STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Durden, I have a question for you... (anyone else feel free to chime in)

How much of an impact would you say fatigued biceps have on grip strength in general, but specifically for deadlifts?
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My man! I'll keep that in mind. if anybody else has any suggestions for sweet substitutes, as always I'm all ears. My discipline is never in question, but any possible ways to make life easier safely, definitely deserves consideration.
use blue agave in whatever you put sugar in like coffee n stuff. 
Ravens LB Brendon Ayanbadejo...dude is ripped crazy


these withdrawals have me feeling like ****. smh no bueno. got me feeling like jack in the shining. lol
I'm kinda pissed. I mentioned that I just added deadlifts back into my routine last week after not doing them for a year. I didn't wanna go too heavy last week, so I kept it at 315, but this week, I wanted to step it up. Did my first working set with 315x5 and my grip was giving out on the last 2 reps, even though I consider that weight moderate for me. But anyway, I still bumped it up to 365. The previous set with 315 really got me loose...'cause the first rep with 365 felt like paper weight and I felt like I was just snatching the bar off the ground like it was nothing. By this point, everyone was mirin' hard, so I let my ego get to me and thought, "**** it, I'm just gonna rep this out 'til failure like a bawse"
...instead of keeping it at 5-6 reps like I prefer for deadlifts. But after reps 7 and 8, my grip was completely SHOT and this is what made me mad 'cause I knew I could've knocked out another 4 or 5 solid, cleans reps.
I really hope my grip strength gets back to where it used to be. Might invest in some chalk.

So you dropped it or what?

I feel you on getting pissed. I was doing 315 the other night WITH straps and i guess my hands were to sweaty or the straps were loose and i went up but almost without the bar. Tried again same thing. People thought i couldn't lift it and i walked away PISSED. Regrouped went back and got it in.

I didn't actually drop it, but I just stopped.
Then just finished off with a set with 315.
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Yo, I need some good chest exercises...

I'm tired of the same Bar and DB flat press, incline press, decline press, flyers

Anything else I can do...Starting to get boring after doing it for a year now...
Deadlifted sunday... 325lbs 3 reps in set one....2 reps set two...felt good though. Back and bi's today.

CT fletcher video was great. "It's still your mother ******* set" lol get some

You don't deadlift on back and bi day? That's what I used to do - was I wrong?

I strictly deadlift on sundays....and box jump. If you have time i don't think its bad at all to deadlift with back and bis. Its funny because i wonder some times how people have time for all this stuff. For me to get in back + bis + deadlifts i feel like id be at the gym for 2 hours...which i don't really have time for.

On back and bis day alone i always work out an hour and a half just because i like doing 2-3 upper back exercises (detls and rhomboids) and then i will do two exercises for lats and then i will super set some of that with bi's and i like to do 3 bicep exercises and iso's on bi's will take me a while.

Up for work at 5...home from work around 5....gym 530-630 home by 645....shower its now 715 or so. By the time i make dinner and sit down its 8. Eat dinner til 8:30 ish. I don't understand how people have time for things. This is why i need a 5-6 day split. Days i run long at the gym i wont be done eating dinner until 9pm and then im in bed by 10 to wake up at 5am for work again. (yes i obviously have no social life lol)
Durden, I have a question for you... (anyone else feel free to chime in)

How much of an impact would you say fatigued biceps have on grip strength in general, but specifically for deadlifts?

Thats tough to determine. Its tough to only have bicep fatigue and not have some degree of forearm fatigue included as well. The biceps dont really have a role in grip strength, so by that muscle group alone being fatigued wouldnt affect it. However, because the forearms contract isometrically during bicep exercises, bicep exercises in essence will fatigue the forearms leading to decreased grip strength.

I wouldnt say fatigued biceps have a huge impact on deadlift ability/grip strength, but it does affect it to a degree.
pretty proud of myself for keeping to my diet / workouts these past few days while i was sick as hell and getting absolutely pounded at work

Thursday - hit back & bis at 6am. worked that night until 10pm.
Friday - hit ploymetrics at 6am. had to work until 630pm, shot over to the 76ers game (all i ate was a grilled chicken sandwich - no beers) and then back into the office until11:5pm.
Saturday- hit kickboxing at 7am. drove up to NY at 9am, made it there by 11am. spent all day celebrating one of our buddies engagement. Went out to a big dinner, just got the chicken and mushroom dish. Got hammered that night and ate a slice of pizza on the way home though SMH. Went to be at 4am.
Sunday - woke up at 10am. Drove back to PHL from 11am - 1pm. Hit Chest Shoulders and Tris at around 3pm. Only ate some chicken tacos that my girl made for the superbowl.
Monday - legs & back at 6am. Had to work last night until 12:30am.
Today - hit Bikram Yoga at 6:30am.

This entire time i have had a terrible headcold but finnnaly seem to have gotten over it today. Two other co-workers who caught it both missed work on friday. Not me. :smokin



Just looked at it

**** looks bananas. I swear you'd need 2+ hours in the gym to finish up a DAILY lift. I like some aspects of it, but for people pressed for time, I don't know if this lift is for them.



Just looked at it

**** looks bananas. I swear you'd need 2+ hours in the gym to finish up a DAILY lift. I like some aspects of it, but for people pressed for time, I don't know if this lift is for them.

thats what i'm worried about, since im a full time grad student, have internship, have a job, and i also bartend.

my friend and i are actually gonna sit down this weekend and plot it out on a giant calander.

insert awesome quote about being prepeared here ->
Plitt is that dude. Corny with his videos but he does inspire the hell outta folks.

His chest is crazy
Plitt is that dude. Corny with his videos but he does inspire the hell outta folks.

His chest is crazy
any one who has lost a significant amount of weight wanna chime in?

congrats on ur weightloss man I know exactly what youre talking about. That thread from was a big motvation for me too

270lbs to 146lbs in a little over a year timeframe.

It was like waking up in someone else's body at the end lol because I didn't really adjust to being skinny yet. I've always been told I was a goodlookin dude if I lost weight but I always shrugged it off as BS as some type of lowkey "hint" to make me lose weight. But when I did decide to lose the weight:

- no more choking when i sleep
- no more fat jokes, no more getting called fat ***
- no more sweating from just standing after 1 minute
- no more everybody giving me their food when they can't finish it
- no more breathing and sweating hard from walking a flight of stairs
- no more looking @ walking as a chore. Now I love walking. Rather take the stairs than the escalator.
- 44" waist to 32"
- XXXL to M size
- 7 5/8 to 7 1/4 fitted
- gained half inch in height 5'5.5 to 5'6. Doesn't matter tho still manlet :lol:
- 1st time doing a pull up and push ups was life accomplishment
- people not recognizing u
- people assuming you were skinny you're whole life
- no more getting called "big man" "big guy"
- people treating you equal
- people acknowledging you exist
- girls checkin u out, girls dtf @ parties, girl friends acting different around you, girls hittin on u, girls startin conversations, gay dudes checkin u out and hittin on you, catch dude's girl checkin u out and he's mad doggin you. etc

What made me decide to lose the weight was I knew if I kept my old lifestyle I would eventually become 300+lbs before I got to 30 and think about my life in "What ifs..."
My obese cousin was also a motivation because he went to hospital because of his diabetes and almost died. And I would've probably gotten diabetes too if i kept getting fatter since my grandpa had diabetes and died from it.


damn bruh.... that must have been some crazy dedication to lose all that weight in such a short amount of time

good ****.

getting those looks from girls :pimp:
I've done about a solid week of insanity and I'm thinking about adding some supplements to aid in solid fat loss.

I thinking of stacking Super HD and CLK both by Cellucor.

I used to be around 270 pounds and I'm down to about 235... I basically want to take my weight loss to the next level...

I also need to get my diet under control... any tips?
I've done about a solid week of insanity and I'm thinking about adding some supplements to aid in solid fat loss.

I thinking of stacking Super HD and CLK both by Cellucor.

I used to be around 270 pounds and I'm down to about 235... I basically want to take my weight loss to the next level...

I also need to get my diet under control... any tips?
Focus more on the diet. Get a good whey protein powder, multivitamin, and some fish oil. No need to get too fancy.
guess im finally losing baby fat/belly area fat. FINALLY

Now i can fully lean out. Noticed ive been getting leaner/skinner but gaining weight. Took enough damn time
Losing a bit of focus. Packed no lunches today and purchasing all my meals. Hopefully i snap out of it.


damb bro - how u gonna make all those youtube vids and then not even follow the diet? cmon son.
I've done about a solid week of insanity and I'm thinking about adding some supplements to aid in solid fat loss.

I thinking of stacking Super HD and CLK both by Cellucor.

I used to be around 270 pounds and I'm down to about 235... I basically want to take my weight loss to the next level...

I also need to get my diet under control... any tips?

Focus more on the diet. Get a good whey protein powder, multivitamin, and some fish oil. No need to get too fancy.

I figured diet would be key

Any other healthy foods than grilled chicken breast and salad?

I love eating salad but Lord have mercy it does not sustain my hunger levels. :smh:
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