STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I'm lucky if I get that much sleep 
7.5 or 8 hrs I'm good.

I swear to god, any less than that and the first thing that goes is my driving skills. It's like I don't know how to drive manual all over again (don't let grandtheftbike see this) :lol:

Anything less than that, the next thing that goes is my temper
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Could fellas provide me with a new chest workout?
Its time to switch mines up, not seeing many gains anymore.
surprised there aren't a lot of flavor god fanatics in here 
Just peeped the programming for this week.

Aww ****, squat doubles up to 100 percent tonight. Let's get it! I haven't squatted to max doubles in a minute

I've bee doing anywhere from 60-85 percent the last month or so. I was like, when you going to turn the beast looseeee Lmao (jk, I'm no beast)
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Now I know there is a lot of threads out there for me to research and this one that has 1773 pages in which I will start reading once I get a chance, I want to narrow it down so I can start off with a routine on what to eat, what types of workouts to do, and what supplements to take to meet my goal of 180-200lbs. Which would be focusing on losing lots of body fat while retaining the minor muscle increase I've gotten as all I've done is lift weights.

I'm 23, 5'8, 235lbs and have a horrible eating habits, lack of sleep throughout the week, with juggling full time work and full time school.

As far as supplements go, I'm currently taking:

- Opti-Men Multi-Vitamins
- Fish Oil
- Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein

And what I have taken but have ran out of:

- APE Testo booster
- Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite
- Albolene (I'm considering trying out 'Sweet Sweat')
- GAT Nitraflex (have completely stopped taking preworkout)

Any supplements I should look for or get on that might be healthier/better to?

As for nutrition, please let me know what types of foods I should consider if I am always on the go and have absolutely no time to meal prep on a daily basis. Places to buy meals from or as far as fast food? types of food to buy maybe Costco? etc.

Sleep, I average about 4-6hrs on a daily basis Mon-Fri, I doubt there's anything that can change that until I'm done with school some time next year, anything that might help me feel rejuvenated and focused the next day?

Thanks for any input on tips or advice. I want to do this the right way, rather than trying to be naive and a know it all and follow wrong theories.
Don't worry about supplements, first off. They're supplements.. meant to help but not going to be the difference maker for you. What you're taking is fine, don't worry about adding anything else.

You don't have time for daily meal prep you said.. do you have time for weekly? I understand the full time school and full time work, but if you can carve out an hour or so on the weekends, you can have your meals prepped and ready to go throughout the week. Check out for helpful tips/pictures. 

Something as simple as making up a big batch of steel cut oatmeal that takes 30 minutes on Sunday night. Throw in some cinnamon, spices, whatever you like, then you can eat that in the morning with a protein shake and that won't take long at all. Throw it in the microwave, make you shake, done in 2 minutes. If you can prep your lunch ahead of time, you could do a whole wheat tortilla or bread, with some turkey/chicken/tuna/lettuce, tomato, you can prep ahead small salads too. Snack wise, you can use nuts, a protein shake, an apple, etc. Dinners are the same way. If you don't have time to cook daily, then just make up a big batch of rice, cooked up some ground turkey, lean ground beef, chicken, maybe some black beans, then make sure you have plenty of vegetables (buy the steam in bag that you can throw in the microwave). You can prep dinner for the week in under 30 minutes.

Eggs, greek yogurt, nuts, lean meats (chicken, turkey breast, lean ground beef), whole wheat bread, green vegetables, rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal. Are all things that you can use to prepare things ahead of time. I know when you're busy, it feels like you don't have any time.. but it will save you SO much money and be better for your health if you can carve out 60-90 minutes a week and you can prep 5 days worth of meals.  Go to and use their calculator to estimate your target calories and macros.

Quest bars are my go-to snack when I need to eat something on the go. Good macros, can be pricey but buy a box and it's 2 bucks a bar, not terrible. An apple and handful of nuts will also be your best friend for snacks. You need as much sleep as possible, you can't cheat that. Manage your caffeine to help give you boosts throughout the day. Eat your breakfast, then have a cup a little while after.. have your lunch, then a couple hours later have another coffee or tea, maybe a cup later in the evening (depending on your sensitivity). Keep it as black as possible, a little sugar won't kill you, but I mean a little (a couple of teaspoons) and a little milk or half/half. 

If you have to eat on the go and don't have anything prepared, just try to keep the macros in mind. Find something that's got as much protein as possible, that doesn't have excessive carbs, and as much veggies as possible.

For someone with as little time as you, it makes the most sense to find some time to meal prep weekly. It'll make your life so much easier, save you money, and be better for your health.
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