Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

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Im glad i never got into the expanded universe. I remember as a kid my cousin use to always tell me about the expanded universe ****. As a kid it confused me because it was just too much for my little brain to grasp.

Another thing about not getting into the expanded universe is now you do not know what to expect nor do u get dissapointed if they stray away from anything in that expanded universe.

Reading that post about why arndt was shown the door... Im not sure why luke and the next generation couldnt co exist. Maybe arndt didnt want much luke han or leia involved? When it comes down to it you cannot just remove luke. Even if he currently does look like and old bloated whale at the moment :lol:

Harrison ford is bad *** though only one who has kept in shape.

They better not kill off any of the big 3 though.

I never really understood the love for boba fett though. Keep him swallowed dead in the pit for all i care. Give him a daughter to exact revenge or something

I do want that boba fett head shirt by mark ecko on eastbay tho :lol: only 12.99
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Not that they'd deviate from the EU, but that you'll have all these specific ideas and hopes and plans for the movies, and it just won't meet your expectations :lol:

Setting yourself up for disappointment.
It still sounds like they're inline with some of the EU, I just want them off Palpatine. They're wasting time with him.

But if that is the route, and they are using the writer from ESB, then they're doing it to show Luke toe the line of the Dark Side. Which will be cool.

But damn already with the Palpatine stuff. They are so scared to move on, nobody gives a flying **** about Palpatine and they keep trotting him out there. :lol:

NK, Luke co-exists with the new era just fine. He trains them. He rebuilds the Jedi. He becomes (imo) the most powerful Jedi that we know of. Dude is an indestructible tank. Dude takes down GROUPS of Sith. :smh: :lol: He's a bad bad man as he goes along. So it wouldn't be him being removed, just that the focus would begin to shift towards the newer generation of Jedi that he himself raised.
You should def get into the EU. You would never be disappointed in what you read.

As for Boba, oh, he had a daughter, but he doesn't need her to exact revenge, he can do it himself. :wink:

They better not kill off any of the big 3 though.

Will never happen. They will live forever in terms of the books/movies/tv and what not. You have nothing to fear.
Apparently in Arndts script the movie was going to focus on the Solo kids having to track down Luke (for whatever reason) who wouldn't appear until the end of the movie. Even more happy with the change now.
Agreed. That doesn't sound right in any way.

Like that he was using Solo children ( :nerd: ) but why would they be out of contact with their uncle? :lol:
Agreed. That doesn't sound right in any way.

Like that he was using Solo children ( :nerd: ) but why would they be out of contact with their uncle? :lol:

Think Luke looking for Yoda. Arndt really was just trying to appeal to Original Trilogy fans :lol:
That's what I mean tho, stop rehashing ****.

Luke isn't going to be on some damn rock in the galaxy without communication with his own damn family. :lol:

They have got to get off that wavelength.

NEW people, think NEW.

These guys have nothin but geniuses workin for them, yet they either go 10 year old boy, or 65 year olds as the main characters. :lol: MOVE ON.

They can keep all of those characters in the fray, but don't be scared to branch out. Sounds like Ardnt was tryin too, just in a stupid manner. I don't like the searchin for Luke stuff at all. The big 3 remain as important as ever for 40+ years. It really shouldn't be this ****** hard. :lol:

They need to hire us to work for them. :lol: :pimp:
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It still sounds like they're inline with some of the EU, I just want them off Palpatine. They're wasting time with him.
If at all he could serve as guidance for a new villain. Either as a force ghost, finding records of his existence, or something of that sort. I wouldn't like it, but that's my only justification.

Obi-Wan though, that's just foolish mayne
That's what I mean tho, stop rehashing ****.

Luke isn't going to be on some damn rock in the galaxy without communication with his own damn family. :lol:

They have got to get off that wavelength.

NEW people, think NEW.

These guys have nothin but geniuses workin for them, yet they either go 10 year old boy, or 65 year olds as the main characters. :lol: MOVE ON.

They can keep all of those characters in the fray, but don't be scared to branch out. Sounds like Ardnt was tryin too, just in a stupid manner. I don't like the searchin for Luke stuff at all. The big 3 remain as important as ever for 40+ years. It really shouldn't be this ****** hard. :lol:

They need to hire us to work for them. :lol: :pimp:

:lol: Yeah I agree with you. Though, everyone with knowledge of the old script said it was amazing and "pure star wars" but they're also saying this new script is much better and the right direction the franchise should go. Knowing that you're familiar with the EU, I'd say expect something like Fate of the Jedi or the New Jedi Order series in terms of focus for the new and old characters,both will be in the focus with the young guys doing the most of the actual fighting. I'm excited :smokin
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Yeah I'm starting to get worried now. Supposed to start filming on 5 months and we know absolutely nothing about the movie. Avengers 2 / Batman Vs Superman come out around the same time and we know plenty about those movies. Meanwhile we don't even officially know that Luke Skywalker will be in this movie :smh:
Star Wars Episode VII may return to grittier roots [/SIZE=5]

The next Star Wars film may return the franchise to the grittier and more mysterious style of the original movies, director J. J. Abrams has hinted

The seventh instalment in the successful Star Wars science fiction franchise could return to the darker "space Western" style of the first three movies.

Director J. J. Abrams, who is notoriously secretive about his films, has hinted that Star Wars: Episode VII could restore some of the mystery and grittiness from the original movies that critics claim was lost in "prequel" instalments.

In an interview with the Times Magazine he praised a set of "golden rules" spelt out by Star Wars fans on the internet as anticipation for the films grow.

These include setting the films on a Western style frontier of the galaxy rather than in shiny big cities like the three most recent films, giving the films a gritty and dirtier aesthetic and recreating some of the danger and mystery of the originals.

Abrams said: "I would say that (the website conveys) a feeling that we share very much ...

"I loved how Star Wars had that sense of a world far beyond the borders of what you can see and have been told – it's one of the things it did so brilliantly.

"If you watch the first movie, you don't actually know exactly what the Empire is trying to do. They're going to rule by fear – but you don't know what their end game is.

"The beauty of that movie was that it was an unfamiliar world, and yet you wanted to see it expand and to see where it went."

Abrams, who recently directed the latest Star Trek Into Darkness movie, is working with Lawrence Kasdan on the script for the new Star Wars film. Kasdan co-wrote The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

News of the new film has sparked a flood of speculation from fans on the internet about who may star in the movies and what the plot maybe.

While many diehard fans of the original movies have been unimpressed with the prequels, which George Lucas began releasing in 1999, there proved to be hugely successful with younger generations.

Abrams is eager not to criticise the more recent movies and suggests that he may need to tread a careful line not to alienate fans of the originals and the younger fans of the prequels.

He said: "A lot of kids who saw all the prequels when they were young really do identify with those movies as much as my generation identified with the originals."

Full interview will be out tomorrow.
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Episode VII casting call


After a full-twenty four hours of solid investigation, I’ve managed to confirm that Nina Gold and Disney will be holding a series of new Star Wars open casting sessions in cities across the UK. These will be for the lead role and a key supporting role in Episode VII.

Disney really did want to keep any association with Star Wars out of this one but I’ve got it locked in that, actually, this is all definitely to do with Episode VII.

The first role, and which I understand is the movie’s lead, is for a young girl aged 17 – though a 16, 18, 19, 20 year old could certainly play the role if they have the right look. She’s going by the codename of Rachel, but there’s some real character info attached, and with it, a little bit of plot:

Rachel was quite young when she lost her parents. With no other family, she was forced to make her way in a tough, dangerous town. Now 17 she has become street smart and strong. She is able to take care of herself using humor and guts to get by.

I hope Chloe Moretz, Saoirse Ronan, Rachel Hurd-Wood and “everybody else”, as Ronan put it, aren’t insulted by the filmmakers planning an open call. We may yet still see a name in the role, even after these sessions – and if we don’t, it’s certainly going to be a star maker.

Note in particular the comment on the character being an orphan. There’s all sorts of ways this could go – secret parents still being alive, for one; the expiration of Han and Leia in an opening prologue is another.

The second character being cast is codenamed Thomas and described as:

smart, capable and shows courage when it is needed. He can appreciate the absurdities in life and understands you can’t take life too seriously.

I’m guessing he’ll get the funny lines. Again, he’s a major role.

There were whispers – rooted more in speculation than anything else, I expect – that JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan would be throwing out the plot that Michael Arndt had been working with. In cross-checking this casting call with my sources, I’ve confirmed that, actually, the same story – at least as much as it might boil down to a synopsis – will still be in play; the same characters are being sought as several months ago.

Abrams and Kasdan appear to be reworking the flow a little, and will do some dialogue and character work, for sure, but the building blocks of story are staying pretty much untouched. Well… that’s a bit of a relief, I guess
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At this point, they just throwin out information, mis-information, and bs. They want everyone off the scent.

And if they are being demanded to be done late 2015, they don't have time to play around much, I'll laugh my *** off if they rush all this crap and the material is just sitting there on shelves in their own ******g offices. :lol: :lol:

This should not be hard. They are making it so. That's dumb.
Im not expecting much. Aint nobody identifying star wars with jar jar binks and little fruit skywalker no matter how old u are
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