Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Would you not include more cardio when cutting or is that gonna affect the muscle gained?
Cardio only if I ate too much that day. Eating under a calorie deficit is enough for weight loss, for me at least. Maybe some cardio once or twice a week.
I would cut calories or add cardio to start the cut but not both. When progress stalls either drop more calories or add more cardio. Don't try to cut to fast or you'll lose valuable muscle.
Do you guys do deadlifts or back or leg day?

I've been doing them on leg day, will be trying 365 next Saturday and hopefully my grip doesn't give out like always.
any idea on diets? btw i dont eat red meats...only chicken and seafood. but man it seems i always resort to eating fast food...
im bout 5'9 155-160, im already pretty fit, just looking for ways to tone up and make my stuff a tad bit more defined...any ideas on workouts? mainly abs, arms chest...legs...eff it my whole body lol
So I've been back in the gym the past few weeks. Trying to lose 60-70 lbs. This is what Ive been doing

Everyday except Wednesday and Friday I do cardio which consists of jogging at 6.0 on the treadmill for 1 min, walking at 3.2 for 1:30-2 min, repeat 5 times. But every week Ive added 1 more so now im up to 7x this Monday. Usually takes ~30 min including warm up/cool down, but this past week I've decided to go until I hit 2 miles, 300 calories, and 30 min, usually ends up being around 350-370 cals

Friday-Mon I have been doing chest/tri back/bi and then shoulders/legs

Eating around 2,000-2,500 cals a day and I'm around 5'9 260

I'm mostly doing this because I used to work out and do BJJ about two years ago and I lost like 40 lbs but now I'm back to where I started. I'm trying to get in shape and go back to BJJ. I started at the gym on Oct 15th and I'm going back to BJJ Nov 15th. Todays the 24th and I weighed 264. I made a goal to weigh 250 when I get back to BJJ that gives me 22 days. You guys think its possible?

Any help is appreciated thnx!!
Is it possible to really have a workout and not be sore?

When I do my chest and shoulder workouts - they feel moderately sore, if it's a new exercise they'll feel a bit more sore obviously. But when I hit the damn squats and deadlifts - my legs/back are absolutely smashed. They'll take like 3-4 days of healing (and I play basketball on top of this).

Do squats and deadlifts really tax your CNS that much? I've been doing them for nearly 2 years now and my technique is pretty good from what i've heard at the gym. But the soreness is unbearable at times and it's hard to actually play ball without being sore from pervious' workouts.

Is there anything the more advanced folk could suggest? Perhaps lower reps and sets? Currently im just doing 2 sets of each (squat and deadlift) on separate days. i.e. Mon Squat, Weds Dead, Fri Squat, Sat/Sun Rest, Mon Dead.. and trying to get to 17 reps in 2 sets i.e 9ish first and 7-8ish next set - heavy weight. Add weight til I beaat the 17 reps.

My body is killing me seriously.. maybe I just need to let go of the squat/deadlift lol and just get into plyometrics for now
That workout is extremely harsh on the cns. You gotta eat like a pig and sleep like a hibernating bear or it'll run you into the ground quick. If you've been taking time off every 5 weeks or so and it's still killing you try substituting leg press for squats for awhile. If you haven't taken a break in awhile try taking a week off. I still always get sore I don't mind that but when your cns gets fatigued it makes life hell
^ Tell me about it.

Im seriously fatigued and sore its ridiculous. I've done a 5 day split and have never felt this taxed before. I better take a week off.

I just love the progress in terms of performance on the court, jumping higher, running faster is almost as ridiculous as my CNS. But i might just do what you said and maybe even stop squatting/deadlifting for a few weeks and just recover.
I know a guy running it and he does leg press instead of squats and says it works better for him that way. I'd take the week off and come back with that. Keep the deadlifts though just eliminating squats will give your cns a break. If you do it let me know how it goes after a couple weeks. Some people switch up the rep scheme too. Instead of the 4 sets of 20 you can do 4 sets of 30 or even 40. Some people respond better to those.
Anyone ever hear of or try this stuff out?

Alpha brain seems like it could be a lifestyle changer... I just ponder the long term effects
Originally Posted by I3

^ Tell me about it.

Im seriously fatigued and sore its ridiculous. I've done a 5 day split and have never felt this taxed before. I better take a week off.

I just love the progress in terms of performance on the court, jumping higher, running faster is almost as ridiculous as my CNS. But i might just do what you said and maybe even stop squatting/deadlifting for a few weeks and just recover.

Switch it up. I used to squat/deadlift every week, then I took about a one month break and did other exercises like front squats and single leg deadlifts. A couple months later I tested it again and my squat increased. My deadlift stayed the same.

Right now instead of doing back squats I'm doing front squats. I've plateaued on the back squats and now I'm focused on getting my front squat numbers up.
lost 8 lbs..feels good man 

I've been battling weight issues for the last couple of years.

Was at 230..dropped down to 163

shot back up to 220..back down to 158

shot back up to 230..down to 221, its staying off for good this time. 

I'm looking to be under 200 by the end of the year. 

I always wanted to join this thread..lets get it 

Just light skimming through the the majority gaining? or there a lot of people trying to drop weight as well?
Originally Posted by I3

Is it possible to really have a workout and not be sore?

When I do my chest and shoulder workouts - they feel moderately sore, if it's a new exercise they'll feel a bit more sore obviously. But when I hit the damn squats and deadlifts - my legs/back are absolutely smashed. They'll take like 3-4 days of

Do squats and deadlifts really tax your CNS that much? I've been doing them for nearly 2 years now and my technique is pretty good from what i've heard at the gym. But the soreness is unbearable at times and it's hard to body is killing me seriously.. maybe I just need to let go of the squat/deadlift lol and just get into plyometrics for now

How many grams of protein  are you eating a day?
my results have been slowing down

downloading p90x right now. either going to do the whole program or just steal pieces of it for my routine.

can dunk clean consistently for the first time in 6 years, feels good
Originally Posted by cs02132

So I've been back in the gym the past few weeks. Trying to lose 60-70 lbs. This is what Ive been doing

Everyday except Wednesday and Friday I do cardio which consists of jogging at 6.0 on the treadmill for 1 min, walking at 3.2 for 1:30-2 min, repeat 5 times. But every week Ive added 1 more so now im up to 7x this Monday. Usually takes ~30 min including warm up/cool down, but this past week I've decided to go until I hit 2 miles, 300 calories, and 30 min, usually ends up being around 350-370 cals

Friday-Mon I have been doing chest/tri back/bi and then shoulders/legs

Eating around 2,000-2,500 cals a day and I'm around 5'9 260

I'm mostly doing this because I used to work out and do BJJ about two years ago and I lost like 40 lbs but now I'm back to where I started. I'm trying to get in shape and go back to BJJ. I started at the gym on Oct 15th and I'm going back to BJJ Nov 15th. Todays the 24th and I weighed 264. I made a goal to weigh 250 when I get back to BJJ that gives me 22 days. You guys think its possible?

Any help is appreciated thnx!!

Im not as educated with exercise as other NT'ers but if ur goal is to lose weight. Switch up the running "jogging at 6.0 on the treadmill for 1 min, walking at 3.2 for 1:30-2 min, repeat 5 times". Do jogging at 6.0 for 1:30-2 min and 1 min on 3.2. Its going to be hell but i think it would be better to do that. Also even if you can't repeat it 5 times before, 3 or 4 times would be way better than 5 times of the other. Also try running every single day, even if its 10-15 mins or just a mile. Other NT'ers chyme in if im wrong!
Can anyone share a compound exercise workout?

I'm trying to move away from isolation workouts 4 days a week.

Would rather do bench presses + deadlifts + squats every time I work out but I don't know how to break it down for every day I go
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by I3

^ Tell me about it.

Im seriously fatigued and sore its ridiculous. I've done a 5 day split and have never felt this taxed before. I better take a week off.

I just love the progress in terms of performance on the court, jumping higher, running faster is almost as ridiculous as my CNS. But i might just do what you said and maybe even stop squatting/deadlifting for a few weeks and just recover.

Switch it up. I used to squat/deadlift every week, then I took about a one month break and did other exercises like front squats and single leg deadlifts. A couple months later I tested it again and my squat increased. My deadlift stayed the same.

Right now instead of doing back squats I'm doing front squats. I've plateaued on the back squats and now I'm focused on getting my front squat numbers up.
You do hack squats along with those front squats for hamstring development? Front squats hit the core and quads, not so much hams.
Front squats are a great exercise but be sure to switch it up. You don't want to end up w/ super strong quads but weaker hamstrings/glutes. That can lead to injury when exercising with heavier weights

I'm a big fan of back/hack squats. I've been doing volume training @ 8x5 sets for the past few weeks on leg day. I need to switch it up so I don't end up burning my cns out.
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