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.pulled my jimmy out and sunk my joint so deep in her that I was afraid I'd be sucking my own D when I kissed her


[COLOR=#red]My dudes, I can't even say this happened because of any game I spit...it was clearly a case of shorty wanting to get banged out and I happened to be the one to do it. Also I'm not letting myself fall for her too deeply because she's a chick who meets dudes all the time at her job and she has the ability to fly out on moments notice to do her thing. Her IG is full of pics of her with dudes like Dez Bryant and she seems to have a lot of "friends" playing in the NFL and NBA...y'all already know what that could be about. So I'll just enjoy the ride and keep my head.

But yeah like awesome said dancers be on a whole 'nother level when it comes to smashing, and their flexibility is unreal which allows for some crazy positions. I like shorty though, but it's too risky to make this more than what it is right now.

Question to the homies in TAY2K14... How do y'all manage y'all feelings for a chick that you know you really like, but feel it's too risky to get with the chick for various reasons?

Oh and TDogg and Don Adi :rofl: [/COLOR]
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Y'all ever leave your number with a cashier for a different cashier? Went in this store today and saw this girl and she was kinda cute, looked like a 8-8.5 (but most likely a 7. I was in my girl mood this morning and everything was looking right so I don't wanna hype her too much)

She tells me to come back in 15 mins after a mini convo and I'm look cool and come back and she's gone. I was thinking of leaving my number for her to the diff cashier that handled me.  Decided not to cause I thought it would look weird 
^I need to go retail *** shopping. Wasn't there an NTer that used to just buy maddddd **** to look baller and return it within a few days? :rofl:
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Ehhhh nevermind about what I said above. Just saw a pic of her and she doesn't look that good. 

"Raise your hand if you've ever heard a couple having sex.......now raise your hand if the man was making more noise than the woman" :lol:

Interesting look at the biological aspects of humans and how it affects our motives to have sex. Ted actually has a bunch of rational videos about sex, monogamy and relationships

"Our evolved sexuality is in direct conflict with many aspects of the modern world. The contradictions between what we're told we should feel and what we actually do feel generates a huge amount of unnecessary suffering"
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elderwatsondiggs elderwatsondiggs she let you smash the first hour :wow:

:smokin my man

Would you consider her a keeper though since she was so easy?

[COLOR=#red]Yeah bro...me and my boys have had many discussions about that in general. The consensus is that ultimately how fast you get it or how long it takes ttosmash aren't necessarily accurate indicators of trampness :lol: I pegged her as a keeper before I ever smashed based off of the fact that she has a good head on her shoulders, she's driven and focused, and is an all-around nice chick. Her smash game just made things more interesting. With that being said we are both still single and I'm not officially cuffin.

Preciate it 30Baller...I'm still hoping you come through with a real life Sydney story dude :rofl: If stop through TAMU you'll see her...she coaches there now.[/COLOR]
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I will say this about DMV is that they may not be chicks you want but the 7/8 are strong.

O and the short things got ****!

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