STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

2700 calories. I'm on a 40-40-20 split.

My macros from yesterday

I need to scale back on the protein a bit.
Cholesterol and sodium are harder than a motha....

Making more food at home is the only way to control sodium. Eating out and/or eat frozen meals (meats), your sodium will show for it. You have to control your own sodium
Made my own Chipotle bowl at home:

8 oz ground beef 80/20
200g black beans
Handful of broccoli
Pinch of sharp cheddar
3 Old El Paso hard taco shells

Not the most healthy, but it isn't as bad as going to the actual restaurant.
Cholesterol and sodium are harder than a motha....

Making more food at home is the only way to control sodium. Eating out and/or eat frozen meals (meats), your sodium will show for it. You have to control your own sodium
Regardless of when i bulk or cut in which im currently bulking i ALWAYS limit my sodium intake..seems to be the only constant throughout the whole year
12.2% body fat. I'd like to continue to bulk but somehow keep this percentage close to/under 12. Is my desire impossible? Or is the answer to eat extremely lean overall?
Regardless of when i bulk or cut in which im currently bulking i ALWAYS limit my sodium intake..seems to be the only constant throughout the whole year
Like I always say.

Dudes in here care about how their bodies look naked.

Ole American Beauty type dudes..........

No shots man. Just saying There isn't enough overall wellness being discussed in this thread. Folks just talk about the external.

WE need to focus on our bodies. Not just how it looks man......
No shots man. Just saying There isn't enough overall wellness being discussed in this thread. Folks just talk about the external.

WE need to focus on our bodies. Not just how it looks man......

But how do you know he doesn't focus on his entire body? Just because he wants to bulk but still keep his lean build doesn't mean he doesn't care.
Where can I find steel cut oats aside from online?
Any grocery store should have them.  Check the healthy foods/organic section if you have to.
No shots man. Just saying There isn't enough overall wellness being discussed in this thread. Folks just talk about the external.

WE need to focus on our bodies. Not just how it looks man......
I concur, but there's a better way to go about promoting that then putting people on trial, lol.  Grown men don't like to be told how to live.  Just post stuff about healthy eating and overall wellness as you see fit.  Some of us appreciate the value of it and respond in kind.
But how do you know he doesn't focus on his entire body? Just because he wants to bulk but still keep his lean build doesn't mean he doesn't care.
He isn't/wasn't the only one man.

Just read the thread and you will understand why I made the statement.

I concur, but there's a better way to go about promoting that then putting people on trial, lol.  Grown men don't like to be told how to live.  Just post stuff about healthy eating and overall wellness as you see fit.  Some of us appreciate the value of it and respond in kind.
That is fair.

Sorry for hurting anyone's feelings.
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But how do you know he doesn't focus on his entire body? Just because he wants to bulk but still keep his lean build doesn't mean he doesn't care.
He isn't/wasn't the only one man.

Just read the thread and you will understand why I made the statement.
I concur, but there's a better way to go about promoting that then putting people on trial, lol.  Grown men don't like to be told how to live.  Just post stuff about healthy eating and overall wellness as you see fit.  Some of us appreciate the value of it and respond in kind.
That is fair.

Sorry for hurting anyone's feelings.

You're cool peoples, lol.
12.2% body fat. I'd like to continue to bulk but somehow keep this percentage close to/under 12. Is my desire impossible? Or is the answer to eat extremely lean overall?
I am here. I would like an answer for that as well.
I've been going hard with the diet and weights for 7 straight weeks now.

I've been working out longer but the last 7 weeks have been super dieting and consistent effort in the gym.

I asked my girl to be honest and tell me if she sees any difference in my gains yesterday (I'm trying to bulk)...she said she doesn't wanna hurt my feelings but she thinks I honestly look the same.

Feelsbadman is an understatement.

I've been giving it my all day in and day out. I know it takes a lot longer than 7 weeks to see
gains but I didn't think I'd look exactly the same.


Hard to keep eating healthy and giving the gym my all when you hear that. Not only that but I'm 6'2 and when I started my bulk I was 178. Yesterday mornin I jump on the scale and I was 177. The hell? I only do cardio one day a week (bball) and I've boosted my caloric intake to around 3000...more than I've ever eatin before on a daily basis (clean eating wise). Doesn't make sense man.
Head scratcher...
Has my metabolism really sped up that fast?
I don't understand how After 7 weeks of
Eating well over maintenance, plenty of protein carbs and fats...vitamins, whey shakes, and starting creatine...I lost a pound? Someone have an idea how this could happen?

Should I not panic? Am I losing body fat while I gain muscle possibly? Idk man.

But ill keep going... Gonna keep faith that its gonna Pay off...hopefully. *sigh*
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I've been going hard with the diet and weights for 7 straight weeks now.

I've been working out longer but the last 7 weeks have been super dieting and consistent effort in the gym.

I asked my girl to be honest and tell me if she sees any difference in my gains yesterday (I'm trying to bulk)...she said she doesn't wanna hurt my feelings but she thinks I honestly look the same.

Feelsbadman is an understatement.

I've been giving it my all day in and day out. I know it takes a lot longer than 7 weeks to see
gains but I didn't think I'd look exactly the same.


Hard to keep eating healthy and giving the gym my all when you hear that. But ill keep going... Gonna keep faith that its gonna Pay off...hopefully.
Keep at it.  It takes some people YEARS to see change.  It's a marathon, not a sprint.
I've been going hard with the diet and weights for 7 straight weeks now.

I've been working out longer but the last 7 weeks have been super dieting and consistent effort in the gym.

I asked my girl to be honest and tell me if she sees any difference in my gains yesterday (I'm trying to bulk)...she said she doesn't wanna hurt my feelings but she thinks I honestly look the same.

Feelsbadman is an understatement.

I've been giving it my all day in and day out. I know it takes a lot longer than 7 weeks to see
gains but I didn't think I'd look exactly the same.


Hard to keep eating healthy and giving the gym my all when you hear that. Not only that but I'm 6'2 and when I started my bulk I was 178. Yesterday mornin I jump on the scale and I was 177. The hell? I only do cardio one day a week (bball) and I've boosted my caloric intake to around 3000...more than I've ever eatin before on a daily basis (clean eating wise). Doesn't make sense man.
Head scratcher...
Has my metabolism really sped up that fast?
I don't understand how After 7 weeks of
Eating well over maintenance, plenty of protein carbs and fats...vitamins, whey shakes, and starting creatine...I lost a pound? Someone have an idea how this could happen?

Should I not panic? Am I losing body fat while I gain muscle possibly? Idk man.

But ill keep going... Gonna keep faith that its gonna Pay off...hopefully. *sigh*

bro dont be disencourage, its a lifestyle change, dont do it to achieve a goal, do it just because thats the way you want to lead your whole life and the gains will be secondary, we all want that visual gratification, not all of us have it that easy genetically, thats just the sad reality, but if you keep at it youll get there, my changes are very minimal, but i honestly just like the way i feel inside when i work out as opposed to when i dont, when i hibernate i feel like a damb slob, disgusting.
My guy put me on this book called Max Muscle Plan and I am a month and a half in. Works like magic lol. I've coupled it with the diet from the 4 hour body book and the results are coming. I went from 225, 2-3 rep max on bench to 315, 2-3 rep max. Doing 335 on squat 3x5 on squat got me feeling right in there. haha :pimp:
Now my only thing is getting more cardio in. Trying to maintain a lifestyle change is hard but the results make me wanna keep going. I was 221 and my goal is 195-200.

Question....Has anyone here used a slow absorbing casien protein ? If so, how did you like it vs regular whey proteins? I've heard good things about it and I want to try it. Right now I just take carnivor as a sub for whey protein a long with my multi vitamin and supplements. Any input is helpful.
Appreciate the supportive words guys.

Fitness is my life.
I love the feeling of workin out and being healthy. It's changed who I am as a man and as a person. I'm definitely not going to stop even though I'm a little discouraged by the lack of aesthetic improvement.

I agree with DC it shouldn't be all about looks, I care about my overall health as well as my friends and families.

I guess I just want to visibly see that all that money and time I'm putting into this expensive yet rewarding process is paying off. I know that internally my body is happier and physically I am in good shape. However a little exterior improvement goes a long way you know? We can't see the insides so I guess I just judge my improvement based on the outside... Seeing gains helps me know that I'm not wasting my money or time and that my hard work is payin off.

Just want a little confirmation that my hard works payin off you know.

But I feel you guys.
Thank you all.

This thread was a major factor in my lifestyle change way before I even actively started posting in it.
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I asked my girl to be honest and tell me if she sees any difference in my gains yesterday (I'm trying to bulk)...she said she doesn't wanna hurt my feelings but she thinks I honestly look the same.
I asked my girl to be honest and tell me if she sees any difference in my gains yesterday (I'm trying to bulk)...she said she doesn't wanna hurt my feelings but she thinks I honestly look the same.

You know that was a, "Do I look fat in this dress" type of question man. Let the compliments come naturally. Don't fish
Not only that LTB, but it's very possible you've gained muscle and loss water weight/fat during the past 7 weeks. How has your progress been in the gym i.e. moved up in weight on certain lifts? Feel stronger? More conditioned? What I'm getting at is that you most likely have made some concrete progress, it's just not explicitly noticeable to the gf...yet. I'm bulking too and classify myself as a hard gainer so I've been aiming for 4300-4500 calories a day. Even though I haven't added a tremendous amount of weight, I've noticed my build has become more solid. Arms fuller, traps growing more, legs thicker, etc...
Several pages back somebody posted one of those sites where you can find what your calorie intake should be to gain weight. That's how I arrived at the my calorie range. But above all, the emphasis should be fitness and well being...a lifestyle that extends beyond 7 weeks or so. Just take it one day at a time and continue to monitor your progress so you can tweak your routine. If you don't mind me asking, could you post what a typical day looks like food-wise for everyone to critique? Lastly, if you want a switch in workout programs, please take a look at Kris Gethin's 4 week DTP. Results will be had. Period.
I've been going hard with the diet and weights for 7 straight weeks now.

I've been working out longer but the last 7 weeks have been super dieting and consistent effort in the gym.

I asked my girl to be honest and tell me if she sees any difference in my gains yesterday (I'm trying to bulk)...she said she doesn't wanna hurt my feelings but she thinks I honestly look the same.

Feelsbadman is an understatement.

I've been giving it my all day in and day out. I know it takes a lot longer than 7 weeks to see
gains but I didn't think I'd look exactly the same.


Hard to keep eating healthy and giving the gym my all when you hear that. Not only that but I'm 6'2 and when I started my bulk I was 178. Yesterday mornin I jump on the scale and I was 177. The hell? I only do cardio one day a week (bball) and I've boosted my caloric intake to around 3000...more than I've ever eatin before on a daily basis (clean eating wise). Doesn't make sense man.
Head scratcher...
Has my metabolism really sped up that fast?
I don't understand how After 7 weeks of
Eating well over maintenance, plenty of protein carbs and fats...vitamins, whey shakes, and starting creatine...I lost a pound? Someone have an idea how this could happen?

Should I not panic? Am I losing body fat while I gain muscle possibly? Idk man.

But ill keep going... Gonna keep faith that its gonna Pay off...hopefully. *sigh*

1. If you really been going ham, you DEFINITELY don't look exactly the same. You're girl might just be saying that because she's constantly seeing you - so the difference may seem subtle. If you took a before and after picture, I'm sure you'd see a difference. I would be very unhappy if someone told me that.

2. You're eating more than you've ever eaten before but you're also burning more than ever. You definitely shouldn't panic but you should definitely look at what you're doing. Are you having cheat days? Are you exaggerating how many calories you eat? Some days where you don't hit 3000? Are you tracking everything? You might be hitting closer to maintenance than you think.

3. You said you worked out before and it seems like you were in good shape. It's harder to see results once you've been lifting for years. 7 weeks isn't much if you've been lifting for 5 years or something.
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