With that ending I hope they do not spend more than 1-2 episodes next season with this new dynamic.

A little underwhelming finale considering how good the previous episode was and that they brought back characters that we have not seen in a while.
Finale was ehhh. I liked the Forstmen angle but it was a tad too mushy at the end. Intrigued to see season 5. These writers better come with it.
This was a weird finale given how I'm not as connected to the first few eps of this season any more. Felt like they had no villain so they dipped back and brought up something from last year while tying in all this Donna drama.

It was good though.

I'm done with Mike though. Proposing? I can't wait to see how that crashes and burns.
This was a weird finale given how I'm not as connected to the first few eps of this season any more. Felt like they had no villain so they dipped back and brought up something from last year while tying in all this Donna drama.

It was good though.

I'm done with Mike though. Proposing? I can't wait to see how that crashes and burns.
He really is not thinking straight about that. Marry the Daughter of one of the most powerful lawyers in the city who has connections upon connections when you are not a lawyer yourself and will now inevitably be in the presence of hundreds of people who carry the potential to expose you by simply asking questions in idle conversation. He said that he didnt know how much time he had left doing this, then makes this move which could ruin him and Rachel. Not smart Mike, not smart at all.
Yeah you can tell Show coming to an end, I think 2 more seasons left.
I'd put that as a stretch. Perhaps just one slightly longer season unless they come with a lot of new characters and new problems.

Perhaps bring back the idea of international law but instead they have to fight a case in Europe or Latin America.

Perhaps we find out Jessica can afford to have new clothes every day for a she been covering the tracks for some cartel dudes or whatever. We'll call it Suits: Vice!
Bring back Norma. Take Louis. Brings nothing but overly emotional nonsense to the show.

Episode about finding paper trail...he's suppose to be the money guy. :rolleyes
That was not a finale, felt more like some random plot they put together to kill time. I would of been fine having the season end the episode prior.
Hopefully they bring in an young attractive secretary a who's good at her job that will make Donna/Rachael jealous. :smokin

Not the ole bring a bunch bad ones in now see what you're missing you took me for granted angle :rolleyes
Hopefully they bring in an young attractive secretary a who's good at her job that will make Donna/Rachael jealous.

Not the ole bring a bunch bad ones in now see what you're missing you took me for granted angle
mike's secretary making a comeback?
I'm sure everyone agrees that the show is near its end. Writers are just grasping at straws now.

I hate how they're trying to make Harvey take the L all the time.

The direction I see it is that Harvey's hard headedness is taking everything he cares about away from him. First Scottie, then Donna.

And it will keep happening until he changes.

Whatever that change is, could be the end of the show.
Someone predicted what's going to happen in Season 5 over on IMDB:
I can already see Season 5...
Harvey: Boohoo! Donna left me for Louis. Louis better take care of her. Oh wait, I think I am actually in love with her. I have to tell her. When will I tell her? I need to find the right time. I can't work without her. I can't live without her. After I settle this case. Okay now it's settled. Donna here I come!

Writers: Let's create more drama!

Scotty: I'm baaacckk!
Donna: Oh sh!!t... I'm insecure now. Harvey still loves Scotty.
Scotty: I love you Harvey. F|ck me in your office now.
Harvey: Hmmmm... ummm I love Donna. I realize that now.
Scotty: I knew it. Bye.
Harvey: I'm sorry Donna. I love you not her.
Donna: *Drama speech*... Ok I forgive you. I knew you could not stay away from The Donna.

Writers: Now let's do Mike and Rachel!

Rachel: I'm engaged! Yay! Don't care if he's a fraud. Don't care if I ruined their bromace with Harvey and now Mike is all mine. Na na na na na!
Donna: Let's plan your wedding!
Mike: Do whatever you want Rach. I'm your submissive. Just don't cry anymore.

Louis: Nobody loves me!
Jessica: Same here. I'm also alone. My last bf was a pu$$y.

The end. Greenback boogeh!

Season 5 will be focused on Harvey and Donna's will-they-won't-they... and Mike and Rachel's wedding planning. The cases and bromace will be the subplot. Just you watch.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That is my biggest worry with next season. All the cliffhangers from the finale are based around relationships rather than cases.

After thinking about the finale more I am starting to hate it. The writers must have forgotten they had one more episode to write and just pieced a rough draft of what the Forstman aftermath would have been after episode 10 and then added Harvey/Donna plot to it. It honestly felt like seperate parts of different episodes put together as one.
I've been waiting for this 

This is gonna be the season where it all blows up in Mikes face. Trying to marry the daughter of one of the most powerful and prominent lawyers in NYC who has to have a slew of Harvard Alums in his circle. Foolish
Noooooooow step back I'm bout to daaaance...the green back boogie!


I'm so hype! This has to be the series finisher.
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