Taxi 12's - December '13

 ALL over these!
I wish there was a better colorway coming out for the holiday XI release. Since it's that gamma crap, EVERYONE will be all over these instead. Not going to be an easy cop.
Is that the actual pic of the retro? I hope they keep it all original. I read that there were talks about not keeping the upper lace holders gold.
I've always loved the taxi but I just started giving my concords some wear so I might pass this year. I'm ok on the white/black color scheme...for now
These should be better than the CDP pairs. Those were crap! Paint chipping like
No other retro. All CDP packs were made crappie. Except for the X AND XIII PACK,
and the VI and XVII.
I hope they don't change the TWO 3 on the tongue. I'd like to cop a pair and start using my CDP on the court but if they change the tongue idk
All I'm asking for is adequate tumbled leather JB. Knowing how terrible quality is now, please that's all I ask. Don't cheap out on this one
If they don't have the Gold Laceholders/Eyelets, TO ME they aren't Taxi's so I hope they have em because these have most definitely been on my to get list for some time now.. The retro pairs that I've came across weren't up to par and the DS pairs have had outrageous price tags.. Bring em back in OG form and I'm all over em.! Which I believe they are doing, so I'm coppin.! Double probably.!
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Gold lace eyelets are staying
Music to my ears. Is this confirmed?

If they don't have the Gold Laceholders/Eyelets, TO ME they aren't Taxi's so I hope they have em because these have most definitely been on my to get list for some time now.. The retro pairs that I've came across weren't up to par and the DS pairs have had outrageous price tags.. Bring em back in OG form and I'm all over em.! Which I believe they are doing, so I'm coppin.! Double probably.!
Likewise. It's funny how such a minute detail as the coloring on the eyelets can make.

The 11-13 are and will always be special to me. The 11 got me interested with sneakers in the 5th grade. I never got a pair of $100 sneakers until the first Jumpmans in the 7th grade though :lol:

It will be a very hard buy IMO especially during Xmas.
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