STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Love it.

As far as tips go, just have fun with it. Do 1 min rounds supersetted with some form of calisthenics. Talk about burn.

a former nba player that i am friends with told me that during the offseason this is what him and his boys would do to train. 1 hr of jump rope everyday, with calf raises and situps, cunches etc in between sets.

it is a great way to get conditioning if your body can handle it. Intensity level is high, so you have to be in some sort of shape before you attempt this
Weak. :smh:

:lol: I'm just kidding. You think it was because you ate before lifting? That's odd - if I ever feel light headed or something, it's normally from going hard on an empty stomach. Or just being out of shape.

Unrelated, I've had some lower back issues in the past and I'm so shook to do anything man. I've been doing squats and deadlifts with super light weights and I'm still scared. I want to strengthen my back muscles but I don't want to tweak something and have trouble getting out of bed :smh: Anyone experience anything like this?

I herniated my L5/S1 dead lifting, most miserable experience of my life. Had sciatica in my leg for close to a year, finally got it fixed with surgery. Had to stop lifting for months. I'm a year out now and back to squatting 170 ish, still haven't attempted to dead lift, scares the crap out of me thinking about it. One day though. Only advice I have it make sure your form is good and listen to your body. Continue to do light weight until you think you're ready. Unless you're competing you have years ahead of you to make the progress you wanna see.
for lifting in general what is better decent weight with more reps or max weight with little reps
Weak. :smh:

:lol: I'm just kidding. You think it was because you ate before lifting? That's odd - if I ever feel light headed or something, it's normally from going hard on an empty stomach. Or just being out of shape.

Unrelated, I've had some lower back issues in the past and I'm so shook to do anything man. I've been doing squats and deadlifts with super light weights and I'm still scared. I want to strengthen my back muscles but I don't want to tweak something and have trouble getting out of bed :smh: Anyone experience anything like this?

I have lower back issues. I have been going to the chiropractor and getting adjusted and it has been helping. I also spend a good amount stretching my hips and hip flexors.
How often do you guys do push ups? When you do, how many reps and sets are you doing?

I've taken a break from weights except for the dumbbells I'm using for that Spartacus workout.
How often do you guys do push ups? When you do, how many reps and sets are you doing?

I've taken a break from weights except for the dumbbells I'm using for that Spartacus workout.
There's a pretty good pushup app on android. It helps you thru a daily workout to build you up to doing 200
halfway into my leg routine i felt mad woozy like i was gonna pass out. went to the locker room and layed down for a few mins then went home

think it was cause i waited longer than usual to eat my 2nd meal before i left for the gym

sounds like an excuse and a pretty bad one at that if i left the gym everytime i felt light headed or like i was going to pass out (especially on leg days) i would never finish any of my sets

anybody hear abt the new gnc policy in reference to gold card i was in there today i had a coupon for 10$ off of 20$ ( and lady sd they are chging all of there signs b/c as of friday gold card members receive 20% off the entire store regardless of time of mnth it used to be just the first week and they would hike the prices or make every think "hot buy" so u couldnt use it that particular week she sd its nt temp either, i thought abt signing back up but im going to wiat to see if they put the entire store on "hot buy" before i do it but its the first ive heard abt it
lol @ feeling woozy. feeling woozy during legs is nothing out of the norm. A LOT of people get the same feeling google it.

i feel woozy sometimes after i go for a new pr on deadlift or squat. no reason to go home bruh.
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How often do you guys do push ups? When you do, how many reps and sets are you doing?

I've taken a break from weights except for the dumbbells I'm using for that Spartacus workout.
There's a pretty good pushup app on android. It helps you thru a daily workout to build you up to doing 200

Which one? I've tried several and followed them but I was never able to hit more than 50. I feel like I was able to do more when I was in HS. Trying to get back to that.
lol @ feeling woozy. feeling woozy during legs is nothing out of the norm. A LOT of people get the same feeling google it.

i feel woozy sometimes after i go for a new pr on deadlift or squat. no reason to go home bruh.

I worked out legs with my boy whose a bodybuilder once. I didn't eat much before working out so I felt light headed which I'm sure would've happened anyway. That was around 4pm, around 9pm after I ate dinner I threw up, lol
halfway into my leg routine i felt mad woozy like i was gonna pass out. went to the locker room and layed down for a few mins then went home

think it was cause i waited longer than usual to eat my 2nd meal before i left for the gym

sounds like an excuse and a pretty bad one at that if i left the gym everytime i felt light headed or like i was going to pass out (especially on leg days) i would never finish any of my sets

anybody hear abt the new gnc policy in reference to gold card i was in there today i had a coupon for 10$ off of 20$ ( and lady sd they are chging all of there signs b/c as of friday gold card members receive 20% off the entire store regardless of time of mnth it used to be just the first week and they would hike the prices or make every think "hot buy" so u couldnt use it that particular week she sd its nt temp either, i thought abt signing back up but im going to wiat to see if they put the entire store on "hot buy" before i do it but its the first ive heard abt it

i read this post twice and still have no idea what was said

lol @ feeling woozy. feeling woozy during legs is nothing out of the norm. A LOT of people get the same feeling google it.

i feel woozy sometimes after i go for a new pr on deadlift or squat. no reason to go home bruh.

wooziness happens pretty regularly for me when i lift heavy on an empty stomach. everybody should do themselves a favor and have a good snack/meal an hour or so before your workout. if you do feel woozy after your set, squat down and take deep breaths. blacking out while standing up is not the business.
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sounds like an excuse and a pretty bad one at that if i left the gym everytime i felt light headed or like i was going to pass out (especially on leg days) i would never finish any of my sets

anybody hear abt the new gnc policy in reference to gold card i was in there today i had a coupon for 10$ off of 20$ ( and lady sd they are chging all of there signs b/c as of friday gold card members receive 20% off the entire store regardless of time of mnth it used to be just the first week and they would hike the prices or make every think "hot buy" so u couldnt use it that particular week she sd its nt temp either, i thought abt signing back up but im going to wiat to see if they put the entire store on "hot buy" before i do it but its the first ive heard abt it
Man it was a pain reading this, punctuation bruh. 

But thats been GNC's new Gold Card policy for a while now. I went there a few months ago thinking it was the first week BS, and they changed it to the whole month.

Like I said, im sure most of that is noob gains. I could BARELY get 185 up for 3-4 reps when I first started 2 months ago. I progressed pretty quick, we just did about 6 sets (one warm up so 5 working). Typically 135-185-185-225-225-185. Now when im feeling good its 135-185-225-275-275-225, and sometimes even do 185 again so 7 sets. Seems excessive but it worked. Still had a lot in the tank for incline, dumbbell presses, and flys after.

275 is a wall right now though. We're trying to tinker our workouts to get us over that hump, but cutting season wont help that at all. As long as I get 225 up 8-10 good reps while im on that cut, ill be hapy.

Hmm. I dont have a spotter and do 225 7 times. How much more would you add if you didnt have a spotter? I have been hesitant to add 5 on each side but it seems i could do 235 for a few reps.
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It's crazy how muscle memory works. I was at Navy OCS and didn't lift a weight for almost 4 months and after just afew weeks I'm back to 80% to 90% of what I used to do. Already squatting 315 for reps and dumbbell benching 110s :smokin :smokin :smokin Its good to be back
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Dang guys. My wrist has been hurting the last 6 weeks with some sore ligaments/sprained wrist.

Sucks so much. Feels like im losing all my gains. I wanna come back so bad. 

Dont know how else to heal faster other than wearing a wrist guard. 
Anyone have advice on shrugs? you try to bring your shoulder blades together right?
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