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that smith machine leg press sounds ridiculous. all this weird stuff folks are trying, somebody's going to die lol
Per Josh Hamiltons message from God, I'm looking into this "juice lady." Making me want to go on a juice diet myself again. First time didn't last so long. :lol:
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first time trying to do skullcrushers today/yesterday. Damb that part of my tricep is weak! Combination of my form and how weak my triceps were was just :x
Keep the shorts coming iLLest - You made me want a Doughnut now though :lol:
But if youre bored doing standing DB curls, youre going to be bored doing preacher curls. There are so many different ways or methods of training, but if BOREDOM is the issue with an exercise then there isnt much else to suggest besides a totally different method of training.

If youre bored doing an open kinetic chain exercise like the leg press, then I doubt moving to closed kinetic chain exercises like squats wont make things more interesting.

Boredom is basically the precise thing you dont want when exercising. Its very difficult to overcome boredom.

Our nervous systems crave complexity. Moving from open to closed kinetic chains would change their perception. Moving from basic to more complex closed kinetic chain movements would as well. For example, take someone that is bored doing towel pull ups and have them perform rope climbs, I guarantee they won't be bored. Why? More complexity. Sure there are other factors, but the main driver is complexity of movement, which increases motor unit activation, psychological stimulation, etc. As some recent scientists are talking about: our brains are designed to learn new movement patterns. That is the reason that we evolved such a large and well developed brain.

All I'm saying is that people need to break out of this bubble that is 'fitness' with 'reps and sets' and focusing on exercise being a medicine with a handful of tools only. I think you'll agree with this durden: movement is the end goal. Period. Here's a quick video I think you would like that discusses this:
Did squats yesterday. 325 again couldn't muster up the strength to go bigger...kinda disappointed in myself...will shoot for 335 next week.

Cardio today....chest saturday...deadlift sunday. Gym was empty yesterday....a bunch of lonely old woman that was about it.

I know its been asked like 1000 times in here. But anyone have a Whey Protein recommendation. Trying to switch it up. Is ON Gold Standard worth it...i know that tends to be the normal go-to
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Dudes on the leg press crack me up. 10+ plates on there with no range of motion. Stand up and they are all looking big and bad. SMH
While I don't think the leg press is pointless, this I agree with.  Don't get the point of grabbing every plate in the gym and leg pressing it when you can barely do a proper squat with 135 lbs going all the way down.
Chest/triceps/shoulders today. Normally would give shoulders and traps there own day but I have soccer tournament tomorrow :pimp:
I had a great back/abs workout last night. Gynmentines Day >D .

iLLest check your PMs brah!
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Don't know if I updated or not but from Super Bowl to last weekend I pretty much was in IDC IDC IDC mode and went from 257 to about 263 (granted 2-3 Lbs might have been water) I'm back to about 258 as of this morning (weighed in 257.6) gonna do an official weigh in on Saturday. Self control is a big thing when it comes to cheating. When you have something you haven't had in forever it gets like crack LOL

Pic on bottom left was last week pic on right was this morning.

cool vid iLLest. I actually liked that one more than the actual drake/jcole vid. usually outtakes are the best anyways. you get that real comedy. good stuff.

oh and good stuff on the 315 bench too. big time.

great job Lucky. you're killing it man.

arm day. gonna focus mostly on tri's and my forearms. just a couple sets on bi's, but they dont need much at this point, they've been progressing well lately.
Don't know if I updated or not but from Super Bowl to last weekend I pretty much was in IDC IDC IDC mode and went from 257 to about 263 (granted 2-3 Lbs might have been water) I'm back to about 258 as of this morning (weighed in 257.6) gonna do an official weigh in on Saturday. Self control is a big thing when it comes to cheating. When you have something you haven't had in forever it gets like crack LOL

Pic on bottom left was last week pic on right was this morning.


To shape your man ****.. try decline Pushups and presses... it works the bottom pectoral muscles and will tighten your chest so they are not drooping.. good work.. even though I never had weight issues.. watching overweight people lose weight and transforming their bodies remains one of my favorite inspirations.. the amount of dedication and hard work..

Sent from my Windows Surface RT.
While I don't think the leg press is pointless, this I agree with.  Don't get the point of grabbing every plate in the gym and leg pressing it when you can barely do a proper squat with 135 lbs going all the way down.

Anyone know Rippetoe's great quote on leg press? :lol:

That's how I feel --minus the word choice.
To shape your man ****.. try decline Pushups and presses... it works the bottom pectoral muscles and will tighten your chest so they are not drooping.. good work.. even though I never had weight issues.. watching overweight people lose weight and transforming their bodies remains one of my favorite inspirations.. the amount of dedication and hard work..

Sent from my Windows Surface RT.

I was gonna at decline db press but I hear mixed things some say they work lower pecs others saying the whole lower pec thing is bro science
I was gonna at decline db press but I hear mixed things some say they work lower pecs others saying the whole lower pec thing is bro science

Sometimes...the only way to find out is to do it and see how your body responds. *shrugs*
It is bro. It's all one slab of meat. sure you can work it from different angles, but their are no bottom/upper/inner/outer pectoral muscles. There's just Minor and Major pectorals...Major running pretty horizontally and it more or less the muscle you see and minor being the deeper tissue running vertically. You can strengthen and enlarge the muscle, but as far as shaping it, genetics. The muscle fiber connectors and shape is all in your genes. Your best bet is just to continue trimming the fat, and of course continuing to incorporate chest exercises, but what you're seeing is really just fatty tissue.
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Ate a bunch of candy last night... I felt dirty. Sometimes, I feel like I have to slip up to get my focus back.

Had a good workout, hit everything hard... but I just didn't feel satisfied with it. Not boredom, but I feel like it wasn't enough.
That list is so trash. Omg

Leg press being useless? Foh!

I hate **** like this because people who aren't heavy into working out will skip doing these workouts and half of the listed exercises are key workouts.

Who wrote that ****? Let's troll the hell out that person

People who substitute squats with leg presses say this...

I kind of agree with the list in that people should be focused on natural compound exercises and not machines where you can easily injure yourself.

I do Leg press and squats though.

Don't say **** if you don't know what your talking about.
It is bro. It's all one slab of meat. sure you can work it from different angles, but their are no bottom/upper/inner/outer pectoral muscles. There's just Minor and Major pectorals...Major running pretty horizontally and it more or less the muscle you see and minor being the deeper tissue running vertically. You can strengthen and enlarge the muscle, but as far as shaping it, genetics. The muscle fiber connectors and shape is all in your genes. Your best bet is just to continue trimming the fat, and of course continuing to incorporate chest exercises, but what you're seeing is really just fatty tissue.

Yea my moobs deflating I just hope I don't have them drippy nipples that I see dudes who lost lot if weight fast with
The best chest forming exercise, believe it or not, are pushups. Lots of pushups. Different variations. If you do that on top of your routing, I garauntee good things.
Ate a bunch of candy last night... I felt dirty. Sometimes, I feel like I have to slip up to get my focus back.
I know that feel bro, my moms is a teacher and brought home so much damn candy 

Just stuck it all in the freezer and saving it for cheat days.
Ate a bunch of candy last night... I felt dirty. Sometimes, I feel like I have to slip up to get my focus back.

I know that feel bro, my moms is a teacher and brought home so much damn candy :smh:

Just stuck it all in the freezer and saving it for cheat days.

While we are confessing....i had pizza was chicken brushetta pizza...ate two slices....felt like crying as i was eating....but it tasted too good.

Back on track...chicken and green beans for lunch today...banana as a snack...greek yogurt for breakfast....chicken again tonight for dinner.
Yea my moobs deflating I just hope I don't have them drippy nipples that I see dudes who lost lot if weight fast with

That's called Gyno bro, keep trimming, you'll know when there is nothing more you can do but get surgery...the surgery itself is about 7k.
Today's routine for time.


100 squats
100 sit-ups
100 push-ups
100 pull-ups

Finished in about 29 mins...a little over.

Did about 50 extra pull-ups at the end to encourage my classmate to finish his set...that's the thing I love about crossfit.
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