Swag Is For Boys, Class Is For Men

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by seth k

In nyc a lot of broke dudes with no jobs been throwing on cheap suits to loiter at starbucks..been going on for a year, at least. like that loser who knocked up the kardaahian. funny is that the wealthiest dudes I know dress EXTRA basic outside of work. when you have nothing to prove you just smell like money you dont have to wear tacky glasses or a $3000 suit to get girls

 Yup.  I am in Public Accounting and one of my clients who came in for a tax interview last week came in wearing a Hanes white T and Levis. It's not like dude can't afford top of the line clothing considering his adjusted gross income in 2011 was only a mere15 million.  Like people said.. Class isn't what you wear but your attitude, conversation skills and demeanor towards certain situations.  Best way to find out if someone has class is to simply have dinner with them and see how they interact with the waiter, how they use their utensils, the type of topics discussed, how they treat their lady companion, etc.   

that's bananas, famb...
did he have several successful business under his thumb, work hard to be at the peak of his profession... or just had racks upon racks upon several more racks by rapping, selling drugs, or.... rapping..

It's called the rich staying rich.  Dude has several Trusts that pays him significant sums of investment income.  He's also the owner of a successful factoring company that is benefiting from banks whom aren't lending to companies.  He also has several partnerships and large investment portfolios paying tens if not hundreds of thousands in dividends, interest, capital gains, etc.  Also not to mention half a dozen investment properties which are in upper class neighborhoods.  Like I said dude looks just like any other fella out in the streets with his white tshirt and jeans. 
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I think you should be able to pull off all three. I would honestly get bored with just one of the three.

Swag for when its needed.

Style when its needed.

Class all the time.

100% Truth.
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I think you should be able to pull off all three. I would honestly get bored with just one of the three.

Swag for when its needed.

Style when its needed.

Class all the time.
Girls or anyone who say NONSENSE like this really annoy the $#%* out of me, I can't lie. If I have to hear one more crusty $$*$# starting babbling about how she's looking for a "man and not a boy" or some %@@@%#** like that I really might have shoryuken uppercut  somebody or some $#%*.

Dressing with "class" doesn't mean anything, NOTHING, I know dudes who are blowin there rent at J. Crew, or people saving up for months to cop a givenchy, these people are some dubest, and most ignorant mother %*%%*%% I know.  I know responsible, "classy", high achieving dudes who rock a throwback jersey to work if they could. Please do not induldge this "class" %@@@%#**.

The way somebody dresses is simply a reflection of the self perception of themselves at people rarely have accurate self perceptions of themselves.

The same goes for girls who color their hair in wacky shades, tattoos, and get piercings and $#%*, non of that makes a them a !@*#!%% intellectual...the sad truth is that under all that constructed %@@@%#** they are just as dumb as the rest of us poor ignorant +!%#$.

How about this? Get off my **** and let me be great... regardless of what I'm wearing, weather it falls into your narrow %%% classy or not.
Does anybody have the og pic of this without nidawg and crew in it?
  I've been searching for it for the longest
Originally Posted by ksteezy

%!$# is ridiculous, I rather have hypebeasts wear skinny jeans and supras, than have a bunch of dudes walkin around in H&M suits like everyone walked out of some GQ photoshoot...there is a time and place for a suit, you just can't wear a suit on a random Wednesday afternoon to grab a sandwich at subway and think you are doing it...I was just talking to my boy about this the other night, I love suiting up ad I wish i had an excuse more often to do so, unfortunately I don't, some dudes actually have jobs that require them to be in suits, these dudes can definitely take advantage of how good you look in a suit, too bad a lot of younger dudes could care less for the right fit of a suit, they just choppa suit their way through life...sad man...lol

Time and place guys, time and place...you can have grown man swag without having to wear a suit, simply wear things that fit and colors that compliment each other an you wot look like a tool.

Let people live man, if they wanna wear suits to wal greens for some ice tea so be it
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Does anybody have the og pic of this without nidawg and crew in it?
  I've been searching for it for the longest
AHH Damn
classic NT glory here

right click saving this now
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