Teeth Whitening

 @ the spoiler 
I bought a bottle yesterday and I still havent used it. That spoiler makes me want to wait the rest of the week for the rest of ya'll to give updates.

Hopefully the updates are full of these situations
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I remember the Crest optic white thread in November '11 :lol: had me mad hyped. I used it for about a year with no amazing results. I'm weary about swishing with just hp tho.
I've been doing the hydrogen peroxide method since Sunday. I don't have a before pic but will try to remember to post an after when this week is over. They got noticeably whiter but my tongue felt like it was burning a little after swishing for 30 seconds.
You guys realize this HP is the same thing that whitens midsoles, bottom soles, netting, and toecaps? Effn amazing stuff
On my fourth day And I Can tell they have a Whiter shade.. I'll keep reporting reults.
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I use Crest white strips, no side effects, you get used to the feeling quickly, and there is a significant difference in just one week of use. I actually only needed to use them for a week or two, and I haven't used them for a few years and my teeth are still great
I used them once for 30 days, teeth looked good but they got really sensitive
I dilute HP with mouth wash. Feels good and taste good. Hairy tongue is like a worst case scenario. If you really srs about teeth whitening get a mouthpiece from Walgreens get a HP gel. Put gel in mouthpiece. Use mouthpiece 20-30 mins at a time. You'll get result in the same day. Be careful though if it touch the gums it'll turn white for an hour or two hahaha
Just bought a hp bottle today. I dont smoke but i dip so my teeth are yellow but not very. i use crest white optic toothpaste and it makes my teeth a little whiter. I've used crest intensive white strips before but i didnt get dramatic results so hopefully this hp method will work. I'll post a before and after pic after a 2x a day for a week use.
Day 4 and my mouth is definitely whiter. Colgate optic white will now be my main toothpaste! Only %1 HP so im safe from the hairy tongue 

Breath stays fresher longer too. I don't need to carry around mints and gum anymore.
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