Student died after eating 5 day old pasta


Myth: “If I microwave food, the microwaves kill the bacteria, so the food is safe.”

Fact: Microwaves don’t kill bacteria – microwaves generate heat that kills bacteria in foods. Microwave ovens are great time-savers and will kill bacteria when foods are heated to a safe internal temperature. But microwaved foods can cook unevenly because of irregular shapes or variations in thickness. Even turntable-equipped microwave ovens can cook unevenly and leave cold spots where harmful bacteria can survive.
spaghetti is one of those foods that has to heat up for like 4 minutes at least in the microwave
Can’t ***** around with your stomach man...**** is scary because any type of bacteria that breaks out will kill you QUICK if not treated, i had a pretty bad scare when I went to Thailand and found myself with massive diarrhea and 110 fever, luckily the hotel we stood in had a little clinic and dude gave me some carbon pills and antibiotics that brought down my fever in a day, but I legit spent a full day and a half in bed, hydrating....thank God I didn’t get worst and was able to go on with my trip, being so far away and that sick, was pretty scary.
**** spaghetti, I warm it up for however long and parts are a blazing inferno while the other is frozen tundra. Every bite is a gamble I’m not willing to take

*just stir it* yeah yeah but I ain’t no *****
i thought heating food in the microwave killed all bacteria??
micorwaves are a slow killer, why would you zap the food that you put into your body on a daily basis with radiation???

why are people still using microwaves like it makes your food taste good??? convinence??? ignorance??? i dont know but microwaves are a danger to the molecular structure of the human body if used everyday..
Can’t ***** around with your stomach man...**** is scary because any type of bacteria that breaks out will kill you QUICK if not treated, i had a pretty bad scare when I went to Thailand and found myself with massive diarrhea and 110 fever, luckily the hotel we stood in had a little clinic and dude gave me some carbon pills and antibiotics that brought down my fever in a day, but I legit spent a full day and a half in bed, hydrating....thank God I didn’t get worst and was able to go on with my trip, being so far away and that sick, was pretty scary.
On Saturday my girl got food poisoning.

They don’t play, she called the doctor and they told her to go to the er not even urgent care.

They gave her a ct scan and all to be sure that’s what it was.
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