Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

doing a 4 day split right now...but im finding myself being bored on the weekends wanting to hit the gym up...i usually use those days to work on my kung-fu/cardio or do some plyos.

anyone do anything more than 4 days?
Originally Posted by dgk3188

doing a 4 day split right now...but im finding myself being bored on the weekends wanting to hit the gym up...i usually use those days to work on my kung-fu/cardio or do some plyos.

anyone do anything more than 4 days?

I'm doing a 5 day split but I'm in the gym everyday unless I need a day off.
On off days it's cardio and/or doing what I am able to without jeopardizing recovery
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I absolutely hate working on my shoulders.. I think I am going to drop my Shoulders day and combine it with another muscle, or find new exercises.. Because the arnold presses and shoulder presses don't seem to be effective for me, I can literally do 10 sets with high reps, with good weight and feel no burn...

Right now, I am thinking about doing:

Monday: Chest + Triceps + Abs
Tuesday: Back + Biceps
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Triceps + Shoulders + Abs
Friday: Legs + Biceps
Saturday: Chest + Triceps + Abs
Sunday: Rest


Ive never seen a workout like that before.  Its....well..... interesting.


I literally just thought of it as I was typing that post, I do not think I am going to do it.. I'm going to stick to my current routine and try to find more effective shoulder exercises.
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Durden7

A burn isnt the indication of an effective exercise/workout. 

What is it then, exactly?  This might end up explaining some things for me.

What is the burn or what is an indication of an effective workout?

The burn is a combination of the increased muscle flow to the working muscle ("Pump") and the buildup of lactic acid in the muscle as well.  The lactic acid is a by-product from the muscle contraction.  The body isnt able to get rid of citric acid so the body turns the citric acid into lactic acid which is stored in the muscle until it can be released into the body's portal/vessel systems and exposed of later.  (Oxygen is used in helping eliminate the lactic acid thus the heavy breathing during/after exercise.)  ATP is the energy source for muscle contraction and one of its by products is hydrogen.  The excess hydrogen lowers the body's pH and this is that "burn" people feel along with the added blood in the muscle.

There really isnt a great indicator of a good workout.  Muscle soreness isnt an indicator, a burn sensation or sweat arent good indicators either.  The main idea of exercising muscles is to overload them.  They need to be stressed past what theyre comfortable doing so that they respond to the stressor.  Obviously you dont want to overload them too much, but they still need to be overloaded so that all of the motor fibers are contracting.  New myofibrils of actin and myosin are created, leading to increased muscle size and strength.

Basically the indication of a good workout is one in which you can lift/move the same amount/slightly more weight as you previously did.  Its easier to know when youve had a great workout then when youve had a bad one.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Durden7

A burn isnt the indication of an effective exercise/workout. 

What is it then, exactly?  This might end up explaining some things for me.

What is the burn or what is an indication of an effective workout?

The burn is a combination of the increased muscle flow to the working muscle ("Pump") and the buildup of lactic acid in the muscle as well.  The lactic acid is a by-product from the muscle contraction.  The body isnt able to get rid of citric acid so the body turns the citric acid into lactic acid which is stored in the muscle until it can be released into the body's portal/vessel systems and exposed of later.  (Oxygen is used in helping eliminate the lactic acid thus the heavy breathing during/after exercise.)  ATP is the energy source for muscle contraction and one of its by products is hydrogen.  The excess hydrogen lowers the body's pH and this is that "burn" people feel along with the added blood in the muscle.

There really isnt a great indicator of a good workout.  Muscle soreness isnt an indicator, a burn sensation or sweat arent good indicators either.  The main idea of exercising muscles is to overload them.  They need to be stressed past what theyre comfortable doing so that they respond to the stressor.  Obviously you dont want to overload them too much, but they still need to be overloaded so that all of the motor fibers are contracting.  New myofibrils of actin and myosin are created, leading to increased muscle size and strength.

Basically the indication of a good workout is one in which you can lift/move the same amount/slightly more weight as you previously did.  Its easier to know when youve had a great workout then when youve had a bad one.
Very nice.. are you a trainer? You seem very knowledgeably in Fitness..
Originally Posted by i3allistic

best place to buy protein please

I get mine from == good deals.. The ON Whey in the big bag is a solid deal. They'll normally send a 10% discount for the next order too...
Originally Posted by i3allistic

best place to buy protein please

VitaminShoppe.. 5.15pounds of ON Whey for $40 with $2 shipping..

And they send a 10% coupon for next order..
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I absolutely hate working on my shoulders.. I think I am going to drop my Shoulders day and combine it with another muscle, or find new exercises.. Because the arnold presses and shoulder presses don't seem to be effective for me, I can literally do 10 sets with high reps, with good weight and feel no burn...

Right now, I am thinking about doing:

Monday: Chest + Triceps + Abs
Tuesday: Back + Biceps
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Triceps + Shoulders + Abs
Friday: Legs + Biceps
Saturday: Chest + Triceps + Abs
Sunday: Rest


Ive never seen a workout like that before.  Its....well..... interesting.
That's basically the same split I have (minus the abs every other day and I don't take into account what day of the week it is). Although I go 2 days on and 1 day off. To be honest I think this split makes the most sense unless you're on an upper body/lower body split or a straight oly weightlifting routine.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

StaXX wrote:

Gym time.

Shoulder day.

Curious.. my shoulders feel rather sore today. I did heavy sets of shurgs yesterday. Will this affect my shoulder workout today?

Is it your trap or your shoulder? If it's your shoulder; Is it the muscle or rotator ligaments?

You shouldn't be getting sore delts strictly from shrugs. It might be a case of impingement or bursitis. If I were you I'd lay off any direct shoulder work until the pain/soreness goes away + a few days.
i get my protein from got MGN protein 25lbs for like $110+free shipping
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Very nice.. are you a trainer? You seem very knowledgeably in Fitness..
Yeah, I am.  Thanks.  Im waiting to hear on some grad school applications so hopefully I can take the ol' noggin up a level.

That's basically the same split I have (minus the abs every other dayand I don't take into account what day of the week it is). Although Igo 2 days on and 1 day off. To be honest I think this split makes themost sense unless you're on an upper body/lower body split or astraight oly weightlifting routine.
You do triceps 3x a week, legs once, and back once?

Is it your trap or your shoulder? If it's your shoulder; Is it the muscle or rotator ligaments?

Youshouldn't be getting sore delts strictly from shrugs. It might be acase of impingement or bursitis. If I were you I'd lay off any directshoulder work until the pain/soreness goes away + a few days.
It doesnt sound like impingement.
Can we get a post-workout nutrition roll call in this thread. I'm interested in seeing what everyone ingests post workout and how long after.

For me it's:
Finish workout, go to the locker room get dressed and drink 1 1/2 scoops on ON natural whey + water/vitamin water revive  + 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
15-20 minutes later I either eat a banana or a baked potatoe
hour later I take another 1 1/2 scoops of ON natural whey + 1% milk + 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
half hour after that I eat a meal consisting of some rice/cous cous some broccoli/asparagus/brussel sprouts and maybe some chicken
Originally Posted by Durden7

Is it your trap or your shoulder? If it's your shoulder; Is it the muscle or rotator ligaments?

Youshouldn't be getting sore delts strictly from shrugs. It might be acase of impingement or bursitis. If I were you I'd lay off any directshoulder work until the pain/soreness goes away + a few days.
It doesnt sound like impingement.

it wasn't necessarily sore as in injured.  when i lifted my shoulder it felt like I either worked it earlier (DOMS) or slept funny.
I ended up going and doing a full shoulder routine at the gym anyways and it was
. I'm really happy with my pressing (DB/BB), reverse flye, lateral flye and hang clean+press progress
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Can we get a post-workout nutrition roll call in this thread. I'm interested in seeing what everyone ingests post workout and how long after.

For me it's:
Finish workout, go to the locker room get dressed and drink 1 1/2 scoops on ON natural whey + water/vitamin water revive  + 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
15-20 minutes later I either eat a banana or a baked potatoe
hour later I take another 1 1/2 scoops of ON natural whey + 1% milk + 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
half hour after that I eat a meal consisting of some rice/cous cous some broccoli/asparagus/brussel sprouts and maybe some chicken
Workout for me is till about 6:00pm
BEFORE 6:30pm = 1.5 scoop ON whey, 1.5 cup chocolate milk, 20ml flax seed oil, 20g glutamine, 1 cup raw whole wheat oats, 1tbsp peanut butter, 1 banana.
Between 6:30-7:30pm = full dinner (i.e. 1 breast chicken, 2 cup spinach, handful almonds, vinaigrette)
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Can we get a post-workout nutrition roll call in this thread. I'm interested in seeing what everyone ingests post workout and how long after.

For me it's:
Finish workout, go to the locker room get dressed and drink 1 1/2 scoops on ON natural whey + water/vitamin water revive  + 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
15-20 minutes later I either eat a banana or a baked potatoe
hour later I take another 1 1/2 scoops of ON natural whey + 1% milk + 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
half hour after that I eat a meal consisting of some rice/cous cous some broccoli/asparagus/brussel sprouts and maybe some chicken
I eat a Chobani Greek yogurt 1 hr before I workout and 1 after I workout.  Then eat dinner later. 

I think I got my workout just right.

Monday :  Back/ Biceps - Deadlifts, cleans, pull downs, upright rows, curls, pull ups.

Weds: Chest/Triceps - Bench press, military press, dips, flyes, tricep pull down

Friday : Legs - Squats, calf raises, leg curls, leg extensions + 1 set tricep pull downs and 1 set of bicep curls.

I realized that since I spend so much time on compounds on Mondays and Weds, my bi's and tri's dont get that heavy of a workout so I need to do a set on Fridays. 
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Very nice.. are you a trainer? You seem very knowledgeably in Fitness..
Yeah, I am.  Thanks.  Im waiting to hear on some grad school applications so hopefully I can take the ol' noggin up a level.

That's basically the same split I have (minus the abs every other dayand I don't take into account what day of the week it is). Although Igo 2 days on and 1 day off. To be honest I think this split makes themost sense unless you're on an upper body/lower body split or astraight oly weightlifting routine.
You do triceps 3x a week, legs once, and back once?

Is it your trap or your shoulder? If it's your shoulder; Is it the muscle or rotator ligaments?

Youshouldn't be getting sore delts strictly from shrugs. It might be acase of impingement or bursitis. If I were you I'd lay off any directshoulder work until the pain/soreness goes away + a few days.
It doesnt sound like impingement.

I do tri's twice a week but only 1 exercise per workout (usually either weighted dips or floor press; for all intents and purposes I count this as my tri isolation exercises). Legs I do once a week ( about once every 6 weeks I skip a week) and same goes with back.

It might've not been impingement but you never know. Shoulder bursitis leads to impingement in some instances.
Personally, I've never (literally) had sore shoulders after a workout in the 6+ years that I've been training. I've had my share of shoulder/rotator injuries and they are by far the toughest to recover from. I remember him talking about a shoulder injury before (maybe I'm remembering wrong) and I know how these things can linger.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

It might've not been impingement but you never know. Shoulder bursitis leads to impingement in some instances.
Personally, I've never (literally) had sore shoulders after a workout in the 6+ years that I've been training. I've had my share of shoulder/rotator injuries and they are by far the toughest to recover from. I remember him talking about a shoulder injury before (maybe I'm remembering wrong) and I know how these things can linger.
True, impingement isnt an acute injury. Its typically chronic.  From what I can recall, impingement is only noticed when the hands are are parallel with the shoulders or above them so from doing shrugs I didnt see how it would be an impingement injury.  Although one injury has a tendency to lead to another so I suppose it could wind up being that.
just got my zma!

lets see if these vivid dreams actually happen

because i wanna fly, do multiple hot chicks, or have a dream counting stacks and stacks of hundred dollar bills.

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by i3allistic

best place to buy protein please

VitaminShoppe.. 5.15pounds of ON Whey for $40 with $2 shipping..

And they send a 10% coupon for next order..
Supplementwarehouse they'll other competitors prices by 5% I believe.
They have good sales too 5lb of Whey for $25+shipping
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