Sttate of the Union Address.

My man UTVOL in here complaining about the tax rate that he has to pay on all the money he makes over $406K. You want sympathy because you think your income level means you worked harder than the schoolteacher, you won't find it here.

How much you really make, $1million a year? which is more than many pro athletes. That's about the only way you would be significantly affected by a 39% tax rate on all the money you make over $406k.

:rofl:   This dude just said homie aint worked harder than a school teacher. School teachers have one of the EASIEST careers there is. They can literally make ONE lesson plan, and teach the same lesson plan for 10+ years. The accountability they're held to is a joke. Not to mention 8+ weeks off a year. 

You have to be kidding. 

Not even close to true.

Job is extremely taxing. Mentally and emotionally. You become essentially a parent for 100+ kids. You worry about them, you hope that they are making good choices in life, you are in charge of them getting a quality education and progressing in life when you only are in control of 40 minutes of their life a day.

Generally you are constantly tweaking lesson plans. Also you still have to teach that lesson plan, which is work. So when you're at school teaching, that's working. Creating your lesson plan typically happens at home. Naturally it gets easier when you have more experience and it becomes second nature that you can do things on the fly, but that happens to many jobs. Most teachers are constantly putting in work.

When you factor in grading, tweaking lesson plans, creating new lesson plans, talking with parents, working on administrative reports/progress reports for students, etc. You end up putting in many hours outside of school. Teachers bring that job home with them.

I'll lowball it and say that it's 6 hours a week of work outside of school (Realistically, it's probably double/triple that)

6 hours x 40 weeks of school = 240 hours

240 hours / 40 work week = 6 weeks. On a lowball number. And none of that work you bring home counts as overtime.

Most jobs in the country do not come home with you. When you clock out, you're done for the day. As a teacher, you can always find something that you need to do concerning the job.
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:rofl:   This dude just said homie aint worked harder than a school teacher. School teachers have one of the EASIEST careers there is. They can literally make ONE lesson plan, and teach the same lesson plan for 10+ years. The accountability they're held to is a joke. Not to mention 8+ weeks off a year. 

You have to be kidding. 

:smh: Bro...I taught high school for two years before getting my Masters Degree. I am now in upper management in the healthcare industry. Teaching is BY FAR the toughest job I've ever worked.
Bruh, other peoples children are complete and utter ********,and our future is held by these teachers that navigate through these little egotistically-centered manics, the kids are not even the problem. TEACHING IS THE HARDEST JOB TO WILLING PUT YOURSELF IN!!!!
:rofl:   This dude just said homie aint worked harder than a school teacher. School teachers have one of the EASIEST careers there is. They can literally make ONE lesson plan, and teach the same lesson plan for 10+ years. The accountability they're held to is a joke. Not to mention 8+ weeks off a year. 

You have to be kidding. 

:smh: Bro...I taught high school for two years before getting my Masters Degree. I am now in upper management in the healthcare industry. Teaching is BY FAR the toughest job I've ever worked.

Yeah I was a sub for a minute after I left my last job, then I took over a couple classes for a semester.

OMG does that **** take up so much of your time. Instruction, grading, seeing kids before/after/during lunch/my open period/after school, lesson plans, corresponding with parents, dealing with administration. Then you look up at the clock and notice you just put in a 12 hr day :x

Not to mention getting the students ready for all the damb testing :smh:

If teacher didn't get all those vacation days they would go crazy, quit, or start offing themselves. SRS. **** is exhausting
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:rofl:   This dude just said homie aint worked harder than a school teacher. School teachers have one of the EASIEST careers there is. They can literally make ONE lesson plan, and teach the same lesson plan for 10+ years. The accountability they're held to is a joke. Not to mention 8+ weeks off a year. 

You have to be kidding. 


:smh: :smh:

You must don't know any REAL teachers... That **** ain't easy
If it's so easy, why don't they do it? I don't understand the attack on teachers. I know I wouldn't want that job.
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This is the same dude that probably tells stay at home mothers they don't do anything all day.

Teachers aren't just teacher. To under estimate the power of a teacher is pretty naive. They can be role mothers, counselors, parent like, social workers , inspiration etc etc .. A bad teacher can ruin a society.
Between obamacare and the proposed free tuition for community colleges, our taxes are going to be amazingly high.
This is the same dude that probably tells stay at home mothers they don't do anything all day.

Teachers aren't just teacher. To under estimate the power of a teacher is pretty naive. They can be role mothers, counselors, parent like, social workers , inspiration etc etc .. A bad teacher can ruin a society.
 Y'all dudes WILIN thinking teaching some kids is the hardest career there is. 

There's a select group of teachers that do the things y'all are talking about. They are fantastic. The majority of teachers aint bout that life. I am friends with several teachers and respect what they do, but I'd tell them to kick rocks if they started talking about it's the hardest job in the land, like some of you make it out to be.
This is the same dude that probably tells stay at home mothers they don't do anything all day.

Teachers aren't just teacher. To under estimate the power of a teacher is pretty naive. They can be role mothers, counselors, parent like, social workers , inspiration etc etc .. A bad teacher can ruin a society.

:rofl:  Y'all dudes WILIN thinking teaching some kids is the hardest career there is. 

There's a select group of teachers that do the things y'all are talking about. They are fantastic. The majority of teachers aint bout that life. I am friends with several teachers and respect what they do, but I'd tell them to kick rocks if they started talking about it's the hardest job in the land, like some of you make it out to be.

Nobody is saying it's the hardest career out there but you said it was the easiest thing to do which was a foolish statement
:rofl:  Y'all dudes WILIN thinking teaching some kids is the hardest career there is. 

There's a select group of teachers that do the things y'all are talking about. They are fantastic. The majority of teachers aint bout that life. I am friends with several teachers and respect what they do, but I'd tell them to kick rocks if they started talking about it's the hardest job in the land, like some of you make it out to be.
you wilding homie ... Let it be known no one ever said it was the hardest job but if you thinking dealing with kids especially teens on a daily basis is easy so beat it.

I can also think of other labor intensive work that are harder and get paid less than a radiologist and others that are mentally harder.
Nobody is saying it's the hardest career out there but you said it was the easiest thing to do which was a foolish statement
exactly ... I'm pretty sure, by his initial comment that he probably meant thatthat it requires more smarts and education to be a radiologist than a teacher. Anyways ...
amazingly high  as in the rates before the temporary bush tax cuts?

I was still in school at that time. So I dont know.

But it makes sense that we will be paying more now because:
1) Obamacare and the immigrants who will be given amnesty and health insurance
Im sure a good amount of the immigrants will be unemployed, therefore not paying their portion of healthcare taxes

2) Free tuition for community colleges
amazingly high  as in the rates before the temporary bush tax cuts?

I was still in school at that time. So I dont know.

But it makes sense that we will be paying more now because:
1) Obamacare and the immigrants who will be given amnesty and health insurance
Im sure a good amount of the immigrants will be unemployed, therefore not paying their portion of healthcare taxes

2) Free tuition for community colleges

Maybe you should go back. You're embarrassing yourself B
Thank baby jesus l didn't take the stem teaching for tuition.. Also those community college in ca free tuition :nerd:
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I enjoy it esp the part where Superb tells me what my wife and I make each year.
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