Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

Whats a good affordable george foreman grill for under $40?

Just to be used for 2 people, so nothing big

theres more than one? i got a family size for $35 in the summer. they had them on sale at target. id check target because it seems like they always got deals.
Originally Posted by ABC

This dude on those boards said that weight lifting three times a week is a lot more essential to weight loss than cardio. Can this be true??

Under point 1.3

Yes, because:
the weight lifting is intended to be INTENSE. it will serve as a cardiovascular exercise as well.

cardio is great for your heart health... but it isn't really going to help you lose weight. it's all about calories 
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by ABC

This dude on those boards said that weight lifting three times a week is a lot more essential to weight loss than cardio. Can this be true??

Under point 1.3

Yes, because:
the weight lifting is intended to be INTENSE. it will serve as a cardiovascular exercise as well.

cardio is great for your heart health... but it isn't really going to help you lose weight. it's all about calories 

Brett, you're my dude.

but youve said alot of dumb things in this thread over the last couple of months.

this one is right up there.

when it comes to losing weight its about "calories in and calories out"

you can run all you want but if you eat more calories than you burn that running aint gonna do you *!*+ for losing weight.
Calories in vs. Calories out.

Cardio and weight lifting will speed up that process.

But diet is very very very very underrated.. anyone can lift weights, get the right form and tear up +%%!. But if you can master what foods your body responds too its magic!

Are there any weight gainers which ya'll would suggest to help supplement calories/protein for somebody w/ an extremely busy schedule?

I dont want be stuck on one forever but Between school and work I'm not getting the 5-6 meal per day plan off to a great start smiley: tired

A lot of people frown upon any supplements here, but i'd recommend Mutant Mass.. im onto my second cycle and I can tell that i've put on quite a bit of mass, most of it lean. I gained a few kgs, but ive got more filled out and ripped. Definitely get one if you're a hard gainer. The serving sizes are ridiculous, so I recommend consuming half mid morning then one post-workout or as a pre-bed, that should make it last a while. Mutant Mass + clean foods (complex carbs, proteins and fats) + compounds = MASS.

Don't be afraid to eat like a horse, I still don't eat as much as I could (without feeling sick) - but the Mass Gainer certainly helped me.
I'm on my second cycle of Oxyelite Pro, but it doesn't seem to be as effective as when I did my first cycle. I'm looking into Animal Cuts, anyone have any insight on it? Should I make the switch and would it be worth it?
Originally Posted by Primo Escobar

I'm on my second cycle of Oxyelite Pro, but it doesn't seem to be as effective as when I did my first cycle. I'm looking into Animal Cuts, anyone have any insight on it? Should I make the switch and would it be worth it?

how long have you been off oxy?

ive heard good things about animal cuts but never used it myself...........i know someobody personally who used it for a contest prep along with the great reviews online.
Starting "Starting Strength" today... its a AB split, working out 3 days a week. Workout A is Squat, Bench, Deadlift. Workout B is Squat, Overhead Press, Power clean. Last two years ive trained with a university football team, so these lifts are staples in my routine, but for the last 5 months i haven't been following a program at all, and have seen few gains in anything other then my squat. im interested in seeing how my body responds to this routine. if anyone cares ill repost in a couple weeks time to give first impressions
Originally Posted by sendtheroses

Starting "Starting Strength" today... its a AB split, working out 3 days a week. Workout A is Squat, Bench, Deadlift. Workout B is Squat, Overhead Press, Power clean. Last two years ive trained with a university football team, so these lifts are staples in my routine, but for the last 5 months i haven't been following a program at all, and have seen few gains in anything other then my squat. im interested in seeing how my body responds to this routine. if anyone cares ill repost in a couple weeks time to give first impressions

Good luck. I made awesome gains on SS when I first started lifting. 
sickkkk... my body hates bench press for some reason, i'm really hoping this will spark some sort of development in that area... long skinny arms FTL.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

ive been off whey for months myself personally

I've been saying this for a while. Most whey proteins are from terrible sources. Sick, confined animals with very few nutrients. If you want good whey, get it from grass-fed, pastured cows. I've heard good things about whey protein from New Zealand.
That article was alright. It just confirms the importance of food quality. Animal products from pastured animals are significantly better than from factory farmed animals. The nutrient density doesn't even compare. Milk isn't bad necessarily. Many people can't handle it, but some can. Butter, ghee, and cheese can be handled by most. Don't feel obligated to include it in your diet. You can get nutrients from other sources. Calcium from greens, vitamin d from meat, etc.

That point about how we don't drink other mammal's milk is pretty bad. Many cultures drink many different kinds of milks. Mongolians drank horse milk. Other Asians have consumed buffalo milk for centuries. Goat milk, sheep milk, and cows milk are the main ones. 
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Yes, because:
the weight lifting is intended to be INTENSE. it will serve as a cardiovascular exercise as well.

cardio is great for your heart health... but it isn't really going to help you lose weight. it's all about calories 
Brett, you're my dude.

but youve said alot of dumb things in this thread over the last couple of months.

this one is right up there.

There are lots more things that are more important for fat loss. Cardio is great for cardiovascular health. But doing cardio everyday won't magically get you to 5% bodyfat. Look at marathoners. Why aren't they all at very low(5-8% for men) bodyfat levels?
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by bxbadboy90

Originally Posted by bxbadboy90

I am kinda new to this but I want to get a lil cut for the summer and went to GNC. Saw that they had these two items on the shelf for proteins. Which would be better for my goal (along with a healthy diet)?



those are all garbage!

ON whey is the best for the money. very good price, very little sugar, low cal, and tastes good as hell.
^Like he said.  But if i had to choose one of those, compare the nutritional facts and see which is lower calorie.  Trying to cut fat myself though, i don't even use whey protein.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Primo Escobar

I'm on my second cycle of Oxyelite Pro, but it doesn't seem to be as effective as when I did my first cycle. I'm looking into Animal Cuts, anyone have any insight on it? Should I make the switch and would it be worth it?

how long have you been off oxy?

ive heard good things about animal cuts but never used it myself...........i know someobody personally who used it for a contest prep along with the great reviews online.

I was on it for 8 weeks (first cycle), was off it for 4 weeks, now I've been on it again for 3 weeks (second cycle)
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Yes, because:
the weight lifting is intended to be INTENSE. it will serve as a cardiovascular exercise as well.

cardio is great for your heart health... but it isn't really going to help you lose weight. it's all about calories 
Brett, you're my dude.

but youve said alot of dumb things in this thread over the last couple of months.

this one is right up there.
There are lots more things that are more important for fat loss. Cardio is great for cardiovascular health. But doing cardio everyday won't magically get you to 5% bodyfat. Look at marathoners. Why aren't they all at very low(5-8% for men) bodyfat levels?

no but the way it was worded, there was in implification that cardio does nothing for weight loss.

In comparison to a solid caloric deficit.... it doesn't

Honestly... I'm just going off the numerous articles on simply shredded
"when cutting, do you prefer HIIT or normal cardio"
"I dont do either. cals in v cals out"

If anything, extended cardio is just a good opportunity to dabble in catabolism.
My calves are tighter than kanye's red pants at the all-star game.
I do yoga, I THOUGHT that all the downward facing dog would keep my calves from tightening up after working out, but no.
I think I need a more intense stretch, what do I do, I can hardly walk let alone work out -_-
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Yes, because:
the weight lifting is intended to be INTENSE. it will serve as a cardiovascular exercise as well.

cardio is great for your heart health... but it isn't really going to help you lose weight. it's all about calories 
Brett, you're my dude.

but youve said alot of dumb things in this thread over the last couple of months.

this one is right up there.
There are lots more things that are more important for fat loss. Cardio is great for cardiovascular health. But doing cardio everyday won't magically get you to 5% bodyfat. Look at marathoners. Why aren't they all at very low(5-8% for men) bodyfat levels?

no but the way it was worded, there was in implification that cardio does nothing for weight loss.


Heres' where words are misused and confused with other words.

In terms of weight loss, cardio isn't necessary.  It really is a matter of "in vs. out".  Obviously cardio won't hurt, but it isnt needed.  You can thin but have the lung or heart health of someone who's overweight..

In terms of fitness, some cardio is absolutely needed.

Along the same idea, just because someone is lean or loses weight doesn't mean theyre in "better shape".  Their body compositon might have changed, therefore their "shape" has changed but it doesnt mean fitness or health wise theyre better than they were before.
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