STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

:lol: nah, I'm gonna try it. That's the kind of stuff that draws my dumb in.

Damn I've fallen off this year. Last year I dropped 50 pounds and was in the gym daily. Now I'm maintaining (still big) and eating like ****. My discipline has gone out the window. I've gotta get my motivation back. Done with being complacent. /rant

Real talk, its cliche but just do it. Stop talking about it, youre wasting time planning what youre gonna do. Just do it.
You're right. Felt good to be back in there tonight. Summer 2016 is goingto to be a good one.
^ :lol:

I wonder at what age will my strength decline though... im 31 now, i feel like i can keep getting stronger for at least 10 years. Or more :evil:
I don't think strength has to decline that much when you get older. The problem is as you get older, people stop working out as often because they get injured more frequently and don't recover as fast. Also, at some point some people just stop caring about physique/strength lol
I think our generation is going to be staying stronger longer than older generations. Our generation is the most vain/youth oriented, with the longest adolescence.
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maybe i'd post a physique pic or a lifting vid on IG if i ever got a physique or lifted something heavy [emoji]128557[/emoji]
My grandpa is 75 and lifts and plays tennis daily. He'd destroy your average 25 year old :lol: in a fight or a race.

He is constantly getting surgery though. Always tearing stuff. Dude broke his collar bone last year diving for a ball. He retired and gives no dambs about getting hurt now.
My grandpa is 75 and lifts and plays tennis daily. He'd destroy your average 25 year old
in a fight or a race.

He is constantly getting surgery though. Always tearing stuff. Dude broke his collar bone last year diving for a ball. He retired and gives no dambs about getting hurt now.
 that's how i want to be, minus the surgery. 
Though my background is predominantly muay Thai all the heavy sparring we did training for fights at the gyms I was based  out of in Thailand was strictly boxing.  It is so much fun, y'all def should give boxing a go.  

When I recall how many rounds I could train when I was doing it full time it depresses me given the cardiovascular shape I am in now.
Yeah I'm gonna try for sure. I'm just going to start with some basic classes. It is muy Thai and Filipino boxing. I don't know if I'm down to get kicked in the head yet but I'm def going to try the classes for a minute. I could see joining a older dude league or something. :lol: I was watching them spar today. Looked like a blast.

As far as old people doing work my grandpa has showed me one thing. Just don't slow down because you're old. Dude is out here renovating his crib because he's bored building new dope *** decks and stuff. :lol: that's after tennis.

His parents died reaaaaalll young from being savages on the couch.
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Is the "Filipino Boxing" Panantukan? So elbows and knees?

I did some sparring on Saturday. To me, it is still the most exhausting cardio exercise you can do.
I think our generation is going to be staying stronger longer than older generations. Our generation is the most vain/youth oriented, with the longest adolescence.
You mean the generation thats in the worst shape,... Ever? That generation?
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