STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Thanks guys

I might just try those walking lunges and see how it is. The only problem I think about doing those in my gym is there's not much room and might get into people's way.

But I might get back into squats again too. There's something feeling about squatting and pushing up that heavier weight that feels :smokin about it

Changed my avy so I don't seem like I'm lyin
Hey fellas. I wanted some quick advice.

I've been thinking of maybe adding something to my pre and post workout drink.

I hit the gym at 4:15am so pre I take some water with a couple scoops of Jack3d. Post I take 1 1/2 scoops of ON gold standard wait 45 minutes then breakfast.

Is there something any of you recommend? I'm about to switch from the jack3d to hemo-rage cuz my body has kinda gotten used to it.

Thanks in advance.
Technique > weight. I'm scared of throwing my back out so I go up slowly on squats. I'm only squatting 3 sets of 245x5 and I've been squatting for like 6 months :rolleyes.

In my opinion though, if your technique is on point, you shouldn't hurt yourself doing squats unless you're lifting OD heavy.
Looks matter a little. Weight # are ok.  If your that worried about #, go to your doctor, check your blood pressure, check if you have diabetes, check your amylase, check your body fat, and what a lot of people NEVER ask their doctor is their viatimin count. Find about about your iron. You can be as ripped as you, but its more about what matters inside. Too many times dudes have heart attacks or strange things happen because they think they are in shape when they really aren't.
Word, I've always chosen the mirror over the scale.
Like I said before weight loss isn't linear so if you know your eating right and your lifting/cardio regime is on point, you are losing fat.
Scale watching is really useless and is likely to lead to unnecessary anxiety about your weight
So many different things influence your weight at the given moment your on the scale.
Better off getting your BF% checked every 2 weeks and use that as a marker
solid advice from both gentlemen here, especially about vitamin deficiency.its alot more common than you think,even amongst the fit community (one could argue ESPECIALLY in the fitness industry, as we are more likely to rid ourselves of those precious vitamins during our strenuous workouts.
I'm 187... 6'3... I'm just now building some muscle onto my skinny-ness. I'm trying to get up to at least 200. I need to find a plausible diet & workout regiment  for me to gain weight.
I'm 187... 6'3... I'm just now building some muscle onto my skinny-ness. I'm trying to get up to at least 200. I need to find a plausible diet & workout regiment  for me to gain weight.
Lots of PB..PB crackers..PB sammichs..PB shakes..PB errthang..if u eat PB multiple times a day yull see a decent weight gain in atleast a month..fact
I'm 187... 6'3... I'm just now building some muscle onto my skinny-ness. I'm trying to get up to at least 200. I need to find a plausible diet & workout regiment  for me to gain weight.

Starting Strength and lots of food
What pre-wo supplements are you guys taking?

I have a friend who swears by Jack3d, and I have another who takes N'Sane.
guys when would it be best to add crunches to my workout. Here's what it looks like. Would it be wise to change rows for cleans too?

Monday- Back/Biceps
Deadlifts 4x5-8
Rows 4x5-8
Chinups or Pullups 4x8
Barbell Curls 4x8-12

Bench Press 4x5-8
Incline Bench Press 3x8-12
Dips 3x8
Skullcrushers or Close Grip BP 4x8-12

Friday- Legs/Shoulders
Squats 4x5-8
SLDL or Leg Curl (do this if lower back recovery is issue) 4x8-12
Calf Raises 4x12
Military Press- 4x5-8
Anyone ever just need two or three days away from the gym and/or any type of lifting or cardio to recharge the batteries?

Feel slightly burnt out from the daily, weekly routine that builds up over months.
Anyone ever just need two or three days away from the gym and/or any type of lifting or cardio to recharge the batteries?

Feel slightly burnt out from the daily, weekly routine that builds up over months.

maybe try mixing it up once in a while? try something different like hitting the batting cage or the golf driving range or anything out of the ordinary just to throw your muscles a curveball and get them out of the routine?
Anyone ever just need two or three days away from the gym and/or any type of lifting or cardio to recharge the batteries?
Feel slightly burnt out from the daily, weekly routine that builds up over months.

Its because you do need rest on the regular. taking one day a week off from cardio and lifting isnt bad.
What pre-wo supplements are you guys taking?

I purchase ingredients myself and mix them up together. It comes out a little cheaper for price per serving as opposed to buying some pre mixed proprietary blend.

My current pre workout mix is (I tend to only use this for workouts that I know will be super intense, ie deadlift/back & leg days):
4-6 grams beta alanine
3 grams of citrulline malate
2 grams of acetyl l carnitine (powder form is acidic and tastes like vinegar)
200 mg caffeine

These supplements aren't really necessary but I use them to help maintain muscle strength and fight muscle fatigue. The caffeine & acetyl l carnitine help with focus.
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Found this awesome casein protein recipe:


300ml water
55g casein protein (47g protein)
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp Nutmeg
1 tsp Ginger
5 ml udos oil (alternatively use 1 tsp almond or peanut butter)
5g L-glutamine

Mix this all in a blender and let it sit in a bowl in the fridge for 15 mins :pimp:

When I make it I use a little less water and less protein, brown sugar, cinnamon, and 1 tsp of almond butter. Then I let it sit in the fridge and thicken for 15, then put it in the freezer for about 15, its like a frozen chocolate mousse :pimp:
I started a 5 day split this week.  Trying to really pack on the muscle, with some serious definition.
but really, anyone know of a good way to start some kind of fighting training in SF? my friend boxed frank gore over the summer, so i might just approach him.
Geez I got worried bc I havent seen this thread bumped in awhile.

Ive been nursing a crazy cold but have been getting my workouts in.

Anyone wanna share workout stories about when they were sick???
Geez I got worried bc I havent seen this thread bumped in awhile.

Ive been nursing a crazy cold but have been getting my workouts in.

Anyone wanna share workout stories about when they were sick???

Man everytime i'm sick, I like to 'sweat' it off :lol: Off to the treadmill for 30mins.
Man everytime i'm sick, I like to 'sweat' it off :lol: Off to the treadmill for 30mins.

Word, a 4 mile run and some aloe vera will get you back right.
Being sick is great for cutting weight cause food tastes like **** so I always end up in a deficit :lol:
Running with a headache though :x
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guys when would it be best to add crunches to my workout. Here's what it looks like. Would it be wise to change rows for cleans too?

Monday- Back/Biceps
Deadlifts 4x5-8
Rows 4x5-8
Chinups or Pullups 4x8
Barbell Curls 4x8-12

Bench Press 4x5-8
Incline Bench Press 3x8-12
Dips 3x8
Skullcrushers or Close Grip BP 4x8-12

Friday- Legs/Shoulders
Squats 4x5-8
SLDL or Leg Curl (do this if lower back recovery is issue) 4x8-12
Calf Raises 4x12
Military Press- 4x5-8

do you only have 3 days to workout a week? if so cool, if not, allow me to suggest potentially 5 days. I do 5.

Day 1 legs, usually on friday so i can get the most sleep possible as legs pushes me to the limit.
Day 2 chest
Day 3 back
Day 4 arms. bis & tris & forearms. easy work as I've worked them twice already
Day 5 shoulders and abs. shoulders burn out quick, sculpting and fine tuning. and then abdominals.

this is an extremely effective and efficient workout plan. no lifting session is over an hour + 30 min of super light cardio as that's most beneficial. Knowing that you only have an hour to lift total, you can tune out the world and go balls out. trim the time between sets to 20-30 secs max and really feel that burn. I'm a gym rat, but besides personal experience of 8 plus years lifting (for both sports and recreation/health), I've put in countless hours of research and trial and error to what works and what doesn't. It's a bit of an obsession of mine, aesthetics. let me know if you have q's
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