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i get a lot of compliments on my biceps even when i think i dont deserve them because IMO they arent that great. They look flatter now than they were last summer for some odd reason even tho ive been hitting them and havent lost weight :x

ive been hitting tri-ceps hard to make my whole arm look bigger but they literally wont grow. the lateral head for me is so easy and sticks out and grows :lol: but the long head will not grow. no idea why

U don't bench if I remember or OHP or do dips.

Not sure if it was you.
Now that we've settled that biceps are more for aesthetics than functionality, and that the bishes love it, an old video that was posted here a while ago I think
Learned something today too regarding my belt...

I used to notch it so it was tight. After a set of heavy squats, I'd notice my lower back would be sore...

I wore my belt today 1 notch looser than usual... Went for a heavy squat of squats... And it felt good. My lower back wasn't sore at all until my 4th set of heavy.
Profile on the Costco ON isn't bad at all.

Here's the Gold:

It's the choc malt flavor.

Here's the Costco:
You shouldnt be paying a $1 for a serving of protein, thats pretty expensive. Look for proteins that cost $.60-.75 a serving. Gold Standard is $.75 a serving on
Jeezus I'm so out of shape, just attempted a circuit of

Farmers walk x 60 sec
Push-ups x 60 sec
DB squat press x 60 sec

For five rounds

Damn near got a stroke :lol:
It actually evens out. I double scoop my Gold Standard. A tub lasts me about 7 weeks. That's 48g per double scoop.

That Costco kind can last me 2 months if I do 1.5 scoops which is 45g.

I don't buy protein off bodybuilding. That's why I save money.
I mean does it count as arms day if i do biceps after my back exercises and triceps after my chest exercises?
When i was on a 5-6 day a week split i would have a bi's and tri's day. But i stopped that now that i have soccer 2 times a week. But i don't do anything different for my arms now i just tack them on to the end of my other days.

Today is back day for me. I am thinking bent over rows....hang cleans....light deads....cable rows and some lat pull downs. Then if i have time biceps
Not much going on here, just squat rack chin ups

edit** there is a video and my mobile has failed to upload correctly
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Lunch time though :evil: :evil:
I'd feel very unaccomplished leaving the gym having only lifted bis/tris

Pretty sure I'd be able to do that without sweating :rofl:
Snatch you say, good luck...

Been having **** workouts the past two weeks, bday coming up in two weeks. Going to ramp up everything from diet to workouts. :smokin

Hovering around 215 right now, I see you 200-205 :evil:

Starting 5/3/1 today

Haven't programmed the week yet, :smh:

20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats

5 rounds for time
Rest 3 minutes between rounds

Deadlift 5 x 5: 2x5 (265) 2x5 (305) 1x5 (345)
Power Clean 3x5 @185
Those numbers are impressive. I'm giving myself a year or more to attain those kinda stats.

My deadlift, clean and power clean is 220, 140, and 120 in that order. Been working on these lifts for 7 months. My snatch is lagging behind.
I do an arm/abs day on Fridays just to close out the week. I have seen improvements by incorporating it so Im gonna keep it. It usually is my shortest day at the gym too (30min).

Big arms + Custom Fit Polo = Swag
I just want veins in my biceps. I like that look. I see this fat guy with big veiny biceps. I don't get it
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