Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

3 - 4.
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and a snack (an hour) before I go to bed. I know I need to eat 5 meals a day, but that's not easy, but im trying. So far Ive had breakfast, lunch and a grilled chicken and spinach salad 

Steak is good for my diet? *%*%, I'm about to go in then!

Steaks and chicken are good, but make sure they're cooked in a healthy manner. None of that fried stuff, but grilled/baked is good.

Have you looked into gainer supplements?
I definitely wouldn't call steak "good" for your diet, regardless of how it's prepared. It's nowhere near as lean as some nice grilled chicken breast.

That said, I eat a steak every other week or so but I lust for red meat.

Steak multiple times a week is bad. If you have a fast metabolism and you're doing everything else right a steak a week isn't going to hurt you.

I eat a T-Bone at least 3-4x a week and I was getting ripped/strong as %$%#.

Maybe I should cut down though..
And I second the notion for making your own Mass Gainer shakes.

Just buy some whey, oats, some bcaa's, oils, peanut butter and fruits.. you can get around 500-600 cals a serving if you do it well.
^ True and they taste a hell of a lot better plus you can put whatever you want in em
yeah man. i get some good lean gains eating lean steak and lean ground beef cooked on the grill and prime rib. sometimes i get to the point of saying eff a chicken breast. i eat a ton of it but it gets too boring. 
i severely sprained my middle and pinky finger , how long yall think i can start lifting again? i really hate missing days. any routines yall could gimme to keep my strength up?
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

And having a hard time eating 2000 calories a day? How? I can eat damn near 1000 calorie sandwiches with just a little mustard as dressing. The majority of the cals coming from cheese, meat and the bread.

Seriously getting to 2000 is a stretch for me, trying to eat health, but check it, this is what I ate today
Breakfast: Multigrain Lucky Charms (I know, I know)

Snack: Chopped Apple 

Lunch: Turkey, Roastbeef, Colby Jack and Provolone sandwich on Wheat Bread 

Snack: String Cheese

Dinner: Baked Chicken Thigh, Roasted Potateos and Green Beans (full can). 

Total that's a lil over 1000 calories. Im not eating low on purpose, but jesus christ, what the %$*+ else can I eat
. My Whey powder should be here Friday or Saturday. 

P.S. I last ate around 7PM, im not that hungry, but I could make me a salad or sandwhich right now, is that ok? 
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

And having a hard time eating 2000 calories a day? How? I can eat damn near 1000 calorie sandwiches with just a little mustard as dressing. The majority of the cals coming from cheese, meat and the bread.
Seriously getting to 2000 is a stretch for me, trying to eat health, but check it, this is what I ate today
Breakfast: Multigrain Lucky Charms (I know, I know)

Snack: Chopped Apple 

Lunch: Turkey, Roastbeef, Colby Jack and Provolone sandwich on Wheat Bread 

Snack: String Cheese

Dinner: Baked Chicken Thigh, Roasted Potateos and Green Beans (full can). 

Total that's a lil over 1000 calories. Im not eating low on purpose, but jesus christ, what the %$*+ else can I eat
. My Whey powder should be here Friday or Saturday. 

P.S. I last ate around 7PM, im not that hungry, but I could make me a salad or sandwhich right now, is that ok? 

There are many ways you can do it. Just figure out how many meals you plan to eat throughout the day and assign calories for each meal.
For example:

Breakfast 400 cal

snack 250 cal

lunch 500 cal

snack 250 cal

dinner 500 cal

snack 200 cal


2100 calories

A heartier breakfast would be a good idea and an apple + string cheese would make a good snack together. Leaves your other snack open for more calories. And yes, a post dinner snack is fine. 
If you have a difference in size of say your legs / arms. How do you go about properly reducing the difference? Just work out the R bicep and not the L bicep? I just don't want one muscle to be stronger than the other, but I do want symmetry. I might be over analyzing this...
add another snack boost, i know the timing is hard to deal with especially with work etc.

I CANNOT DL 365, $%+?
didnt want to start a new thread, but does anyone know of some decent running shoes? i have flat feet so that might be a factor. 
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

And having a hard time eating 2000 calories a day? How? I can eat damn near 1000 calorie sandwiches with just a little mustard as dressing. The majority of the cals coming from cheese, meat and the bread.
Seriously getting to 2000 is a stretch for me, trying to eat health, but check it, this is what I ate today
Breakfast: Multigrain Lucky Charms (I know, I know)

Snack: Chopped Apple 

Lunch: Turkey, Roastbeef, Colby Jack and Provolone sandwich on Wheat Bread 

Snack: String Cheese

Dinner: Baked Chicken Thigh, Roasted Potateos and Green Beans (full can). 

Total that's a lil over 1000 calories. Im not eating low on purpose, but jesus christ, what the %$*+ else can I eat
. My Whey powder should be here Friday or Saturday. 

P.S. I last ate around 7PM, im not that hungry, but I could make me a salad or sandwhich right now, is that ok? 

Okay, let me say this again. Eat til youre full. Then eat til you wanna puke. Then eat some more. If people listened to this, they would be gaining weight no matter what the hell they decided to eat.

How the hell can you claim youre eating everything you can when your hitting a THOUSAND calories a day? Sorry, but thats @!@#!%#$.

Calorie Breakdown of a single sandwich:
2 Slices of wheat bread - 200 cals - 10g protein
1 Serving Ham - 50 cals - 7g P
1 Serving Turkey - 50 cals - 6g P
2 Servings Cheese - 140 cals - ?g P

Thats one sandwich at 440 cals with no dressing of any sort... thats damn near half of what youre eating in a day. Either you cant count or you have the appetite of a 6 year old bro

Eat one of them sandwiches, and then some for lunch.

If you really need ways to add calories to your diet, think about what you can do bro. Cottage cheese sandwiches instead of eating it straight. Whole milk instead of skim. Add some peanut butter to your shakes. Just think about it for a lil

P.S. I last ate around 7PM, im not that hungry, but I could make me a salad or sandwhich right now, is that ok?

YES!! Why the hell wouldnt you? EAT.
Im almost at the point where Im going to cut and thinking about taking boxing or mma when that happens. Have any of you guys drop weightlifting completely when training one of those two sports? Im afraid of losing too much strength and muscle while doing this.

Would 3 months show any significant loss? Im really not the type to go and pick fights but would like to develop some type of skill to help boost confidence and knowing I can hold my own if need be.
You can still lift just gotta eat more. I did mma while lifting for a while and when i ate good it was just another workout but when i didnt eat good it sucked

BJJ while being sore

Im about to start starting strength and i do bjj
Originally Posted by 4one5

Im almost at the point where Im going to cut and thinking about taking boxing or mma when that happens. Have any of you guys drop weightlifting completely when training one of those two sports? Im afraid of losing too much strength and muscle while doing this.

Would 3 months show any significant loss? Im really not the type to go and pick fights but would like to develop some type of skill to help boost confidence and knowing I can hold my own if need be.
When I started boxing I started to see myself slimming down in the mirror after just two weeks. I mentioned earlier I'm a soccer player so mind you I was already pretty cut.

And you shouldn't lose any upper body strength, your core, back, and shoulders will only get stronger.

In short I recommend boxing for ANYONE.
I wanted to find out more exercises w/ free weights for basketball. I'm old, but wanted to get stronger, jump higher.

I googled about curls and what not, but what helps w/ the fore arm and and arms in general?

Would I really have to give up beer? I only drink on weekends.

What's a good weekly regiment? Right now, I do 3 sets of curls plus some press, but nothing serious.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by 4one5

Im almost at the point where Im going to cut and thinking about taking boxing or mma when that happens. Have any of you guys drop weightlifting completely when training one of those two sports? Im afraid of losing too much strength and muscle while doing this.

Would 3 months show any significant loss? Im really not the type to go and pick fights but would like to develop some type of skill to help boost confidence and knowing I can hold my own if need be.
When I started boxing I started to see myself slimming down in the mirror after just two weeks. I mentioned earlier I'm a soccer player so mind you I was already pretty cut.

And you shouldn't lose any upper body strength, your core, back, and shoulders will only get stronger.

In short I recommend boxing for ANYONE.

So doing a little boxing (say 5-10 1 min rounds/1-2min rest between rounds with the occasional slack) after a lifting session is beneficial?

Its hard to do this though without an interval timer, which I am waiting for in the mail. My overall goal is to slim down and lose fat and tone up. I could say I want to lose 20lbs to get me to the 180 zone, but Im weight lifting too so I cant use loss of lbs really to track my progress can I?  My body is slightly weird, most of my fat is in my core, love handles etc but my arms are relatively cut and I have pretty slim thighs/legs. Im doing sets up to 8-10 reps so I know I am building for size/endurance as opposed to 4-6 reps for size.

Will boxing overall help me with the goals I am trying to set?
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by 4one5

Im almost at the point where Im going to cut and thinking about taking boxing or mma when that happens. Have any of you guys drop weightlifting completely when training one of those two sports? Im afraid of losing too much strength and muscle while doing this.

Would 3 months show any significant loss? Im really not the type to go and pick fights but would like to develop some type of skill to help boost confidence and knowing I can hold my own if need be.
When I started boxing I started to see myself slimming down in the mirror after just two weeks. I mentioned earlier I'm a soccer player so mind you I was already pretty cut.

And you shouldn't lose any upper body strength, your core, back, and shoulders will only get stronger.

In short I recommend boxing for ANYONE.

So doing a little boxing (say 5-10 1 min rounds/1-2min rest between rounds with the occasional slack) after a lifting session is beneficial?

Its hard to do this though without an interval timer, which I am waiting for in the mail. My overall goal is to slim down and lose fat and tone up. I could say I want to lose 20lbs to get me to the 180 zone, but Im weight lifting too so I cant use loss of lbs really to track my progress can I?  My body is slightly weird, most of my fat is in my core, love handles etc but my arms are relatively cut and I have pretty slim thighs/legs. Im doing sets up to 8-10 reps so I know I am building for size/endurance as opposed to 4-6 reps for size.

Will boxing overall help me with the goals I am trying to set?
It can certainly help but just to clarify I wasn't just messing around on the heavy bag. I joined a boxing gym and implemented other kinds of cardio and plyo work into my training. On any given day heavy bag work varied between one fourth and one third of my workout routine.

I don't think training with the heavy bag alone will get you the results you're looking for. That said, one minute rounds isn't the way to go either. You need to be going hard for a minimum of two minute rounds (with a goal of moving up to three minute rounds) with a maximum of one minute rest in between rounds. Just go as many rounds as you can go to start with, whether that's one, two, three, etc.

I think three, high intensity two minute rounds after lifting would definitely be beneficial to start with, you not gonna lose twenty pounds but that's still a nice little workout.

This is an example of what one of my training sessions looked like,

1. Cardio circuit: 5 minutes on treadmill, two minutes continuous jump rope (*#%# that $$!%
), 5 minutes stationary bike (recovery), repeat 3 times, all continuous, no resting in between circuits.

2. Heavy bag work: 6 three minute rounds, one minute rest in between.

3. Sparring: 2 - 4 three minute rounds with live opponent.

That was LIGHT WORK compared to what the competitive amateurs were doing but I saw GREAT results doing that just three days a week in the off season. I think you could eliminate the sparring and still see serious results just doing that.

It would help if I was a member of an actual boxing gym, its just the gym that I have has a heavy bag in a little room. I used to box before and it was a great workout. Im not solely relying on the boxing to help me lose weight, I just think of it as just another form of cardio on those days I dont play basketball or dont feel like hitting the treadmill.

I'll work my way up to 2 minute rounds as 1 minute rounds already get me burned, especially after a few rounds. They are high intensity rounds, I know basic combos and basic movement and bopping so it isnt just reckless punching for a minute straight. And I do know other basic heavy bag routines and workouts but I dont really count those in the 5-10 rounds I try to do. Guess im more out of shape than I thought though.

Thanks for the advice man.
Is an unfortunate 4-6 hours of sleep a night after a workout (I first have been starting my workouts lately at 10PM), fine in terms of overnight, post-workout muscle growth? Or do I need more sleep to see results? Are naps during the day/relaxation fine?
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

I wanted to find out more exercises w/ free weights for basketball. I'm old, but wanted to get stronger, jump higher.

I googled about curls and what not, but what helps w/ the fore arm and and arms in general?

Would I really have to give up beer? I only drink on weekends.

What's a good weekly regiment? Right now, I do 3 sets of curls plus some press, but nothing serious.
You need to decide what is more important to you big arms or stronger, jumping higher. Are you at a gym or at home? A set of weighted chinups will do more you biceps than curls btw.  Squats + Deadlifts + Chins + Rows should be the bulk of a program  for getting faster and stronger
Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

I wanted to find out more exercises w/ free weights for basketball. I'm old, but wanted to get stronger, jump higher.

I googled about curls and what not, but what helps w/ the fore arm and and arms in general?

Would I really have to give up beer? I only drink on weekends.

What's a good weekly regiment? Right now, I do 3 sets of curls plus some press, but nothing serious.
You need to decide what is more important to you big arms or stronger, jumping higher. Are you at a gym or at home? A set of weighted chinups will do more you biceps than curls btw.  Squats + Deadlifts + Chins + Rows should be the bulk of a program  for getting faster and stronger

Well, I wanted to tone down my fat, and get stronger as a whole. I normally play guard, and wanna get stronger w/ my upper body. 
I don't go to a gym, but have free weights at home.

I want to get some lean beef, will it say "lean" on the package?
I think I've seen some with percentages "93/5" for example?

I don't like chicken and wanna get more protein from meats...
I second the boxing. Got the best results in my life back when I'd only lift 3 times a week, but on the 2 cardio days did HIIT sprints preceding rope jumping and a few rounds on the heavy bag. This minimal, but efficient work will really do wonders. It's all how you train dudes.
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