The Avengers or Justice League? who do you prefer?

Originally Posted by RFX45

Man, the only excuses against Supeman is his boring? We are talking about the JLA, someone said no one can beat the Avengers, I show Superman man handling the Hulk and carrying Caps shield and Thors hammer (both from legitimate comic books) and the only thing against how strong he is that he is a boring character anyways?
The pictures I posted had nothing to do with story lines and his personality, admit it, dude is just too powerful for his own good and that is why you don't like the character.

In sheer power alone, Silver Age Superman is unbeatable and there just isn't denying that. He is so powerful they had to knock him down a few pegs because he did get boring and it wasn't believable to even have villains. He was that strong. Heck in Kingdom Come, Superman became immune to Kryptonite.

As for Bats, you know he just got nuked when Bats beat him right? In Hush, when Supes was controlled by Poison Ivy, Bats Kryptonite ring was useless and Supes almost killed him. And you guy also know that Superman himself gave Bats the right, right?

I agree. It's obvious GrimlocK is one of those Marvel fans who hate Superman because he finds him too powerful and finds the fights to be one-sided, thus he becomes "boring." As I said, Marvel fans have no right to criticize a character being too powerful when you literally have a god in your squad.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

I read some of House of M and all of Civil War with most of the outside issues that tied in if that counts for anything.

I agree that individually the Avengers are much much better, but they're the X-Men writ large. It may go to how basic and broadly written the JLA characters are, but that works hand in hand with the group dynamic. You talk power and Superman...I talk myth and a Norse god fighting beside humans with power-ups. And just basically a lack of necessity to the team. I'll admit I overlooked Cap...him and Tony are two sides to a coin, but I just got to thinking of what happened in Civil War...and everything else is musical chairs.

My question is, what do you think I'm trying to compare? So you're comparing all those infinite earth storylines or lanterns to the Skrulls and Civil War?
You're comparing Mark Millar to Alex Ross to Brian Michael Bendis to Grant Morrison to Geoff Johns...I mean writers are writers and there will always be lever ways to put together and tell stories about well-realized characters, but this speaking as a unit.

The Justice League is iconic and well rounded and more balanced and a true collection of heroes to me. The Avengers are just what they all themselves when they happen to be in a similar place dealing with a similar bad guy. Thor is Thor, Hulk is Hulk, Cap is Cap...The Flash is a member of the Justice League. Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern...members of the Justice League. And mind you, that might be a testament to their characters not being so well rounded, versatile or deeply written on their own, but together they work naturally in a way the Avengers doesn't.

Avengers is just what you call it when a bunch of Marvel loners get together.

I mean...Age of Apocalypse...
A better question would've been Justice League or X-Men to me.
I think you hit it on the head as to why you like JLA..."a true collection of heroes"  I don't argue that the JLA doesn't live up to that classical heroic status they've built for themselves.  But to me the JLA, JSA, Antarctica, and all the other "leagues" are too squeaky clean to me for my liking.  Infinite earths is too grand a scale physically to compare to the intrinsic value of the discovery of the skrulls which started the civil war and gave rise to Osborn who helped devalue and discredit the me that is better story-telling. 

I feel that DC does alot of grandscale events and it parallels supermans career.  They're both over the top.  Marvel has had it share of epicness...but it's the small events (confined to earth, or just one planet) that keeps me reading.

The justice league has it nice...they hardly ever get questioned, people look up to them, and they get their !@%%$ kissed.  Avengers get hated on, have to hide sometimes, and work their !@%%$ off to get a thank you.  I just like underdogs.

But I agree outside of cap, iron man, thor, hawkeye, wasp, and pym the rest are a bunch of loners that come on and off the team when need be.  I mean how can you argue that the avengers being a bunch of loners when the same thing happens inside the justice league with the other non important members.  As weird as it sounds...Marvel characters are way more realistic than those on JLA.  And some people like shiny characters moreso than one's with dirt on their clothes are dings in their armor.  I get that.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

I read some of House of M and all of Civil War with most of the outside issues that tied in if that counts for anything.

I agree that individually the Avengers are much much better, but they're the X-Men writ large. It may go to how basic and broadly written the JLA characters are, but that works hand in hand with the group dynamic. You talk power and Superman...I talk myth and a Norse god fighting beside humans with power-ups. And just basically a lack of necessity to the team. I'll admit I overlooked Cap...him and Tony are two sides to a coin, but I just got to thinking of what happened in Civil War...and everything else is musical chairs.

My question is, what do you think I'm trying to compare? So you're comparing all those infinite earth storylines or lanterns to the Skrulls and Civil War?
You're comparing Mark Millar to Alex Ross to Brian Michael Bendis to Grant Morrison to Geoff Johns...I mean writers are writers and there will always be lever ways to put together and tell stories about well-realized characters, but this speaking as a unit.

The Justice League is iconic and well rounded and more balanced and a true collection of heroes to me. The Avengers are just what they all themselves when they happen to be in a similar place dealing with a similar bad guy. Thor is Thor, Hulk is Hulk, Cap is Cap...The Flash is a member of the Justice League. Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern...members of the Justice League. And mind you, that might be a testament to their characters not being so well rounded, versatile or deeply written on their own, but together they work naturally in a way the Avengers doesn't.

Avengers is just what you call it when a bunch of Marvel loners get together.

I mean...Age of Apocalypse...
A better question would've been Justice League or X-Men to me.
I mean, I already gave my two cents ... but I'm genuinely surprised by all the pro JL people in this thread. I thought NT was a pro Marvel community!

I don't wanna talk battle. Imo it all depends on who's doing the writing.

But as far as personality, well rounded-ness, backstories, interesting-ness (lmao not a word, yea I know)...Avengers win hands down. There's a reason why there's a movie out this May for the Avengers and the JL movie is nowhere in sight or in development.
Originally Posted by amel223

But as far as personality, well rounded-ness, backstories, interesting-ness (lmao not a word, yea I know)...Avengers win hands down. There's a reason why there's a movie out this May for the Avengers and the JL movie is nowhere in sight or in development.

There sure is. And that reason would definitely bother Marvel heads
Oh look, thread about comics descends into the "everyone hate on DC and more specifically, Superman" argument.
Originally Posted by amel223

There's a reason why there's a movie out this May for the Avengers and the JL movie is nowhere in sight or in development.

Umm because that was planned from the beginning to work out and blend in together. There is a reason why only Marvel-made films (not Universal or Sony) are the only ones that are involved in the Avengers film. 
The Superman and Batman films were meant to be separate entities, hell Batmans Nolan-verse will make Supermans existence impossible. There also isn't any Flash, MM or WW movies but the biggest hurdle is simply Batmans current world, it's too realistic so accommodate other heroes, they'd have to reboot it and start from scratch if they want to incorporate it into a JLA movie.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by amel223

There's a reason why there's a movie out this May for the Avengers and the JL movie is nowhere in sight or in development.

Umm because that was planned from the beginning to work out and blend in together. There is a reason why only Marvel-made films (not Universal or Sony) are the only ones that are involved in the Avengers film. 
The Superman and Batman films were meant to be separate entities, hell Batmans Nolan-verse will make Supermans existence impossible. There also isn't any Flash, MM or WW movies but the biggest hurdle is simply Batmans current world, it's too realistic so accommodate other heroes, they'd have to reboot it and start from scratch if they want to incorporate it into a JLA movie.

well this last nolan movie will conclude that version of Bats, and they already have a planned reboot of batman to come out after the superman reboot in 2013. DC already has the green lantern lore established that can fit in Superman's world. Then they just need a new batman
Justice League + Justice League Unlimited + Teen Titans + DCUO

I've gotten much more entertainment from JLA than Avengers.

My favorite Marvel characters aren't even in the Avengers most of the time so IDGAF (spiderman/x-men)
Originally Posted by MrONegative

I read some of House of M and all of Civil War with most of the outside issues that tied in if that counts for anything.

I agree that individually the Avengers are much much better, but they're the X-Men writ large. It may go to how basic and broadly written the JLA characters are, but that works hand in hand with the group dynamic. You talk power and Superman...I talk myth and a Norse god fighting beside humans with power-ups. And just basically a lack of necessity to the team. I'll admit I overlooked Cap...him and Tony are two sides to a coin, but I just got to thinking of what happened in Civil War...and everything else is musical chairs.

My question is, what do you think I'm trying to compare? So you're comparing all those infinite earth storylines or lanterns to the Skrulls and Civil War?
You're comparing Mark Millar to Alex Ross to Brian Michael Bendis to Grant Morrison to Geoff Johns...I mean writers are writers and there will always be lever ways to put together and tell stories about well-realized characters, but this speaking as a unit.

The Justice League is iconic and well rounded and more balanced and a true collection of heroes to me. The Avengers are just what they all themselves when they happen to be in a similar place dealing with a similar bad guy. Thor is Thor, Hulk is Hulk, Cap is Cap...The Flash is a member of the Justice League. Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern...members of the Justice League. And mind you, that might be a testament to their characters not being so well rounded, versatile or deeply written on their own, but together they work naturally in a way the Avengers doesn't.

Avengers is just what you call it when a bunch of Marvel loners get together.

I mean...Age of Apocalypse...
A better question would've been Justice League or X-Men to me.
Hit the nail on the head fam. 
The Avengers are called together when there's a threat that requires the worlds best heroes to handle. They aren't so much a permanent group created and set in stone. The Avengers change so much because its a collection of the worlds greatest heroes and throughout history new and older heroes are called upon for help. 

The X-Men are much more comparable to the JLA. 

And I don't even hate the JLA. My older heads put me on to JLA because I grew up a Marvel kid. I actually enjoy reading JLA stuff but of course my bias towards Marvel has always been there growing up a fan. But even with the bias of my Marvel fanboy-ism, I still have my gripes with DC and the JLA but moreso on the writers end of DC. It has always felt that Marvel went deeper into the personal stories of their heroes. 

But as a unit? The Justice League is more of a franchise team, where as the Avengers is more of a exhibition team put together for certain events. You'll have the regular faces here and there, but the pieces in the lineup can change at any point.  

I hate Superman. I actually really like the JLA as a whole even though I have my gripes with character development. 
As huge as a fan that I am of Marvel, JL>>>Avengers

but X-Men>>>>>>>>>>>>>>every other super team in comic history
Originally Posted by CherryJ23

As huge as a fan that I am of Marvel, JL>>>Avengers

but X-Men>>>>>>>>>>>>>>every other super team in comic history

Originally Posted by blakep267

well this last nolan movie will conclude that version of Bats, and they already have a planned reboot of batman to come out after the superman reboot in 2013. DC already has the green lantern lore established that can fit in Superman's world. Then they just need a new batman
Really?  ::facepalm::  

That's going to be interesting

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by MrONegative

A better question would've been Justice League or X-Men to me.
X-Men hands down. Supes would be the only one left. Pick any omega level telepath to handle Batman even if you give Bats some time to prepare.
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by amel223

There's a reason why there's a movie out this May for the Avengers and the JL movie is nowhere in sight or in development.

Umm because that was planned from the beginning to work out and blend in together. There is a reason why only Marvel-made films (not Universal or Sony) are the only ones that are involved in the Avengers film. 
The Superman and Batman films were meant to be separate entities, hell Batmans Nolan-verse will make Supermans existence impossible. There also isn't any Flash, MM or WW movies but the biggest hurdle is simply Batmans current world, it's too realistic so accommodate other heroes, they'd have to reboot it and start from scratch if they want to incorporate it into a JLA movie.

well this last nolan movie will conclude that version of Bats, and they already have a planned reboot of batman to come out after the superman reboot in 2013. DC already has the green lantern lore established that can fit in Superman's world. Then they just need a new batman

I highly doubt a new Batman film will come out in 2014. Keep in mind that BB to TDK is 3 years and TDK to TDKR is 4 years apart so looks like we still have a very, very long wait. Plus there is no Flash or WW films yet, there are plans but DC doesn't seem to be in a hurry. You can actually do a JLA movie w/o GL or Flash but you need WW because thats the trinity with Bats, WW and Supes. I think it'll all depend how well Snyder does with Superman and how successful it is in the box office.
JLA is more functional when it comes to working together so it's more rewarding watching/reading them, they also seem to be together more often.

The Avengers seem like they are kinda forced together and they do alot of @#*% is a solo(#**) manner.

This Avengers movie can change everything though, so, I'm really looking forward to it.

Marvel heroes>DC heroes
Cosmic Spiderman/Captain Universe>*
Justice League:

Green Lantern
Martian Manhunter
Wonder Woman
The Flash


Captain America
Iron Man
Scarlet Witch
Giant Man
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert


How strong is Wasp in her giant size? Like what is it comparable to?
At giant size, her strength and endurance increased geometrically with her height, reaching superhuman levels. 
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