Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

You have the beginnings of a meth lab. But I guess meth, when done correctly and in moderation, is not harmful

.......way to be narrowminded my man
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Walking down a dangerous path with that concoction.

same can be said for anything when not done correctly or in appropriate moderation
How much do you weigh? 165? And you need EC stack to get lean?

lol jus tryin to cut fat my man i was around 175 now down to 167 while still seeing strength gains and finally seeing that third row on the abs....all Im sayin is that everyone trying to cut fat should atleast give it a cautious try cause it works

So everyone whos trying to cut fat should try an EC stack?  Whats a cautious try?

Thats terrible advice.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Walking down a dangerous path with that concoction.

same can be said for anything when not done correctly or in appropriate moderation
How much do you weigh? 165? And you need EC stack to get lean?

lol jus tryin to cut fat my man i was around 175 now down to 167 while still seeing strength gains and finally seeing that third row on the abs....all Im sayin is that everyone trying to cut fat should atleast give it a cautious try cause it works

So everyone whos trying to cut fat should try an EC stack?  Whats a cautious try?

Thats terrible advice.

for quicker results and if there not seeing changes that they expected yea they should, as it mimimizes strength loss during cutting and actually works as opposed to other fat burners
I am sure he won't have a proper reply to that. LOL
Might as well change the name of this joint to the JUice Thread man. Yall dudes are OD with the supplements
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am sure he won't have a proper reply to that. LOL
Might as well change the name of this joint to the JUice Thread man. Yall dudes are OD with the supplements

yea the juice thread
...go sit down somewhere bro
Originally Posted by NjCollector

question for hiit on treadmill:

i'm doing 10 speed 6% incline 1min, 2min rest 4speed 6%incline in 8 cycles... it says i burned 400-500 calories on the treadmill calorie counter so give or take that is 10-20% margin of error, so 300-400 calories.

Now my question is i used to burn 800-900(with the 10-20% margin of error) calories doing 5miles on the treadmill at a 5speed 6%incline for an hour.

Is the HIIT for me? I tried it yesterday and i completed the cycles in 24-26minutes, i was definitely exhausted and could barely finish the last cycle , but what surprised me was the calorie burnt was 50% less than running the 5miles.

Can someone HELP me out, Please? Should i stick with the 5mile run or stay with the HIIT; i definitely do not want to gain any weight by using a workout that burns less calories than what i am used to.

Another question: Can someone recommend me a pre-workout supplement, not for getting big just to give me a energy boost.
Thank you very much, for any response.
Help a dude out.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am sure he won't have a proper reply to that. LOL
Might as well change the name of this joint to the JUice Thread man. Yall dudes are OD with the supplements
Dudes in here taking all types of crazy supplements and then afraid to eat at Subway. 

Originally Posted by REALTALKAZ

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am sure he won't have a proper reply to that. LOL
Might as well change the name of this joint to the JUice Thread man. Yall dudes are OD with the supplements

yea the juice thread
...go sit down somewhere bro

You have a better name for it? Folks just throwing names out there of products they can't even pronounce while sober. I would call it the "Legal" Substance thread. Folks doing everything other than telling other dudes to put in hard work and be patient for results. But that is the world we live in.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am sure he won't have a proper reply to that. LOL
Might as well change the name of this joint to the JUice Thread man. Yall dudes are OD with the supplements
Dudes in here taking all types of crazy supplements and then afraid to eat at Subway. 


nutrition is 80% of any goal your trying to reach, but definetly grilled chicken or steak or fish>anything on subways menu
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by REALTALKAZ

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am sure he won't have a proper reply to that. LOL
Might as well change the name of this joint to the JUice Thread man. Yall dudes are OD with the supplements

yea the juice thread
...go sit down somewhere bro

You have a better name for it? Folks just throwing names out there of products they can't even pronounce while sober. I would call it the "Legal" Substance thread. Folks doing everything other than telling other dudes to put in hard work and be patient for results. But that is the world we live in.

sometimes people are tired of hearing that man, especially when they actually are doing thier part by concentrating on nutrition and continuous the end of the day supplements are beneficial when used as supplemenents
You do know nutrition also include those products that I am pretty sure the majority of you dudes take and don't thoroughly research for yourselves.

Asking someone, "How quickly did you see results" is NOT research.

Like I have said before, there might be a whole new boatload of diseases and illnesses that this generation of "health dudes" encounter down the road due to a heavy reliance of supplements.

All I am saying is be safe man.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am sure he won't have a proper reply to that. LOL
Might as well change the name of this joint to the JUice Thread man. Yall dudes are OD with the supplements
Dudes in here taking all types of crazy supplements and then afraid to eat at Subway. 

realest talk and I'm guilty.
supp-free May
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Walking down a dangerous path with that concoction.

same can be said for anything when not done correctly or in appropriate moderation
How much do you weigh? 165? And you need EC stack to get lean?

lol jus tryin to cut fat my man i was around 175 now down to 167 while still seeing strength gains and finally seeing that third row on the abs....all Im sayin is that everyone trying to cut fat should atleast give it a cautious try cause it works

So everyone whos trying to cut fat should try an EC stack?  Whats a cautious try?

Thats terrible advice.

for quicker results and if there not seeing changes that they expected yea they should, as it mimimizes strength loss during cutting and actually works as opposed to other fat burners

Im glad you said what you did.  You highlighted the deeper problem here.

The problem is the expectations of people.  So what youre advocating is that if someone isnt seeing the results as quickly as they wanted they should take this product.  What if they wanted to see results in 2 weeks?  The problem is expectations of people and understanding how exercise affects the body.  Results dont come quickly.  The consumer brain has been flooded with claims of seeing results quickly and if they arent made visible in a short time frame then its some external fault.  (the program, the exercises, genetics, not supplementing, etc.)

Exercise/nutrition is a purchase, not a rental.

sometimes people are tired of hearing that man, especially when they actually are doing thier part by concentrating on nutrition and continuous the end of the day supplements are beneficial when used as supplemenents
Youre only tired of hearing about it because youre well aware that its correct.  Youre not concentrating on nutrition if you think that taking an EC stack is anything close to healthy.

dc you sound like a ignorant parent "eat this its organic it's good for you" 
This is a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black.

durden your talking to me like i'm some lazy out of shape cat ..chill on that bro
.....i mentioned this because it works and is effective for people looking for a fat burner that actually aids and speeds up the processs while still being able to lift heavy...get off that elitist stuff...we've all hit plateaus in our progress this is one method of elimnating those plateaus to achieve positive gains
ec isnt healthy but neither is all this pwo garbage that people are taking so who cares. i dont get why people cant just drink a coffee or something before they go to the gym
durden your talking to me like i'm some lazy out of shape cat ..chill on that bro
.....i mentioned this because it works and is effective for people looking for a fat burner that actually aids and speeds up the processs while still being able to lift heavy...get off that elitist stuff...we've all hit plateaus in our progress this is one method of elimnating those plateaus to achieve positive gains

If you want to take it, then you have every right to do it.

When concerns me and the reason I got involved is that to suggest it to someone (who ironically didnt even realize that this was recommended to him) is a very dangerous practice.  You dont know his medical history or any background info on him.  Youre suggesting a dangerous product to someone who you dont even know.  Just because you believe it works doesnt mean its safe to suggest to anyone.  Youre suggesting a product that isnt even legal.

If you think this is the best way to overcome a "plateau", then youve got a lot to learn.

Originally Posted by Durden7

durden your talking to me like i'm some lazy out of shape cat ..chill on that bro
.....i mentioned this because it works and is effective for people looking for a fat burner that actually aids and speeds up the processs while still being able to lift heavy...get off that elitist stuff...we've all hit plateaus in our progress this is one method of elimnating those plateaus to achieve positive gains
If you want to take it, then you have every right to do it.

When concerns me and the reason I got involved is that to suggest it to someone (who ironically didnt even realize that this was recommended to him) is a very dangerous practice.  You dont know his medical history or any background info on him.  Youre suggesting a dangerous product to someone who you dont even know.  Just because you believe it works doesnt mean its safe to suggest to anyone.  Youre suggesting a product that isnt even legal.

If you think this is the best way to overcome a "plateau", then youve got a lot to learn.

C'mon Durden. It's called Bro-Science. Learn about it.
All "it's-not-good-for-you" talk aside, cutting down with fat burners usually makes it hard for your body to maintain it's low bodyfat levels once you're not on a fat-burner. Most of them are basically a combination of caffeine and appetite suppressants. Nothing much more than what dexatrim was like 20 years ago.

If you're trying to lose bodyfat, you need to eat the right foods, cut down on your calories in general and get your !@# out there and work out. Most general population individuals don't need the aid of a fat burner they just like the idea of quicker results but it's pointless if it's not gonna last. I find they only truly help people that are getting on a stage to compete and need to get their bodyfat down to some unnaturally low level for a short period of time.
lf> new bench routine to help my plateu/sudden weakness in bench

did 5x5... high rep low rest is not appealing to me.

i want 300+ bench nowwwwww
Originally Posted by Durden7

durden your talking to me like i'm some lazy out of shape cat ..chill on that bro
.....i mentioned this because it works and is effective for people looking for a fat burner that actually aids and speeds up the processs while still being able to lift heavy...get off that elitist stuff...we've all hit plateaus in our progress this is one method of elimnating those plateaus to achieve positive gains
If you want to take it, then you have every right to do it.

When concerns me and the reason I got involved is that to suggest it to someone (who ironically didnt even realize that this was recommended to him) is a very dangerous practice.  You dont know his medical history or any background info on him.  Youre suggesting a dangerous product to someone who you dont even know.  Just because you believe it works doesnt mean its safe to suggest to anyone.  Youre suggesting a product that isnt even legal.

If you think this is the best way to overcome a "plateau", then youve got a lot to learn.


its legal bro
 broncaid can be purchesed over the counter at any walgreens
Originally Posted by Durden7

(who ironically didnt even realize that this was recommended to him)

And anyone with the power of reasoning can see if a suggestion by someone is deemed wrong by more than 2 people, than logically the suggestion that should not be taken.

Again, anyone help a dude out.
I finished my 2-week low carb diet yesterday. I went 3-days without any carbs and 1 day with moderate carbs and I'm very happy with the results. I dropped about 10-pounds (likely 3-4 pounds of water) and I feel much better overall. My upper body strength has decreased a bit (but only by 5-10%). My legs are noticeably weaker but the percentage drop in strength isn't too bad. I was doing 315 for 5-reps before, now I'm doing 275 for 5-reps (slightly more than a 10% loss in strength).

I found that my energy was very low but hunger was not an issue at all. I found it kind of strange that on the days I ate carbs, I was craving more carbs and was never really satisfied. On my no-carb days, I was rarely ever hungry...maybe because I filled myself up with a ton of vegetables. The only problem was I'd be very lethargic around early in the afternoon but my blood sugar would level when the evening came.

My concern now is controlling my carb intake so that I dont gain 2-3 pounds of rebound fat. I'm going to try to keep things moderate but the more I eat oatmeal, lentils, couscous, fruits, the more I crave them and want more.

This was my first time trying this no-carb thing out and I think its worth the pain. Losing 10-pounds in the past would take me like 6-weeks (moderate carbs), but I managed to do that in 2-weeks by pushing myself a bit this time around. Cardio was just walking on the treadmill while watching sports on tv...I didnt do cardio some days but I kept active...I lifted 2-3x a week and would eat 200+ grams so that I could go hard in the gym.
Well in December 2009 I decided it was time to get into the best shape of my life, I weighed in at 235, but an athletic 235 if there is such a thing. I have always been pretty athletic but I have always eaten fast/junk food. I decided that it was about to time to live a healthy life not just to lose weight but to feel great, to feel stronger than I have ever felt in my life.

I started out by changing my diet I replaced not eating in the morning with a good breakfast. Steel cut oats some egg whites and fruit. Being that I could stand to cut bad fat out of my diet I decided to replace any milk I was drinking with fat free milk (which I cannot taste a difference) and fat free cottage cheese (I can tell a minimal difference). I replaced my fast food meals with a lot of lean ground turkey meat and just watching what it was I was putting into my body.

I also decided for the first time in my life to get a gym membership and I have to say one of the best decisions I have made ever. Now when I go to the gym I see all kinds of people that are like minded, they all want to be in great shape too, and I even see some who I would like my body to eventually look like their's. I surround myself with people who are into fitness and nutrition too and find that simply talking about it is motivating.

I have been going to the gym since December 3-5 times a week and love seeing the results. A friend of mine told me not to weigh myself but to check my progress in the mirror. So I decided to do just that and just let the looks tell me how well I was doing. The mentality of this being my lifestyle for the long haul helps because I don't find myself wanting to go back to the way I used to eat or feel. Right now I feel good and weighed in yesterday at 210 and am looking a lot leaner. I lost most of my gut but have a ways to go. The best part to me is I know it's a good 25 lbs because I am bulking a bit in places I want to bulk. I am slimming in places I want to slim.

I encourage all that are wanting to lose weight to think about the reasons why, do you want to change your life and feel great or just lose weight? I know one thing I had in the past always been that guy that wanted to drop weight but I changed my attitude and decided I just wanted to be happy about my health and feel good every day. Right now I do. I feel great about the hard work and determination I have shown, I feel good about the progress, most of all I feel good that I have a goal and am seeing it out.

Just thought I would share that hopefully someone can benefit from it.
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