is about to get real thin real soon for not stopping.

Dont think so. His car insurance is paying for the guy that got hit. Even if they try to sue civilly, he doesnt have a case. Prove that Lien was negligent or in the wrong. The guy has a wife and baby in the car, yup, he is looking for trouble being surrounded by 100+ dudes on bikes.
Like I said you can't show me in the video of where I can watch the attack happening. The bgol member that told me this board was filled with kids thats nuts haven't dropped yet was right
Why didn't the driver get charged with anything but your innocent biker brotherhood did troll?
Like I said you can't show me in the video of where I can watch the attack happening. The bgol member that told me this board was filled with kids thats nuts haven't dropped yet was right

Reported for looking at my nuts. You a pedophile b?
Like I said you can't show me in the video of where I can watch the attack happening. The bgol member that told me this board was filled with kids thats nuts haven't dropped yet was right

Yes, let's go around the interwebz and call other posters who disagree as "kids who haven't had their nuts dropped yet." That will show them how mature I am.
Black girl online? :lol:


Just called my cousin who lives in N.Carolina. Asked him if he's heard of trufiction. He's never heard of you.
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people letting their hatred for bikers blind them. this board sounds like a bunch of cacs discriminating against black ppl the way they're discriminating against bikers.
You're letting your thought of breaking the law willingly cloud your judgement numbskull
Read through some pages on here and ninjahood and goldenchild are on the money.

Never honk your horn at a bunch of goons on bikes that think they own the road. By honking the horn you are escalating the situation and potentially starting a confrontation. Then, you should always control your vehicle so you shouldn't rear end someone no matter what. That's the first rule of driving a vehicle, always control your vehicle.

Next, it doesn't matter whether there is 1 person or 500, whether they have criminal records or not, it does not justify leaving the scene of an accident and possibly killing bikers because "they look scary".

So no, you don't have the right to kill people because they "look scary" or "look like they want trouble", nor is it justified.
my man you are so on point if that was the case with this situation...but it isnt. they didnt let him drive by mean to tell me if you can honk your horn at a group of cars that might double park infront of you in a single lane street, then u shouldnt honk at a group of bikers covering all lanes and doing what they want with the road while you may have some important things to attend just because hey, they look like goons?...come on, dog.
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