Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Kspar

Originally Posted by Kiiing

When you say something sweet to a girl and all she says is "awwww"
smh at dudes who dont know where to take this. 
- when you are having a conversation with 2 others and one them gets spit on his/her face. smh at people just ignoring that s@#$. Im rofl though. 

- when u loose a (public transportation) staredown 
So your two weeks is up huh?
 P whats good
@ short doo woppa

Originally Posted by grandtheftbike

that moment when the elevator door closes on someone while you still have a chance to keep the doors open, all the while making eye contact

I feel like this happens all the time while I'm in the elevator at school
Makes it more awkward when someone is in there with you too. I just hit em with the kanye shrug n keep it movin.
Originally Posted by grandtheftbike

that moment when the elevator door closes on someone while you still have a chance to keep the doors open, all the while making eye contact

that awkward moment when you're in a conversation with someone and you run out of things to talk about

that awkward moment when you see your professor outside of class and your not sure how to greet him
Originally Posted by FlacoBey

that awkward moment when you're in a conversation with someone and you run out of things to talk about

that awkward moment when you see your professor outside of class and your not sure how to greet him

Probably one of the more awkward moments you can have and the other person has nothing to say either and you make eye contact but don't say anything. Being like "Soo..umm...yea...". Feels mad uncomfortable 
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

When you're leaving the gym way too focused on the music in your headphones and that girl gives you the look and you're making the
face because you're listening to some gangster %*%$ and didn't notice until it's too late.
Man this happens to me everyday, not only at the gym but just walking around
  Chick will give me the look and catch me off guard and the moment passes before I can change the look on my face
That awkward moment when you're fapping with multiple screens up, but wind up fapping to nothing.
Spoiler [+]
When I'm peeing in the urinal and I hear some dude in the toilet grunting and farting.
I try my best not to laugh and piss all over the floor.

When I walk into a campus bathroom and see someone I know.
They try to make conversation with me and I'm like I don't want to talk here, it literally smells like piss and poop in here.

When someone gives me a limp handshake.
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

browsing the black woman appreciation thread and your mom walks in and you try to scroll past all the pics but your screen freezes

awkward moments thread?

awkward moments thread

wooptpydoot doot

I thank apple everytime I need to do the 4 finger swipe.
when you fall asleep watching an HBO show and wake up to the moaning of soft core porn (i watch movies with the volume high)
That awkward moment when:

Me: "Thanks for shopping with us, have a good day!"

Customer: "Thanks, you too"

Me: "Thanks, you too"

When you attempt to shake hands/dap/hug/kiss on the cheek and the other person goes for one of the other options.

When you and your friends are talking about someone as they walk in.

When you're carrying 3 boxes into the post office, trying to open one door, then another, end up with the middle box slipping and pinning it up against the wall barely regaining your grip...just as a cute female is walking from the counter towards you and smirks when there's NEVER been cute females at the post office any other time, it's always old people and dudes that look like they're shipping vacuum sealed used panties they stole from their sister.
that awkward moment when you talk to someone when you go out and then pass them walking to class and don't say hi
Originally Posted by EcruteakCityBoy

That awkward moment when you finished your test first and not sure weather to turn it in.

That awkward moment when your not sure to hug a girl you haven't seen in a long time .

 i alwways finished my tests first and always waited for someone else to go up. 
teachers hated me cuz i never did any work and got a's on tests so i waited cuz i didn't want them to single me out even more
Originally Posted by Peep Game

That awkward moment when you're fapping with multiple screens up, but wind up fapping to nothing.
Spoiler [+]

that awkward moment when your spoiler doesnt work.
edit. damn yuku it only works when quoted! 

awkward moment 
when someone constantly greets you by your name but you have no clue what their name is and it's too late in the game to ask
...that awkward moment when you walk into an elevator that has a former occupant's fart residue still lingering about, and then somebody else walks in and then they look at you like you're the responsible party...

the awkward moment when you try to give shorty a kiss and she goes all in with the tongue.. than you do some half time adjustments in the moment and shorty changes it up also
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