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If one of your best homies/ roommate simped hard for a chick in HS 6 years ago, and got crushed.. Is it off the table.

Homie has a main now if it matters.
Homes current chick kinda looks like a doppelganger if it matters.
Old Chick was friends with you from jump if it matters
Shoot the far one with him first. A lot of times it's not even the fact that he might still "care" but as men our egos are still attached to past female trauma (even the smallest slight of rejection still could have a dude feeling some type of way) and it may come off as "snake in the grass" behavior.
Shoot the far one with him first. A lot of times it's not even the fact that he might still "care" but as men our egos are still attached to past female trauma (even the smallest slight of rejection still could have a dude feeling some type of way) and it may come off as "snake in the grass" behavior.

Word, hit em up and ask him. If you feel like you gotta ask if it's okay it might not be ok
Shoot the far one with him first. A lot of times it's not even the fact that he might still "care" but as men our egos are still attached to past female trauma (even the smallest slight of rejection still could have a dude feeling some type of way) and it may come off as "snake in the grass" behavior.
his homie weak if he feels some type of way
his homie weak if he feels some type of way
Different strokes, Different folks...
Meaning to some that's weak because he never had rights or even smashed that girl..
I can see that point..
But this day and age dudes are shooting at the homies for taking too much shine in a music video(NY hold that L)..
All I'm saying is you never truly know a person/friend or Homie. Just because people smile in these shells we call flesh, doesn't mean you know their intent.
Communicate and make your decision afterwards..
Different strokes, Different folks...
Meaning to some that's weak because he never had rights or even smashed that girl..
I can see that point..
But this day and age dudes are shooting at the homies for taking too much shine in a music video(NY hold that L)..
All I'm saying is you never truly know a person/friend or Homie. Just because people smile in these shells we call flesh, doesn't mean you know their intent.
Communicate and make your decision afterwards..
that is true
Yambgawds I need some help. This girl I been messing with for barely eem a month just told me that she think she loves me. I didn't take her seriously cause she was drunk but should I be concerned?
Yambgawds I need some help. This girl I been messing with for barely eem a month just told me that she think she loves me. I didn't take her seriously cause she was drunk but should I be concerned?

Assess the situation the next time you interact with her sober.

How drunk was she? Big difference between tipsy (probably meant it) and blackout drunk (won't even remember it)
Is the chemistry there between yall? She might not have felt herself or happy in a while and you helped her out with that. Just dont lead her on and let her be confused. Be firm with where you stand and make it clear without bein an *******(culero)

Just ask about it or mention it jokin around. Dont make it something serious and continue choppin it up with her.
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Brothers of the Yamatry.

I have a question...at what point do you draw the line and fall back from yams due to everything surrounding em?
  • Do you stop after she gives you a key so your at her crib when she makes it in at 5am for the late/early smash?
  • Do you stop after she gets pissed that you won't smash her in her bedroom that shares a wall with her 5 and 9 yr old?
This whole situation got me feeling like:

At what point is it no longer worth it? I know I'm not the only one challenged with where to cut a chick off despite AMAZING yambs.
Yambgawds I need some help. This girl I been messing with for barely eem a month just told me that she think she loves me. I didn't take her seriously cause she was drunk but should I be concerned?

If you scared of love run away now b
You cut somebody off when you question:
Their integrity, truthfulness, and direction in life.
When you are questioning your own morals and values as a man when you are around them.
If you/she had to pretend to be something you are not just for the sake of keeping a sexual life alive.
Yambs are plentiful in this day and age of technology. It's not like it was when I was younger(and other OG'S) were you actually had to put yourself into situations, have a decent mouthpiece/witt about yourself to flourish. An app can literally introduce you to a plethora of chicks with a swipe of your finger. So why worry about going on a drought if you are asking yourself these types of questions. Plus I have to question her as a person who would have her kids in a situation were they might walk in with mommies *** in the air.
There's this pretty green-eyed redbone that I'm really feeling. True definition of beauty and brains. However, I'm worried that she's so busy with her school work and organizations that I don't think she has the time to entertain men. What's a man to do in this situation?
There's this pretty green-eyed redbone that I'm really feeling. True definition of beauty and brains. However, I'm worried that she's so busy with her school work and organizations that I don't think she has the time to entertain men. What's a man to do in this situation?

Don't overthink it.

Approach her like you would any other chick.

If she's interested she'll make time
I guess this would be one of those good problems to have.

So I met this young lady earlier this year, around June, and we've been kicking it since. Shorty is sexy, cultured, and maybe one of the most easy going people I ever met. Although we've just been talking, I took the time out to discuss her thoughts on relationships in general. Her stance was she's just breaking up with her ex of 6 years, she's just interested in dating. I'm like, that's cool, I can respect that. But within the past two weeks, I can definitely say she's been a little more invested than normal. Such as, "I miss you", and me just fitting the mold of ehat she wants. Which wouldn't be a problem for me, if I haven't met shorty #2.

Came across this young lady on Tinder earlier this month, we've been out, and we already have a nice little vibe going. Her stock is rising fast, to say the least. She's gorgeous, also very cultured, and we have that rare connection that I don't get out of too many women.

Now. This isn't a problem for me right now, because I don't owe either one of them anything. But the way I'm trending with both, someone is going have to get dropped soon. I'm certainly not the "team" type, so to speak. Either I'm out here, or I'm more of the traditional "court" type.

Not exactly sure why I run into these young ladies with tremendous potential :smh:
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I guess this would be one of those good problems to have.

So I met this young lady earlier this year, around June, and we've been kicking it since. Shorty is sexy, cultured, and maybe one of the most easy going people I ever met. Although we've just been talking, I took the time out to discuss her thoughts on relationships in general. Her stance was she's just breaking up with her ex of 6 years, she's just interested in dating. I'm like, that's cool, I can respect that. But within the past two weeks, I can definitely say she's been a little more invested than normal. Such as, "I miss you", and me just fitting the mold of ehat she wants. Which wouldn't be a problem for me, if I haven't met shorty #2.

Came across this young lady on Tinder earlier this month, we've been out, and we already have a nice little vibe going. Her stock is rising fast, to say the least. She's gorgeous, also very cultured, and we have that rare connection that I don't get out of too many women.

Now. This isn't a problem for me right now, because I don't owe either one of them anything. But the way I'm trending with both, someone is going have to get dropped soon. I'm certainly not the "team" type, so to speak. Either I'm out here, or I'm more of the traditional "court" type.

Not exactly sure why I run into these young ladies with tremendous potential :smh:

Definitely a good problem to have... Until you feel like you gotta make a choice.

One of them usually makes that decision easy tho
You already know which one you want more bro. WIth that being said, I also would wouldn't completely dead the other one. Just increase your distance and lessen the communication with her a little.
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I guess this would be one of those good problems to have.

So I met this young lady earlier this year, around June, and we've been kicking it since. Shorty is sexy, cultured, and maybe one of the most easy going people I ever met. Although we've just been talking, I took the time out to discuss her thoughts on relationships in general. Her stance was she's just breaking up with her ex of 6 years, she's just interested in dating. I'm like, that's cool, I can respect that. But within the past two weeks, I can definitely say she's been a little more invested than normal. Such as, "I miss you", and me just fitting the mold of ehat she wants. Which wouldn't be a problem for me, if I haven't met shorty #2.

Came across this young lady on Tinder earlier this month, we've been out, and we already have a nice little vibe going. Her stock is rising fast, to say the least. She's gorgeous, also very cultured, and we have that rare connection that I don't get out of too many women.

Now. This isn't a problem for me right now, because I don't owe either one of them anything. But the way I'm trending with both, someone is going have to get dropped soon. I'm certainly not the "team" type, so to speak. Either I'm out here, or I'm more of the traditional "court" type.

Not exactly sure why I run into these young ladies with tremendous potential :smh:

Oh what a terrible life you have to meet great women as such lol
The one fresh out the relationship looking for another one bro. She has yet to break out of that mindset of being with and missing somebody. Might be a great lay but she has feelings ready and willing to latch to the first Johnson to make contact

I also would wouldn't completely dead the other one. Just increase your distance and lessen the communication with her a little.
Yea, just in case
You already know which one you want more bro. WIth that being said, I also would wouldn't completely dead the other one. Just increase your distance and lessen the communication with her a little.

Kind of the plan, but I've formed a really good relationship with the first one (we really communicate well). And I'm not talking to the newer one as much, but when we do speak, it's so damn deep and engaging. I haven't had that in a while, even with my two past relationships.

Oh what a terrible life you have to meet great women as such lol
The one fresh out the relationship looking for another one bro. She has yet to break out of that mindset of being with and missing somebody. Might be a great lay but she has feelings ready and willing to latch to the first Johnson to make contact

Yea, just in case

Haha, I'm sorry to come off like an ungrateful prick. The funny thing about her, even though she is coming off a relationship, she wants to be single. She even told me "I wasn't suppose to meet someone like you."

I think I just have to remind myself that I am single, and this is playing the field. For all I know, these chicks may be in the same situation...wouldn't surprise me at all.
She not supposed to meet someone like you cause she done caught feelings, tread lightly broham
@toast1985 I would be weary of this girl trying to pull you into a emotional relationship. Where she gets the companionship of a relationship but you get none of the benefits.

I know Fontaine did it as well but I can't say I understand this talking for 3-4 months (without smashing).
Man my first thought of her for the day is "man this won't work" based on our history, but I spend the rest of the day thinking of the ways it would.
Couple questions:

Assuming you and your SO don't live together and things are serious - ideally, how often would you communicate (text message, phone call, FB, etc.)? Ideally, how often would you see each other? Is there a difference between how it actually goes down?
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