Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by NikePennyIV

I have a workout question so i figured id ask it in here. I always used to be in fairly good shape although I didnt focus too much on my legs. Anyway, in the past year, Ive gained like 35 lbs and a lot of it has went straight to my thighs. Ive started doing some running and cardio but I was wondering what exercises I can do to burn fat and later add some muscle in that area. would squats be the best option? any help is appreciated.

No such thing as spot reduction young thuggin'

Keep your big **+ on the treadmill and get your diet in check, some HIIT also. Do Sqauts regardless.
You know that feeling of
when you reach a PR or achieve something of greatness? It's a pretty powerful thing...

My bench press has gone from 185x5 to STRUGGLING to get up 160x6 and the exercises after that are also failed because I'm fatigued...

Failure to progress is one thing... but failure to even maintain is a POWERFUL thing
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

no...not yet. primarily just 97's and 95's but i will give those a shot. thank you

you run in nike retros?  I'd say go to a running store so they recommend the best shoe for you.  I used to do the joints in jordans, horrible, shin splints would kill me.  Got some cheap asics ones, comfy as hell.
I love this thread and the information it brings. since I last posted I'm down to 240 and Im going to keep going. I've also started taking a protein shake this week in MONSTER milk, pretty good, its prob going to be a few weeks before i see results. 20-30 more pounds to go and wrestling school starts in November I WILL MAKE IT! One of the things that keeps me going is success stories and such. And as a chef, I can say dieting is very important. Soon I will be posting some healthy recipes that taste great and will be good first is grilled chicken with broccolini whole grain pasta in a pesto sauce stay tuned.
Originally Posted by easy1986

I love this thread and the information it brings. since I last posted I'm down to 240 and Im going to keep going. I've also started taking a protein shake this week in MONSTER milk, pretty good, its prob going to be a few weeks before i see results. 20-30 more pounds to go and wrestling school starts in November I WILL MAKE IT! One of the things that keeps me going is success stories and such. And as a chef, I can say dieting is very important. Soon I will be posting some healthy recipes that taste great and will be good first is grilled chicken with broccolini whole grain pasta in a pesto sauce stay tuned.
Wrestling school? Pro wrestling?

Join the club.
Originally Posted by Steve Cash

Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

u guys know any dirt cheap sites for supplements? (safe and secure sites) store has the best prices
No they don't, has lower prices when it comes to supplements.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You jabronis need to know your roles and shut your mouths.

Steriod boy.. stick to needle posts
PT boy stick to by the book workout techniques.

Enough bickering. I enjoy both of your posts.. but shut up already.
He shouldnt even be in this thread...along with anyone else that roids
Originally Posted by Though

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You jabronis need to know your roles and shut your mouths.

Steriod boy.. stick to needle posts
PT boy stick to by the book workout techniques.

Enough bickering. I enjoy both of your posts.. but shut up already.
He shouldnt even be in this thread...along with anyone else that roids

Why you so salty son. Why steroids get you so upset? You mad no matter how hard you try, your not making progress. While i throw on 10lbs solid without lifting a weight? All that hard work you do just to hopefully make that fatty tissue around ur nipples go away, but it doesnt work. Nigz like me taking short cuts, cheating getting results in 1 week that it took you 2 years to make.Sounds like you have a miserable life dude. Dont let us juice dudes get you down.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Though

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You jabronis need to know your roles and shut your mouths.

Steriod boy.. stick to needle posts
PT boy stick to by the book workout techniques.

Enough bickering. I enjoy both of your posts.. but shut up already.
He shouldnt even be in this thread...along with anyone else that roids

Why you so salty son. Why steroids get you so upset? You mad no matter how hard you try, your not making progress. While i throw on 10lbs solid without lifting a weight? All that hard work you do just to hopefully make that fatty tissue around ur nipples go away, but it doesnt work. Nigz like me taking short cuts, cheating getting results in 1 week that it took you 2 years to make.Sounds like you have a miserable life dude. Dont let us juice dudes get you down.
Remember when you used to deny you took roids?
... the good ole' days
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Though

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You jabronis need to know your roles and shut your mouths.

Steriod boy.. stick to needle posts
PT boy stick to by the book workout techniques.

Enough bickering. I enjoy both of your posts.. but shut up already.
He shouldnt even be in this thread...along with anyone else that roids

Why you so salty son. Why steroids get you so upset? You mad no matter how hardze you try, your not making progress. While i throw on 10lbs solid without lifting a weight? All that hard work you do just to hopefully make that fatty tissue around ur nipples go away, but it doesnt work. Nigz like me taking short cuts, cheating getting results in 1 week that it took you 2 years to make.Sounds like you have a miserable life dude. Dont let us juice dudes get you down.
Remember when you used to deny you took roids?
... the good ole' days

You will never find a post of me denying me taking it. Everytime anyone asked, i never responded. It was just assumed i did. All the questions answered were through pm. So cut the crap
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Though

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

You jabronis need to know your roles and shut your mouths.

Steriod boy.. stick to needle posts
PT boy stick to by the book workout techniques.

Enough bickering. I enjoy both of your posts.. but shut up already.
He shouldnt even be in this thread...along with anyone else that roids

Why you so salty son. Why steroids get you so upset? You mad no matter how hard you try, your not making progress. While i throw on 10lbs solid without lifting a weight? All that hard work you do just to hopefully make that fatty tissue around ur nipples go away, but it doesnt work. Nigz like me taking short cuts, cheating getting results in 1 week that it took you 2 years to make.Sounds like you have a miserable life dude. Dont let us juice dudes get you down.
I'm not mad. I said I enjoy both of your posts. You just mad for the hell of it sounds like
There are two kinds of people who you find in the gym

1) Dedicated individuals seeking results for purpose of vanity, functional strength, or self protection (either physically or mentally).

2) Dedicated individuals seeking results for purpose of fulfillment, health, or even because they find it therapeutic. These people don't necessarily follow such a strict regime and couldn't give less of a %*#% whether someone does roids or not.

IF you are against steroids, it's becuase you aren't trying to achieve something or you have made a personal decision to stay clean. Accept the fact that you made that decision and stop taking feelings for someone doing something over night which takes you 5 years. IMO those who comment about roids on forums or at the gym are so jealous and torn between staying clean and juicing that they can only fee resentment.

It's not cheating... it's a decision. Some people feel that taking jack3d is cheating.

Everyone's chasing ({}). Don't feel you need roids to achieve the body that will obtain ({}).
word they are absolutely not "cheating" unless used to excel in a sport or competition that doesn't allow them.

honestly if i didn't look as good as i do (not saying i'm arnold or anything but i have a build i am pretty happy with) i would absolutely juice. %@+% takes too long naturally especially if you aren't dieting right and don't have a good routine.

hell i might still run a low test e cycle for like 12 weeks just to take it to the next level, but there's still that stigma attached to it that makes me hesitant. plus the whole needles thing is another turn-off but not that big of a deal.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

IF you are against steroids, it's becuase you aren't trying to achieve something or you have made a personal decision to stay clean. Accept the fact that you made that decision and stop taking feelings for someone doing something over night which takes you 5 years. IMO those who comment about roids on forums or at the gym are so jealous and torn between staying clean and juicing that they can only fee resentment.
Jealous of what?
Jealous of benching twice their max effort - an effort that took them 5 years of painful diligence.
Jealous of a lower body fat and higher muscle mass than they will probably ever achieve.

Could be anything... I know I'm jealous. However, I've found steroids to be beyond my scope of understanding and definitely too expensive at this point in my life. The risks outweigh any potential benefit ATM.

I'd love to be able to do 30 pull ups, deadlift 500, bench press 315, etc but naturally it will never happen.
The jokes on them if they take roids. Why even bother bickering? They will die a lot sooner, all of their muscles and joints will give out in about 10 years, they are riddled with acne, and anger issues, and small testicles.

You pill pop, or you shoot up? I'm in the camp that thinks, if you do roids thats on you. At the end of the day we are both in the gym.

-The Juice
at ChiefWiggum's statement

aint nobody hatin on people who use roids there really is nothing to hate on

I'd love to be able to do 30 pull ups, deadlift 500, bench press 315, etc but naturally it will never happen

stop selling yourself short fam all of this is possible without the use of roids. I can knockout 30 pullups no problem

And this thread has fell off significantly, all this thread is about is taking roids, comparing male athlete body types(which is completely romo), and other nonsense. Its like yall forgot what this thread was originally about.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Jealous of benching twice their max effort - an effort that took them 5 years of painful diligence.
Jealous of a lower body fat and higher muscle mass than they will probably ever achieve.

Could be anything... I know I'm jealous. However, I've found steroids to be beyond my scope of understanding and definitely too expensive at this point in my life. The risks outweigh any potential benefit ATM.

I'd love to be able to do 30 pull ups, deadlift 500, bench press 315, etc but naturally it will never happen.
You should be careful thinking that your jealousy is how others feel.

So is it the lack of knowledge on the subject/money reasons or is it the health risks that is keeping you from doing it?

Youre going in a bunch of different directions with what youve been saying recently.
What's good with daily full body workouts? Healthy to do? Any recommendations for how to space out the exercises throughout the week?
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