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I finished at 37 for the year, and my ex peeps every single thing I post. We (TAY) found out about it last November

She even knows about my new wifey
Damb Shame.

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Good amount of chicks still have interest in dudes from the past, some hide it better than others.
none just saw them on the counter when I was buying condoms and wanted to try one to see if they really work lol
Oh okay. I be afraid of the forever limp after taking them pills...

Best thing to do is work out, cardio, and eat watermelons and nuts.
Ive taken horny goat weed from gnc. 2 a day. I think it made a diffrence. But watch out tho man cuz your body gets used to it. It sucked when i finished te bottle. Wasnt te same for a bout a week or two.
The pressure to write thought provoking ish all the time, lol..
I don't see why people are so scared of love. Getting your heart broken sucks beyond belief but you must go through it to find someone that fits your lifestyle. Ive always said you have to be sadistic to fall in love but when it's right, there is nothing better. If you feel some type of way about someone, always let them know it. Why wait to share a feeling. We lose people at such a fast rate now. It seems like everyday tragedy takes place and people die before they get the chance to tell someone they love them. I can understand not wanting to have an emotion/feeling take over you if you have been hurt but let's be 100, you not living until you have been crushed. Love is a risk but the rewards it gives and teaches has the most valuable lessons in them. I was the first to say it to wifey, quite frankly I knew the first day we met I was out the game, lol.. But I played hard rock for about three months. Had a super bad dream in the middle of the night jumped up, got in the ride and made the three hour trip to Austin in about an 1.5, lol..
Got to her dorm and just told her how I felt on some New Edition type ****. Been with her ever since. If you love somebody, don't make it a contest or game to see who can hold out the longest. Say what and how you feel and let the person come into their own. Once again not advocating marriage or whatever but being in love is good for the soul. Having somebody that has your back feels good. Although there are levels to this ****, humans need that interaction. Embrace that feeling before it's too late so you don't have to live with regrets. It takes strength, patience, understanding and most of all no fear. When you know even if things go bad or you two grow apart that you didn't regret it, that's when you know it's right. Don't force or rush it but also don't turn your back on something that could bring you copious amounts of joy. But if you don't love and respect yourself and don't have your own ethics as a man, you have no damn business trying to fall in love because you will fail every time.
Be true to yourself first, ALWAYS...
The pressure to write thought provoking ish all the time, lol..
I don't see why people are so scared of love. Getting your heart broken sucks beyond belief but you must go through it to find someone that fits your lifestyle. Ive always said you have to be sadistic to fall in love but when it's right, there is nothing better. If you feel some type of way about someone, always let them know it. Why wait to share a feeling. We lose people at such a fast rate now. It seems like everyday tragedy takes place and people die before they get the chance to tell someone they love them. I can understand not wanting to have an emotion/feeling take over you if you have been hurt but let's be 100, you not living until you have been crushed. Love is a risk but the rewards it gives and teaches has the most valuable lessons in them. I was the first to say it to wifey, quite frankly I knew the first day we met I was out the game, lol.. But I played hard rock for about three months. Had a super bad dream in the middle of the night jumped up, got in the ride and made the three hour trip to Austin in about an 1.5, lol..
Got to her dorm and just told her how I felt on some New Edition type ****. Been with her ever since. If you love somebody, don't make it a contest or game to see who can hold out the longest. Say what and how you feel and let the person come into their own. Once again not advocating marriage or whatever but being in love is good for the soul. Having somebody that has your back feels good. Although there are levels to this ****, humans need that interaction. Embrace that feeling before it's too late so you don't have to live with regrets. It takes strength, patience, understanding and most of all no fear. When you know even if things go bad or you two grow apart that you didn't regret it, that's when you know it's right. Don't force or rush it but also don't turn your back on something that could bring you copious amounts of joy. But if you don't love and respect yourself and don't have your own ethics as a man, you have no damn business trying to fall in love because you will fail every time.
Be true to yourself first, ALWAYS...
Youre positivity is inspiring man, but nope. never again, or at least will never let them know about it. Not worth it
Got obliterated with my boy and his law school friends last weekend. One of his female friends told him that she thought I was good looking, so obviously I tried to do work. I was talking and flirting with her all night, and when it was time to leave I grabbed her hand and said let's go back to my spot...

Turns out I did grab her hand, but I must have been talking to someone completely different the whole @$@$@$ time :smh: :lol: (I honestly don't remember any details from the time I got there to the time I got back home; I just remember my "Actions") She told my friend "He's weird, he didn't even say a word to me the whole night and then he just tried that on me" :smh: I still want to smash, so is there any recovering from this? Or just avoid eye contact next time I see her (which will be in a few weeks) :lol: I don't mind rejection but coming off as a creep is something I hate
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Youre positivity is inspiring man, but nope. never again, or at least will never let them know about it. Not worth it
Don't say that my dude.
I used to say the same damn thing but met a girl that tore down so many walls and realized that by holding on to resentment and pain of the past, I was doing a disservice to life. You are bound to get hurt. No matter if it is from a girl, family, friends , etc, you have to dust yourself off and keep living, otherwise you will just be walking dead. I have had my heartbroken a lot but my ex affected me the most. I was culpable in that because I didn't want to recognize the red flags that lead up to that relationships demise. If you stay in that box of FDB or These **** Ain't Loyal, promise you will miss out on a lot of good women out here. Once again heartbreak sucks but what's living if you don't take risk. What's the point of random smashes but don't have anyone to share your secrets and life with. You can only ejaculate into so many vaginas until that emptiness sets in. Then you that old dude at the club in a Fubu short set, ear piece in his ear trying to holla. You don't have to get married but having a companion, someone you like/love, trust, someone you actually enjoy sex with and conversation with makes life a whole hell of a lot better. Nothing wrong with the bachelor life but don't shutdown all possibility because of a few chicks of your past. That's why I say love yourself, find your passions first because the same energy you are projecting now is why you are possibly meeting ain't ish females. It's all about energy and the lessons you learned from the heartbreak and pain. If you close yourself off and give up this early in the game, a lot of quality people are going to past you by. It took ALOT of reading and understanding to get to this level of peace because I was a very angry young man. But one day I stopped, looked at my past and finally owned up to my mistakes and finally decided to live the life I wanted. Only so long fake thugs can pretend,lol..
Embrace the little time you have on this small rock. Don't stop enjoying life, too many people don't even get these opportunities afforded to you. Once again if you are posting on NT, you are already blessed because there are people running from bullets, abuse, diseases. Don't punish one because another one did you dirty.
Live brethren , have fun and learn to love again. Always except that life is about evolving and learning something new and hopefully you will meet a partner with the same beliefs, wisdom and knowledge..
If you give up now, you will regret it in the end..
Got obliterated with my boy and his law school friends last weekend. One of his female friends told him that she thought I was good looking, so obviously I tried to do work. I was talking and flirting with her all night, and when it was time to leave I grabbed her hand and said let's go back to my spot...

Turns out I did grab her hand, but I must have been talking to someone completely different the whole @$@$@$ time :smh: :lol: (I honestly don't remember any details from the time I got there to the time I got back home; I just remember my "Actions") She told my friend "He's weird, he didn't even say a word to me the whole night and then he just tried that on me" :smh: I still want to smash, so is there any recovering from this? Or just avoid eye contact next time I see her (which will be in a few weeks) :lol: I don't mind rejection but coming off as a creep is something I hate
Apologies and go from there if not go straight to her head like nothing happened.

Also I just told them I was drunk and went from there either they were with me or not.(most of them was with me) this was all during sophomore and junior year tho. Don't remember the last time I got that **** up other then my birthday which is coming up.
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Got obliterated with my boy and his law school friends last weekend. One of his female friends told him that she thought I was good looking, so obviously I tried to do work. I was talking and flirting with her all night, and when it was time to leave I grabbed her hand and said let's go back to my spot...

Turns out I did grab her hand, but I must have been talking to someone completely different the whole @$@$@$ time :smh: :lol: (I honestly don't remember any details from the time I got there to the time I got back home; I just remember my "Actions") She told my friend "He's weird, he didn't even say a word to me the whole night and then he just tried that on me" :smh: I still want to smash, so is there any recovering from this? Or just avoid eye contact next time I see her (which will be in a few weeks) :lol: I don't mind rejection but coming off as a creep is something I hate

Blame it on not having your glasses.

How popped were you that you didn't realize who you were talking to? That girl is probably a lost cause, I can't see any real recovery from that unless you just let your personality shine and she feels it. Also drink less next time, you don't want to come off as a drunken fool.
I think I'm whipped frfr.  Me and my girl just talkin on skype about random ish.  She has a habit of stretching out her legs when she just chillin cuz she flexible like that. So she starts putting her legs by her head and **** not even on a sexual tip just doin that cuz thats what she does. I'm like turned on...and she in her pajamas. Like the ones girls wear when they not even trying to be cute.

Just feeling all...
I think I'm whipped frfr.  Me and my girl just talkin on skype about random ish.  She has a habit of stretching out her legs when she just chillin cuz she flexible like that. So she starts putting her legs by her head and **** not even on a sexual tip just doin that cuz thats what she does. I'm like turned on...and she in her pajamas. Like the ones girls wear when they not even trying to be cute.

Just feeling all...
Blame it on not having your glasses.

How popped were you that you didn't realize who you were talking to? That girl is probably a lost cause, I can't see any real recovery from that unless you just let your personality shine and she feels it. Also drink less next time, you don't want to come off as a drunken fool.

I was 99% blacked out. I don't even drink like that anymore; it was a special occasion cause all our good friends from college came to visit, and we hardly get to see each other. We wanted to relive our college days for the weekend...turns out we're too old for that now and our bodies aren't used to it :lol: :smh: Every single one of us blacked out/threw up/ passed out on Friday night, and we didn't do a single thing for the next 2 days
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Damn son don't even worry about talking with o girl again. Didn't know you was getting down like that.
Lol I got you.

Them hangovers are no joke when you get older smh

If she has a sense of humor, you may be able to recover.

Yup. At 19-21, how much I drank last Friday would have been an ordinary night out. We used to drink more than that 3 days in a row for all of my senior year in college (Compared to drinking lightly-moderately once or twice a month these days). 4 years after graduating, the same amount damn near killed us :smh: :lol: Karma for calling people lightweights and coercing them to black out back in my younger douchebag days
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@SFC415  be honest about that bruh...had the same s*** happen last year during halloween when I had hella people coming through to my school and we went to this crazy rager.

was feeling this girl heavy that was out of town was planning on getting down with her, instead woke up with this girl that my boy was like legit in love with...in his room on the complete opposite side of campus. needless to say I snuck the f*** outta that room when i woke up and had to put the pieces together later that afternoon.

I was legit like "To be honest, I can't recall anything past 11 pm last night"

and then I let them fill me in on what happened and we kinda salvaged the relationships by me essentially blaming it on the girl lmao. but fr fr just be honest.
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