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I'm looking for some type of exercise to gain strength/lose weight. I've been with my boot on since November due to a bad sprain on my ankle from playin ball and I've been just gainin weight at home :rolleyes. Any good vids or exercises would be much appreciated that doesn't require me using my feet thanks.
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great back day. crapload of pullups and bent over rows. seated rows, upright rows finished with some military press. lats are cooked. i switch off with deads, sometimes i'll do them on back day, other times on leg day.

I'm leaning out tho. fat is dropping noticeably each day it seems. i find that I look forward to each day just to see the new tightness. i'm getting used to the lower carbs and sugar as well, less groggy/cranky. These next couple weeks will fly by, then march I'll turn it up a notch.

as far as strength, I'm still pretty strong I'd say, though the intensity of my workouts has to be dialed back some, but that's to be expected. I can't wait to even see how different I am next week from just today. #teamFIT
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I'm looking for some type of exercise to gain strength/lose weight. I've been with my boot on since November due to a bad sprain on my ankle from playin ball and I've been just gainin weight at home
. Any good vids or exercises would be much appreciated that doesn't require me using my feet thanks.H
Hmm thats a tough one. I would search on youtube if i was you & see what i could find.
which one of you goofs is into bodyweight fitness and wants to throw me a rooteen? (routine)

im bored with my normal schedule. I need to break out of the funk. 

you know, the funk? gotta break out of the funk. not feeling it.

not feeling the funk.
which one of you goofs is into bodyweight fitness and wants to throw me a rooteen? (routine)

im bored with my normal schedule. I need to break out of the funk. 

you know, the funk? gotta break out of the funk. not feeling it.

not feeling the funk.
5 pullups 10 pushups 15 squats. Do 20 rounds. You'll be sore of ****.
about to start crossfit tomorrow. pretty hyped

was getting bored and uninspired with the usual gym. thought i'd switch it up.
Mine is the FT4. Differences between the 4&7 are the workouts logged, the four keeps 10 while the 7 does 50 or 100, can't recall exactly. My 4 does more than enough since I log everything myself with MFP

If im working out I wear it, point blank.
Came across this dude on Instagram. His quads can crush walnuts


On a side note I lost 2 pounds :frown:

For about a week I wasn't eating much just sleeping all day and working. Feelsbatman.jpg
so i weighed myself, im actually gaining weight, actually slowly slimming down :\
so I'm trying to loose a quick 10- 15 lbs in a month. Whats the best/ healthy way to do it? 

I'm pretty disciplined when it comes to diet.


Whats your tips NT?
so I'm trying to loose a quick 10- 15 lbs in a month. Whats the best/ healthy way to do it? 

I'm pretty disciplined when it comes to diet.


Whats your tips NT?

Post your diet and i'll have a look
Post your diet and i'll have a look
Breakfast: Oatmeal w/ fruit or Cereal w/ non fat milk

Lunch: Tuna sandwich or chicken salad

Dinner: Some type of protein, Grilled chicken breast w/ steamed veggies

and in between meals ill have a little snack like yogurt or fruit.
so I'm trying to loose a quick 10- 15 lbs in a month. Whats the best/ healthy way to do it? 

I'm pretty disciplined when it comes to diet.


Whats your tips NT?
Focus on compound lifts.  Incorporate supersets into your workouts.  HIIT cardio.  A "quick 10 - 15 lbs" is unlikely unless you're way below maintenance calories, which will probably lead to gaining it back eventually.  Aim for a steady 2 lbs a week.
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so I'm trying to loose a quick 10- 15 lbs in a month. Whats the best/ healthy way to do it? 

I'm pretty disciplined when it comes to diet.


Whats your tips NT?
You're not going to lose 10-15 pounds in a month in any healthy manner. Especially if that's your baseline diet you're trying to change.
You're not going to lose 10-15 pounds in a month in any healthy manner. Especially if that's your baseline diet you're trying to change.

Why can't you lose 10 pounds in a month in a healthy manner? If you control your portions, watch your calorie intake, and up your cardio/overall exercise, it's attainable.


NVM...I see why you posted that.

*and even if you hate running, there are MANY other forms of cardio that you can do. FWIW, embracing cardio is going to help you get rid of those 10-15 pounds. You better learn to like it.
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After 2 bad workouts last week, a rough night of drinking on Saturday, and a mean hangover on Sunday... I'm back.

Killed my shoulders, triceps, and legs in the gym today. Followed all that with a mile 'fat burn' walk on the treadmill.

I'm going to limit myself to drinking only once or twice a month, Saturdays only. Drinking during the week hinders me in the gym.
I might take a rest day today. Deadlifted yesterday. Got 335 up a little easier this week. Will shoot for 345 or 355 next week.
back to back rest days feel weird :lol:

Week 3 in Gethins 12. Back to getting it in on the free weights tomorrow. :smokin

I'm learning as I progress with the weights that my right wrist is MUCH weaker than my left, or is it my left that's giving me ****? Can't remember haha.

Going to invest in straps. Thoughts?
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