I appreciated what he said. But he tried to get cute with how he started off sounding with that headline-esque phrase..."curry hurting the on link to read more!"
wonder if mark still feels some type of way every time he announces a w's gm
I don't believe Mark Jackson "phrased it horribly." He's been taking subtle shots at people his entire career. Seems calculated.

I'm also pretty sure that the person holding the "Fire Steve Kerr" sign is being sarcastic.
I don't particularly enjoy Mark Jackson but what he said doesn't rub me the wrong way.
He's basically saying, HS kids taking 30 foot 3's is stupid because most aren't shooters the way Steph is...not to mention how much work Steph has put into shooting (plus time) and every other facet of the game...he's not wrong

It's like when And 1 took off and every one at the park and HS level thought they were Rafer Alston.
I understand what Mark was trying to say, but yea I think it came out the wrong way.

Still, he's a salty turd.
Well if he's upset about kids throwing up 3-pts during a fast break, then it's at fault of the coaches too. I know kids like to emulate the star players, that expected. But coaches need to be real with them and develop the skills they actually have.

I remember back in HS, some wore a wristband on their hand because Allen Iverson did for a season :x
I actually think he has a decent point, he just phrased it horribly

I don't particularly enjoy Mark Jackson but what he said doesn't rub me the wrong way.
He's basically saying, HS kids taking 30 foot 3's is stupid because most aren't shooters the way Steph is...not to mention how much work Steph has put into shooting (plus time) and every other facet of the game...he's not wrong

It's like when And 1 took off and every one at the park and HS level thought they were Rafer Alston.

I cant agree with anything he says hc long before curry was a star kids in gyms were jacking up
You can nitpick small nuances from anyone's game and take it out of context and say kids shouldn't emulate it.

But it's Mark Jackson who is still butt hurt and knows what he's doing by constantly taking shots at this team and its players. 

That comment had nothing to do with the game.  His game is to provide analysis of the game-play and not to give his opinions on what kids should/shouldn't be doing at the local YMCA.

Much respect to Bogut for always keeping it real with how he views Jackson's *****-***.
mark jackson is likely exaggerating. I work in a bay area high school, have been attending hs basketball games of teams across the east/and sf bay area for the past 6 years and I can say that there has not been a significant increase in the amount of 3 pointers taken. and we're talking about an area where youth are most likely to watch steph considering he plays in their backyard and plays for their hometown team.

at the end of the day, steph hit the nail on the head when he said if you're not good at 3s, stop and work on another part of your game. I've worked with the coach of basketball team of the high school I'm at and he emphasizes that same frame of thinking.

I'm sure jackson is just saying it to get a rise/ratinga and be controversial, but at that end of the day, he's coming across as a moron. chuck already got proven wrong by the MVP.
Who is the best team in the Bay right now?

Any D-1 commits that play locally?
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The best high school player in the Bay Area (well if you consider Napa) is Josh Jackson, he's one of the top players in his class.
Thank you cousins for being such an idiot that call was obvious. He is the new sheed wallace and literally let us off the hook this game we missing Harrison
Turnovers are driving me nuts

Such carelessness on entry passes and outlets. Need that to tighten up 100%

I'm just tired of hearing how scary good we'll be when we clean those up. It's. It happening and we should've lost way more than 1 game to this point.

It's like Walton doesn't have these guys practicing passing and free throws. When Curry coached himself to stay in the game after that foul that was all the confirmation I needed that this team is a little too in control of itself and not getting coached.
I'm just tired of hearing how scary good we'll be when we clean those up. It's. It happening and we should've lost way more than 1 game to this point.

It's like Walton doesn't have these guys practicing passing and free throws. When Curry coached himself to stay in the game after that foul that was all the confirmation I needed that this team is a little too in control of itself and not getting coached.

I'm just tired of hearing how scary good we'll be when we clean those up. It's. It happening and we should've lost way more than 1 game to this point.

It's like Walton doesn't have these guys practicing passing and free throws. When Curry coached himself to stay in the game after that foul that was all the confirmation I needed that this team is a little too in control of itself and not getting coached.

I wouldn't go that far. Just because steph played with those fouls doesnt mean Luke isnt in control. At the end of the day he has the final say in who is in and who is out.

Lukes done a good job with the rotation players getting them minutes. If you recall we had the same issue with turnovers and free throws last year at this point.

It will be nice when Kerr returns but Luke along with the staff has done a good job
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