The actor you cant stand the most...

Dec 10, 2001
whats the movie you actually liked that he was in? The actor i cant stand..
Off with your head.

I can't stand Reese Witherspoon but I pretty much like all of her movies.
Denzel Washington
Russell Crowe
Leonardo DiCaprio

I kid.

Seriously though, I can't stand Nicolas Cage right now.
Early Nicolas Cage was decent.

All of his recent movies have been pretty damn bad, with the exception of National Treasure, which I liked, but his acting was terrible.

I have a problem with certain actresses, but I can't really think of an actor I hate with a passion

Here's the actresses I can't stand


I just can't stand either of them.
i wasnt feeling paul rudds movies but then he made mecrack up in role models and i love you man, this guy got a weird sense on comedy.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Sean Penn, and I don't like him in any movie.
Wow, not even Carlito's Way

I can't stand Jack Black, he just is not funny to me ....ever
Originally Posted by FrankDolla

Dane Cook, Jack Black, and insert any other decent comedian who also is an "actor" ___
yeah i don't hate any actors but jack black is just terrible......and dane cook isn't far behind.

also i don't really dislike the dude but why is nicolas cage always some action here type guy? he looks more like a used car salesman or something.
I have stated several times how I don't care for Depp, and his annoying twitch with his mouth he always does.

The list is quite long actually, but I will name a few others Jonah Hill is not funny at all, like he makes me feel wince just watching him attempt to crackjokes, it is like watching the vulgarity of Dangerfield without the genius. Also I refuse to accept that Christian Bale is as good as people love to say. Butmostly I just can't stand Depp.
I have stated several times how I don't care for Depp, and his annoying twitch with his mouth he always does.
Thats how you know you strongly dislike a person
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