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Bro. A kitchen I used to work in did cross fit. The whole damn place was jacked. I was too broke to join in :lol: not even gonna knock it. Plus I'm small and don't know anything about it anyways. :lol:
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Being small doesn't matter. I'm small too. I bet I'm smaller than you, lol.

I'm 5'4, 160.

Just keep doing what you doing. You'll get strong, whether you're doing crossfit or not.
Nah I meant like I'm a n00b small. Yeah I'm 5-8 but you weigh more than me. Just saying not gonna clown something I don't know about.

Yeah I like my style. Go whenever I want at anytime since I work some weird *** hours but still try and go 5-6x a week so I don't get lazy. The anytime by me has a ton of good stuff actually and no one goes there.
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no offense dude. its been really positive vibes here for awhile. people posting their crossfire WODs and goals and no one bashing.

you come in here and renew your love affair with bigboss and bring back the negative vibes.

you've always been helpful to me but i gotta keep it real man

you're sounding mad petty and like the stereotypical crossfit that gives cross fitters a bad name.

why can't u just keep the vibes positive like @marmourjr
 and the other crossfire guys in here 

There was a dude in the gym yesterday like that. He was more like 6-5. He was semi strong though. We spotted each other on bench.
Now I know there is a lot of threads out there for me to research and this one that has 1773 pages in which I will start reading once I get a chance, I want to narrow it down so I can start off with a routine on what to eat, what types of workouts to do, and what supplements to take to meet my goal of 180-200lbs. Which would be focusing on losing lots of body fat while retaining the minor muscle increase I've gotten as all I've done is lift weights.

I'm 23, 5'8, 235lbs and have a horrible eating habits, lack of sleep throughout the week, with juggling full time work and full time school.

As far as supplements go, I'm currently taking:

- Opti-Men Multi-Vitamins
- Fish Oil
- Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein

And what I have taken but have ran out of:

- APE Testo booster
- Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite
- Albolene (I'm considering trying out 'Sweet Sweat')
- GAT Nitraflex (have completely stopped taking preworkout)

Any supplements I should look for or get on that might be healthier/better to?

As for nutrition, please let me know what types of foods I should consider if I am always on the go and have absolutely no time to meal prep on a daily basis. Places to buy meals from or as far as fast food? types of food to buy maybe Costco? etc.

Sleep, I average about 4-6hrs on a daily basis Mon-Fri, I doubt there's anything that can change that until I'm done with school some time next year, anything that might help me feel rejuvenated and focused the next day?

Thanks for any input on tips or advice. I want to do this the right way, rather than trying to be naive and a know it all and follow wrong theories.
You need to eat less calories then you burn if you want to lose weight. I wouldn't take any supplements at all. That isn't gonna be good for you.
If you sleep 4-6 hours /night, i dont think going back and reading thru this thread is a good use of your time. Youre clearly extremely busy, its not worth it :lol:
Nose just watch your portion size on what you eat and run. I was pushing 190 and lean during my senior year working off the same sleep.
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