STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Forgot about that Chamilionaire story. Jordan is gonna Jordan.

All I know is, dudes like Bonds, Armstrong and possibly Froning are worth respecting for their accomplishments. Armstrong totally benefited from his regime. But I can't completely knock his hustle. I would rather look at the glass have full in this case. I don't have to be buddies with him, but I can appreciate what he did.

Hopefully there will be another super athlete that could take the ball and run with it.
Normal people don't know what its like to be in the shoes of a lance or MJ. Being that famous isn't easy I would imagine. I don't really care what they do off the court. 
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Hit the Xfit workout "Cindy" yesterday AM.

5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

As many rounds a possible for 20 mins. Hit 30 rounds. Think that is a pretty good score however I've only completed a handful of crossfit workouts before. It was definitely tough though and would recommend it to those hating on the sport in general. Simple and challenging.
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 @ can  tell he def regrets not popping MJ
I have an idea.

Why don't we give each other work outs to do in the week?

Like WOW. We would post something Monday (or one poster takes a turn every week coming up with something) and we post our score or whatever by Friday.

It could just be the Cindy or we could get more creative.

I think it be cool.
Has anyone here ever competed in a physique competition? I wonder what a good weight would be or Body fat percentage.
just got one of my wisdom teeth pulled, so I'm outta commission for a few days. I can use the rest i guess.
I can post workouts everyday b, but people aren't receptive to it *shrugs*

No calf raises or curls in my programming so people will be dissapoint.

Worked on snatch by doing drills on Saturday, used the hook grip exclusively for the first time. Still having a tough time gripping stuff today, hand/forearm soreness, it's a real struggle.

Programming I cooked up for this week, if anyone cares:

A) Mid Hang Snatch 3x5
Power Snatch 3x5
Snatch 3x5

B)EMOM 12 minutes
3 Snatch (95/65)

C) AMRAP 5 minutes
5 Air Squats
5 Ab Mat Sit Up
5 KB Swings @53

A) Front Squat

B) 1 clean 3 Front Squats (155/115)
6 Wall Walks
10 yard Sprint
5 rounds for time

A) 5k for time
30 minute cap

A) OH Squat

B) Grace
30 Overhead Squats (95/65)
400m run
5 rounds for time

A)2000k Row

A) 8 Round Tabata
Barbell Walking Lunge (95/65)
Wall Ball (24/14)
Ab Mat Sit Up
Plate Twist

A) Rest or Skill work

Going to start Outlaw Way programming for myself in mid April/May.
I have an idea.

Why don't we give each other work outs to do in the week?

Like WOW. We would post something Monday (or one poster takes a turn every week coming up with something) and we post our score or whatever by Friday.

It could just be the Cindy or we could get more creative.

I think it be cool.

there's a crossfit thread for all of those shenanigans comrade
Hang cleaned 300 for a double today and it felt light, new PR. I'm comin for 335.

Catch low or catch high?

Mustve been tired, I couldn't get under 225 last week, pissed me off. My last PR was 255. Trying to get into the 300 club by the end of summer.

Need to get better at eating a solid pre workout meal.
Catch low or catch high?

Mustve been tired, I couldn't get under 225 last week, pissed me off. My last PR was 255. Trying to get into the 300 club by the end of summer.

Need to get better at eating a solid pre workout meal.

Caught em both a little below the power position but not into a full front squat.
Anyone in here on a vegan or vegetarian diet?

I've been vegetarian with fish occasionally for the past 9 weeks...switched up a lot of my diet, including my more Gold Standard :lol:

Anyone else on a similar trajectory?
IronMan, I would love to follow a program like yours but the problem is oly lifting training and equipment.

I just can't get a hang of basic oly lifts and also have really crappy barbells...
Can yall school me on amino acids? Do you guys take them? Waste of money?

I'm assuming you're already taking protein powder? If you're doing that as well as eating right, there is no point in taking amino acid tablets/capsules. Chalk it up as a waste of money
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what are your reasons for this diet?

Selfish reasons.

One, I've wanted to try a vegetarian diet for a month, but what really prompted me to revise my diet was reading about the health benefits associated with a plant-based diet. I used to get the itis heavy at work after a decently sized meal, chicken breast with sweet potatoes and broccoli for example...I wanted less of an energy rollercoaster. I do feel better after about 9 weeks...quinoa is my best friend :lol:

I have to say too I've eliminated processed foods, and reduced the amount of sugar I intake. Even my preworkout is vegan.

Memorial Day Is Coming..

For time: 
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it "Body Armor". From here on it will be referred to as "Murph" in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
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