Sttate of the Union Address.

What's wrong with working your way through school? Why do other people have to pay for it.

Your line of reasoning is so jacked up.

Why don't we privatize high schools, and force 14 years olds and their parents to work to pay the high school tuition then?

We don't do that because we believe as a society that a high school education is a right, and it benefits society to have a educated citizens

Now Obama (and "cough" "cough" Rubio too) wants to extend that to community colleges. Other nations have done that same thing, some all the way through university. Society benefits from having educated and skilled citizens.

Plus Obama wants to pay for it by closing tax loopholes, returning a tax rate to a level it was at when the GOP's small government prophet Reagan was in power, and a fee on Banks. The same banks the nation bailed out from the mess they caused 6 years ago.

But somehow he is being unreasonable. Sure B
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So why stop there? Why not pay for all four years of community college or regular college? Where do we draw the line...
What's wrong with working your way through school? Why do other people have to pay for it.

Your line of reasoning is so jacked up.

Why can't we privatize high schools and force 14 years olds and their parents to work to pay the high school tuition then?

We don't do that because we believe as a society that a high school education is a right, and it benefits society to have a educated citizens

Now Obama (and "cough" "cough" Rubio too) wants to extend that to community colleges. Other nations have done that same thing, some all the way through university. Society benefits from having educated and skilled citizens.

Plus Obama wants to pay for it by closing tax loopholes, returning a tax rate to a level it was at when the GOP's small government prophet Reagan was in power, and a fee on Banks. The same banks the nation bailed out from the mess they caused 6 years ago.

But somehow he is being unreasonable. Sure B

I was trying to let them
So why stop there? Why not pay for all four years of community college or regular college? Where do we draw the line...

I wouldn't have a problem with it.

The long term benefit to society would be worth and it would increase the tax base but there aren't any profits in educating people at state schools.

However there are in putting people in prison.

If people aren't educated and lack job opportunities they commit crime. When they commit crime your tax dollars have to pay to prison them. To imprison a person it costs roughly 40K year in this country.

Where would you prefer your tax dollars to go?
I know woe is me right. I am not saying in any way shape or form that I have it bad

Then please stop complaining about your taxes and how you have to pay for loans and then in the next thread talking about million dollar houses. You're fine, stop acting like a brat, humble yourself, and just appreciate what you have now before it disappears.
Then please stop complaining about your taxes and how you have to pay for loans and then in the next thread talking about million dollar houses. You're fine, stop acting like a brat, humble yourself, and just appreciate what you have now before it disappears.

Then please stop complaining about your taxes and how you have to pay for loans and then in the next thread talking about million dollar houses. You're fine, stop acting like a brat, humble yourself, and just appreciate what you have now before it disappears.

I am very humble. So I am just supposed to roll over and accept whatever the govt wants to take from me. Yea that is not how it works
Then please stop complaining about your taxes and how you have to pay for loans and then in the next thread talking about million dollar houses. You're fine, stop acting like a brat, humble yourself, and just appreciate what you have now before it disappears.

I am very humble. So I am just supposed to roll over and accept whatever the govt wants to take from me. Yea that is not how it works

You don't like it, leave. Just kidding but that's how a ton of people feel when you get upset about anything in this country.

I feel you about the tax rate but those loans were your choice man.
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I feel you about the tax rate but those loans were your choice man.

I have no problem with paying my loans as is shown by my intensity in paying them off. The problem is the govt trying to tax me more while charging me outrageous rates on my current loans.
Then please stop complaining about your taxes and how you have to pay for loans and then in the next thread talking about million dollar houses. You're fine, stop acting like a brat, humble yourself, and just appreciate what you have now before it disappears.

I am very humble. So I am just supposed to roll over and accept whatever the govt wants to take from me. Yea that is not how it works

Nope go work a lower wage then or move to a country that you feel doesn't punish you for being successful.
I feel you about the tax rate but those loans were your choice man.

I have no problem with paying my loans as is shown by my intensity in paying them off. The problem is the govt trying to tax me more while charging me outrageous rates on my current loans.

So the government must not ask you for anything else, because you willingly accept their money to make you high paying career possible

Oh ok, ok B :rolleyes
So the government must not ask you for anything else, because you willingly accept their money to make you high paying career possible

Oh ok, ok B :rolleyes

Nope I actually took most of the money from private banks till the govt decided to take over student loans. and what the hell are you talking about not asking for anything else they are taking their taxes along with interest and principle on the money loaned.
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So the government must not ask you for anything else, because you willingly accept their money to make you high paying career possible

Oh ok, ok B :rolleyes

Nope I actually took most of the money from private banks till the govt decided to take over student loans.

Same thing happen to many of my loans. Guess what, the terms where not changed

So lemme guess, the bank was going under and the Fed bailed them out? Did they modify the terms?
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Same thing happen to many of my loans. Guess what, the terms where not changed

So lemme guess, the bank was going under and the Fed bailed them out? Did they modify the terms?
Ppl have no problem reaping America's benefits but have problems sustaining America's livelihood


So what exactly should I pay? Since Im not currently sustaining America's livellihood
My man UTVOL in here complaining about the tax rate that he has to pay on all the money he makes over $406K. You want sympathy because you think your income level means you worked harder than the schoolteacher, you won't find it here.

How much you really make, $1million a year? which is more than many pro athletes. That's about the only way you would be significantly affected by a 39% tax rate on all the money you make over $406k.
  This dude just said homie aint worked harder than a school teacher. School teachers have one of the EASIEST careers there is. They can literally make ONE lesson plan, and teach the same lesson plan for 10+ years. The accountability they're held to is a joke. Not to mention 8+ weeks off a year. 

You have to be kidding. 
Not to mention you're working in your field. Not a lot of people can say that.
Why the hell you think he chose that field? Had nothing to do with the money right? But you probably the same type cat that get mad when athletes hold out on their teams owners... NAH.

I'm liberal as F but some of y'all really can't eem identify with people that strive and put in the proper work to reach their goals. 
  This dude just said homie aint worked harder than a school teacher. School teachers have one of the EASIEST careers there is. They can literally make ONE lesson plan, and teach the same lesson plan for 10+ years. The accountability they're held to is a joke. Not to mention 8+ weeks off a year. 

You have to be kidding. 
I wouldn't call it the easiest by any means. That's just flat out ignorant.
  This dude just said homie aint worked harder than a school teacher. School teachers have one of the EASIEST careers there is. They can literally make ONE lesson plan, and teach the same lesson plan for 10+ years. The accountability they're held to is a joke. Not to mention 8+ weeks off a year. 

You have to be kidding. 
I wouldn't call it the easiest by any means. That's just flat out ignorant.
I'd say it's a whole lot easier than homie's gig... beg to differ? 
Why the hell you think he chose that field? Had nothing to do with the money right? But you probably the same type cat that get mad when athletes hold out on their teams owners... NAH.

I'm liberal as F but some of y'all really can't eem identify with people that strive and put in the proper work to reach their goals. 

WTF are you talkin about? Dude was crying about his student loans, and I said at least he's working in his field, so that he could pay those loans off. As opposed to those who graduate from something and don't work in their field and have the debt. I have no clue what athletes/owners and holdouts have to do with any of this.
Why the hell you think he chose that field? Had nothing to do with the money right? But you probably the same type cat that get mad when athletes hold out on their teams owners... NAH.

I'm liberal as F but some of y'all really can't eem identify with people that strive and put in the proper work to reach their goals. 
WTF are you talkin about? Dude was crying about his student loans, and I said at least he's working in his field, so that he could pay those loans off. As opposed to those who graduate from something and don't work in their field and have the debt. I have no clue what athletes/owners and holdouts have to do with any of this.
Lol maybe I jumped to conclusions. Skipped a couple pages. My bad. I was under the impression you were saying F what he made/got taxed, he should be happy he was doing what he liked... 
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