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Did chest today with Cousin Joe (From my old fitness vids).

Paused Bench
315x4x2 (It was hard but I'm working towards hitting 5x3 Paused)

Dumb Press
130x6 (SOUNDVIEW!)
Pyramid Down 3x8

Incline/Decline Chest Press Machine (Superset, this one was hard)
4x8 (Moderately Heavy)

The 130x6 is on my Snap @BoyntonAve or my IG snap soundview soundview

It was a snow day, so I was off of work lol....I'm playin Gta 5 and drinking coffee all day idc
Been watching a few athlean x videos. Imma still do flys like I’ve said before :lol:. Anyway I’ve never heard about NOT static stretching before lifting tbh. I always have. He suggests dynamic. Anybody else agree, disagree? He explains the reason not to but crazy how I’ve never heard of this
Been watching a few athlean x videos. Imma still do flys like I’ve said before :lol:. Anyway I’ve never heard about NOT static stretching before lifting tbh. I always have. He suggests dynamic. Anybody else agree, disagree? He explains the reason not to but crazy how I’ve never heard of this

Ive always done dynamic stretching before and static after.

Learned that playing baseball as a youngin
Been watching a few athlean x videos. Imma still do flys like I’ve said before :lol:. Anyway I’ve never heard about NOT static stretching before lifting tbh. I always have. He suggests dynamic. Anybody else agree, disagree? He explains the reason not to but crazy how I’ve never heard of this

Can’t static stretching before lifting lower your performance a tad? Especially on max effort days.
515x1x1 (PR)

Back-off sets

Pendlay Row: 3x5
Weighted Chins: 4x8
Pulldowns: 3x10
Cable Row: 3x10
T-Bar Row: 3x8
Hammer Str Row: 3x10
Rear delts, Biceps, Forearms

Will work on form and re-attempt soon.
had a push day.. went to my old gym cause of all the ice/rain here in the east coast.
i been finishing my push day with incline bench on smith... cant push much weight cause its at the end of my workout but man the pump you can in your chest is crazy.

push me to the edge, both my pecs r dead
515x1x1 (PR)

Back-off sets

Pendlay Row: 3x5
Weighted Chins: 4x8
Pulldowns: 3x10
Cable Row: 3x10
T-Bar Row: 3x8
Hammer Str Row: 3x10
Rear delts, Biceps, Forearms

Will work on form and re-attempt soon.

Black Adam,

I respect this very much.
Ive always done dynamic stretching before and static after.

Learned that playing baseball as a youngin
Can’t static stretching before lifting lower your performance a tad? Especially on max effort days.

Yea he explained how athletes will dynamic stretch and static stretch afterwards. All I know is I did dynamic stuff before squatting today and my quads were feeling most of the workout to the point that that s*** sucked. Legs were fried with all the other accessory stuff I did.
I can't quite put it into words because I'm a tad rusty on the exact reasoning, but yeah static stretching is a no go before any strenuous/explosive activity. Weightlifting, team sports, tennis, etc. Has something to do with the muscles/joints becoming more lax, losing that "recoil effect", and I think temporarily changing your muscle length? Read up on it. It's widely agreed upon that static stretch should be left until AFTER the workout. Dynamic warm ups that mimic the kinds of movements and activate the muscles you're going to use in that specific activity are best. For example, if you're about to play basketball it's best that you do some walking lunges, jog to sprints, skipping, backpedals, etc.
I can't quite put it into words because I'm a tad rusty on the exact reasoning, but yeah static stretching is a no go before any strenuous/explosive activity. Weightlifting, team sports, tennis, etc. Has something to do with the muscles/joints becoming more lax, losing that "recoil effect", and I think temporarily changing your muscle length? Read up on it. It's widely agreed upon that static stretch should be left until AFTER the workout. Dynamic warm ups that mimic the kinds of movements and activate the muscles you're going to use in that specific activity are best. For example, if you're about to play basketball it's best that you do some walking lunges, jog to sprints, skipping, backpedals, etc.


I remember doing high knees, butt kicks, shuffles, karaoke (is that even how u spell it lol?) etc before games
Just got a massage from the girlfriend. I think I feel better.

A buddy I used to lift with texted me today and said that he has to have surgery on his shoulder. I guess he has a torn rotator cuff and 2 tendons fully torn from the bone.....crazy. He's already had surgery on his other shoulder.
Just got a massage from the girlfriend. I think I feel better.

A buddy I used to lift with texted me today and said that he has to have surgery on his shoulder. I guess he has a torn rotator cuff and 2 tendons fully torn from the bone.....crazy. He's already had surgery on his other shoulder.
From what?
I do:

Leg swings
Hip circles
ABC's with my feet for ankle mobility
Body weight squats
Arm circles
Serratus wall slides
Light jog on treadmill

Takes like 10-15 minutes tops

Same. I do most of this and it gets me loose and warmed up.
From what?

He's not really sure. We used to do like powerlifting and strongman stuff together. He said the last time when he had surgery on the other shoulder he was at a meet and when he was benching when he was about to lift off his chest he felt a couple pops and then nothing. But this new one I don't know.....
I do:

Leg swings
Hip circles
ABC's with my feet for ankle mobility
Body weight squats
Arm circles
Serratus wall slides
Light jog on treadmill

Takes like 10-15 minutes tops

I do similar. Some of the stuff i dont even know the name lol. I guess external/internal rotation of the rotator first the arms out at shoulder level and bent at 90 degree angle, then same thing but arms by my side.

Arms swings across my body, then variation to alternate between elbows are bent and arms straight. Then arm swings but front and back. I do shoulder "circles" too

I dunno if any of that made sense :lol: tryna explain best as possible cuz i dunno the actual namea
You mean carioca, right?

Used to do these before ball....not as explosive as him though. :lol:

I used to to this before every football related activity.

My mind is blown right now. Could’ve sworn it was karaoke

My coach also used to have us do something he called tapioca which is basically Carioca but way tighter.
Quick shoulders and legs night. Still building squat back up 5x5



Db shoulder press
Sir Charles raises
Face pulls
Bulgarian split squat
Calf raises

Seen this one juice bag im cool with. He asked me what im at on ohp (thats what i was doing when he seen me), told him i hit two plates recently but that **** was hard af. Dudes like wow i dont think i can hit that, im looking at him like ya right man. Guys 5'10 bout 275, hes on the sauce but hes not shredded or nothing (which seems mad pointless to me) out here with a big gut. So i ask him how much he does he says 185x10.... Im like bruh... U got two plates easy **** outta here.

I dunno if its just me but for his size and the fact hes on the sauce his numbers arent all that impressive. He said he does 315 5x5 on bench and maxed 375. Ive seen him squat 5plates and ive done deads with him once and he did 5plates for one. He was telling me that day how he doesnt do deadlift like how i do it, i said what you mean? He said you start with the bar on the ground, i do it starting off the rack. I just looked at him like wtf
Depends on what juice he's on but I heard being on the juice doesn't really help too much with strength. Those powerlifters who are on the juice had crazy strength to begin with.bthe juice just gives them that extra push.. don't quote me though lol

There's this one Asian dude in. YouTube who hit 410 bench at like 150lb bodyweight. Ppl on the comments say he's on the juice but he's slim. Ain't no juice having a slim dude benching 4plates
Depends on what juice he's on but I heard being on the juice doesn't really help too much with strength. Those powerlifters who are on the juice had crazy strength to begin with.bthe juice just gives them that extra push.. don't quote me though lol

I mean dont get me a wrong, it is impressive what hes putting up. **** its more than i can lift lol, but at almost 3bills AND on the sauce i woulda figured hed be putting up something really crazy
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