Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by ccobryan173

anyone do front squats? I like em way more then squats and so much harder usually do em on 2nd lower day dlift, front squats, ham curls, calve raise and im dead

I like Front squats, but I prefer to alternate because I like the control and stability I have with back squats.  I've so far worked my way up to 315 on front squats for 6 reps, but the last time I did a front squat workout, I don't know if it was the weight belt, or the fact that I already bruised my left hip-flexor but I strained the !@#$ out of my hip and it still hasn't fully recovered.  I can still train, but some days it just acts up, so I haven't touched the front squats since then.
Tried front squats years ago when I first started training and it wasn't pretty.
I might give this a try tomorrow after my run.
Originally Posted by I3

Might give front sqauts a go after the 5x5 programme.

Im assuming the body doesn't remember the same protocols as back squats, meaning lower weight. Lol, might just start with the bar.. are front and back squat #'s relative? Or should you be squatting more on back squats?
you should be able to back squat more.. just a comparison, for a normal 2-3 set of back ill do 185 but ill only be able to do 95 comfortably on the front

and for the most part i like to do 2 sets back, followed by 1 set front
Damn went for a 6 mile run today and just stop after a mile. It's not that I was tired, I was just bored and not into it.
Went directly to the gym and still didn't feel like working out.
I hope it was the weather that made me lazy
If I go from 6days a week doing HIIT on the treadmill(variant) to 3-4 days, will I have to change my diet for those 2 days(eat less)?

I just want to lose this last area of fat in my stomach area, and then ill start bulking up.
The reason to go down is that I'm tired of running. I am satisified with my results so I would just like to keep them without running(or very little) if that is possible.

Any and all help is high appreciated.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by swizzc

this is where im at right now max wise

bench - 345 x 2
squat- 420 x 4
clean - 265 x 2

height and weight?
5'11" 205 lbs. played 4 yrs of college football tho so that helped get me to that point
Originally Posted by USA Pride4Life

Im going to begin circuit training for the first time, and was looking for some input. Would I be better suited to go on a Upper/Lower body split, or a routine Chest/Tri, back/bi, etc. I also plan to incorporate HIIT into the regimine.

^ Its circuit training.. I think it wouldnt matter too much what your splits are. Its more of knowing what you're doing, the sets/reps, low rest etc..

Forgive me if I am wrong, but circuit training is based of endurance rather than strength.
315 on front squats must be pretty intense holding that much weight on your shoulders/chest is crazy. I havent been able to back squat since I tore my rotator cuff 3 weeks ago and the flexibility just isn't there. So ive have to live with hack squats with a barbell to replace but they definetly work the legs pretty hard.
1. I am not squating anymore. My knees kill me afterward. Sick of it. My form is correct according to the gym owner and others at the gym. I have always had knee issues though. I am done with it officially now.

2. Somebody assign me a chest workout for today. I will do it, something out of the norm if possible.
hey guys..

im 5"11 205lbs and im trying to start jogging again.
5 years ago i was at my worse 225-230lbs.
2 years ago i was at my best weight at 175-180lbs and after that i started to have foot issues so i stopped working out and gained weight (205lbs).

my foot started to get better a month ago and i started to jog on the track last week every other day.
my first jog was a mile, then 1.75miles and yesterday was 2.16miles *using the nike ipod sensor.

when jogging laps, what should I concentrate on?

how many laps i do?
how long i jog for?
how many kilometers/miles?

when im about to quit, i usually do a sprint at the end and stop when my body cant take it anymore

any advice when jogging?
Hey guys, been browsing this topic for a while now and some other workout sites online but was looking for any help on here. I'm 6'3 180 and have a pretty weird build. My legs are pretty built and my upper body is slim. I did a jumping program and lifted my legs a good bit when i was 17/18 and I'm 20 now and looking to even out. I finally understand all of the eating principles and once I start with a solid program I'm going to pack on the protein and calories.

So I guess I'm just wondering if anyone could help me out with a program to even my body out because I want to pack on the muscle on my upper body but keep my lower body just about the same. Thanks in advance if anyone could help me out.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

1. I am not squating anymore. My knees kill me afterward. Sick of it. My form is correct according to the gym owner and others at the gym. I have always had knee issues though. I am done with it officially now.

2. Somebody assign me a chest workout for today. I will do it, something out of the norm if possible.
Try the following, works for me...

-Begin with cable flyes(makes your chest work harder later on during presses), 3x12
-iso db press, 3x8
-regular db press, 4x10
-incline db press, 3x10
-at the end, get a 12lb medicine ball... do push ups on it with one hand on the ball and the other on the floor, then switch over by putting both hand on the ball then cross to the other side, do another push up (do 3 sets of 5 on each side)
Originally Posted by needsomejays

anybody else just get tired of lifting? im so bored with it at this point, glad i got P90x coming soon

P90x helped me go from 216 to 185 lbs.. in 2 months. But I got pretty bored with it too. To a point where I had to mute Tony Horton because he was starting to annoy me.
I started it again last week becuase I lost focus, partied/ate too much, gained 15 lbs back.. this program requires the utmost dedication for it to work. Good luck bro.
Okay I finished up the 5x5 programs 9th week... want to try something else out
can someone do a once over on this program i put together and make sure there are no obvious flaw?

bench - as per program
incline - 3x8
military - 3x8
db fly - 3x8
lateral raise - 3x8
tricep pull down 3x8

pull up 3xASAP
Pull down - 3x8
cable row - 3x8
barbell row - 3x8
deadlift 3x8
hammer curl 3x8
barbell curl 3x8

bench - as per program
incline - 3x8
military - 3x8
db fly - 3x8
lateral raise - 3x8
tricep pull down 3x8

squat 3x8
pullup 3xASAP
deadlift 3x8
hammer curl 3x8
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