Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

i read that he is 6'1" 205 lb

legs look big though too and really defined so either way hes not carrying crazy mass on his upper body. in fact i doubt he can bench 315, maybe once but thats it.

but yeah im over the lifting stat BS, im already stronger than i need to be for any practical reason, im not really gonna worry about how much i can bench/squat/whatever anymore
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

i read that he is 6'1" 205 lb

legs look big though too and really defined so either way hes not carrying crazy mass on his upper body. in fact i doubt he can bench 315, maybe once but thats it.

but yeah im over the lifting stat BS, im already stronger than i need to be for any practical reason, im not really gonna worry about how much i can bench/squat/whatever anymore
I can't wait till i can comfortably say that.  Ya'll ever lifted on no sleep?
Originally Posted by CrunkJuicedUp

wait.... so al audi is ronnie? im compused.

What Lurkin was trying to say is that he was bloated and felt like he was on some ronnie steez since he always tends to look a bit bloated.
Or it could of went over my head too.

But my goal is pretty much to look like Zyzz except with more mass, once I get there I'll just maintain.

Currently I'm cutting and I'm down to about 10-9% bf at 180 lbs , I'm trying to get to 6-8%.

After I'm done with this I'll go ahead and do a clean bulk and try to get up to about 195-200.
Lmao!! Joe yea man I'm 6'1" an when I weighed 205 I def looked a lot bigger than that an that was with decent body fat, that's big when ur all muscle I'm not buyin those stats. I don't even think he 6'1" either. Yankee you know what helps bench if your stuck...matter fact it helps all exercises...DEADLIFT.
nah Joe is right, Zyzz is 6'1 and around 205. His brother Chestbrah is 5'10 and like 180. He looks bigger than he really is because he has small bones, no #$$@, people with small bones look bigger than they really are when they gain muscle. There are some pics out there of him standing next to a group of dudes bigger than him and Zyzz looks pretty small compared them...


Still not buyin 6'1" 205. Show me the link ur prob talkin about the same BB thread I got from a simple google search. Dude looks a lot smaller. I believe reggie bush is 6'1" also an weighs around 200-205, I've been at 205 myself before with decent bf where u could see abs an looked way bigger. Dude is shredded muscle but 205 would have him look bigger. Unless he has a youtube with him steppin in a scale....not buyin that. If he really is that height an weight......imma go as far as to say the dudes build is perfect to what I'm tryna attain then, I think he weighs far less though.
Jeez if this was misc, we would be clowned for being on datphaggytime... i think zyzz was at 205 when he was on a BULK. Now he is on a very cut diet and those pics above are recent pics; he said something about being too big. Nohomo, but personally dude has aesthetically a damn good physique, steroids or not ; i see why anyone would use.

I don't know if anyone saved or can find the pics when he was cycling (2nd?), dude was bigger then where he is now, nomo.
My bad I thought u meant he looked bigger than 205 but yeah dude is too lean to be 200+. On his bodyspace profile he posted that he was 205...
O alright, gotcha.... 205 is big, dude is def at a model/fitness type physique imo with awesome proportions.
I don't understand why people ask for tips. You essentially know what you have to do. The hardest lift is the one off of the couch or computer chair. You know it takes time, effort, and dedication. For squatting just work on your form with weight you can handle fairly easily. Perfect your form then start adding more weight.
Stuck at a few of my compound lifts so I decided to spend a few weeks "body building" with isolation exercises. I do rep ranges for strength, then size, then shock.

Just to mix things up.. hopefully it confuses muscles a bit and I can start progressing w/ strength again
Originally Posted by ChiefWiggum

I don't understand why people ask for tips. You essentially know what you have to do. The hardest lift is the one off of the couch or computer chair. You know it takes time, effort, and dedication. For squatting just work on your form with weight you can handle fairly easily. Perfect your form then start adding more weight.

You dont understand why people ask for tips?
How many tips do you really need for working out? It's basically just doing it. And why ask here? Google it, or go on the bodybuilding forum where the knowledge is far more extensive. lolz
Originally Posted by ChiefWiggum

I don't understand why people ask for tips. You essentially know what you have to do. The hardest lift is the one off of the couch or computer chair. You know it takes time, effort, and dedication. For squatting just work on your form with weight you can handle fairly easily. Perfect your form then start adding more weight.
Exactly the type of advice I would expect from a guy named Chief Wiggum. 

It's called the General forum, chief.
You want the Dressing Better folks to go StyleForum.
You want the Stock People to go to ZeroHedge or something.
You want the photography people to go to POTN.
You want the tech people to stay on Engadget.
Right? Basically the only thing people can ask about on here is shoes because EVERY other subject has a place with more knowledge, right?
my man ralph wiggum

do you have questions about form or how to lift more?
well both kinda...

I think i should be able to lift more than what i am doing... I'm squatting about 220.  I'm 6'4 about 205 myself.. considering your legs are supposed to be the strongest muscle group i figure this and deadlift should be my biggest lifts but currently its about the same as my bench

I do focus on keeping on good form though, i always go below parralel (well it feels like it anyway
) and i've worked on my flexibility so it doesnt feel awkward...

I read something about hip drive being important?? can anybody explain this??
Originally Posted by bijald0331

It's called the General forum, chief.
You want the Dressing Better folks to go StyleForum.
You want the Stock People to go to ZeroHedge or something.
You want the photography people to go to POTN.
You want the tech people to stay on Engadget.
Right? Basically the only thing people can ask about on here is shoes because EVERY other subject has a place with more knowledge, right?
I agree with your sarcasm except for those team offseason/season/game threads in the sports section. Not every single damn MLB/NFL/NBA team needs their own thread with "OFFICIAL" plastered on it.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ChiefWiggum

I don't understand why people ask for tips. You essentially know what you have to do. The hardest lift is the one off of the couch or computer chair. You know it takes time, effort, and dedication. For squatting just work on your form with weight you can handle fairly easily. Perfect your form then start adding more weight.

You dont understand why people ask for tips?
He said he doesn't understand why people ask for tips.
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