The * Ball Story Taking a New Twist...

Mar 22, 2001
Bonds says he'll boycott Hall if record-setting ball has asterisk

Associated Press

Updated: November 1, 2007, 10:54 PM ET

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NEW YORK -- Barry Bonds would boycott Cooperstown if the Hall of Fame displays his record-breaking home run ball with an asterisk.

Barry Bonds


That includes skipping his potential induction ceremony.

"I won't go. I won't be part of it," Bonds said in an interview with MSNBC that aired Thursday night. "You can call me, but I won't be there."

The ball Bonds hit for home run No. 756 this season will be branded with an asterisk and sent to the Hall. Fashion designer Marc Ecko bought the ball in an online auction and set up a Web site for fans to vote on its fate. In late September, he announced fans voted to send the ball to Cooperstown with an asterisk.

Of course, the asterisk suggests Bonds' record is tainted by alleged steroid use. The slugger has denied knowingly using performance-enhancing drugs. Fans brought signs with asterisks to ballparks this season as he neared Hank Aaron's career home run mark.

Bonds has called Ecko "an idiot."

"I don't think you can put an asterisk in the game of baseball, and I don't think that the Hall of Fame can accept an asterisk," Bonds said. "You cannot give people the freedom, the right to alter history. You can't do it. There's no such thing as an asterisk in baseball."

Hall of Fame vice president Jeff Idelson declined to comment Thursday night.

Hall president Dale Petroskey has said accepting the ball doesn't mean the museum endorses the viewpoint that Bonds used illegal substances. He said the museum would be "delighted" to have the ball.

"It's a historic piece of baseball history," Petroskey said in September.

So, if the Hall goes through with the asterisk display?

"I will never be in the Hall of Fame. Never," Bonds said. "Barry Bonds will not be there.

"That's my emotions now. That's how I feel now. When I decide to retire five years from now, we'll see where they are at that moment," he added. "We'll see where they are at that time, and maybe I'll reconsider. But it's their position and where their position will be will be the determination of what my decision will be at that time."

Giants general manager Brian Sabean reiterated Thursday that the team won't bring back Bonds next season. The seven-time NL MVP, who has spent 15 of his 22 major league seasons in San Francisco, was asked whether he will retire as a Giant.

"Yeah, it's my house. No matter what that's my house, no one's going to take that away, no one ever," Bonds answered. "No one's going to take the love of that city of me away, ever."

Bonds, who has 762 homers, broke Aaron's record with a shot into the right-center seats off Washington Nationals pitcher Mike Bacsik at San Francisco on Aug. 7.

Matt Murphy, a 21-year-old student and construction supervisor from New York, emerged from a scuffle holding the ball. He said he decided to sell it because he couldn't afford to pay the taxes required to keep it.

Bonds told MSNBC he hoped to reach 764 homers because he was born in July 1964. He said he's been working out and still is considering whether to play next season.

"I may hit two home runs so I can go home. I just think that I have a lot of game left. I think that I can help a team with a championship," Bonds said. "I'm a hell of a part-time player, too."

Bonds said he won't talk to George Mitchell's staff looking into steroids use in baseball while he is under investigation in the BALCO case. A grand jury has been investigating whether Bonds committed perjury when he testified he never knowingly took performance-enhancing drugs.

"I know it ends in January, so a couple more months. But I haven't been keeping up with it. Not at all," Bonds said. "I have nothing to hide. I have said that before and I will say it now and I will look you in the face. I have nothing to hide, nothing. So look all you want to."

Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press

"Sports Do Not Build Character, They Reveal It." - John Wooden
^ Yes same thing. I think he has a point. They shouldn't let it come in the HOF.
Team Cowboys
Isn't this the same dude who said somethin' like, "I don't want the ball, let the fans do whatever they want with it"....?

And now, because he decided to let the fans go and sell it or auction it, or do whatever, someone with enough money, and a sense of humor, decided to have a little fun with it.

You should've made a deal with the person who caught the ball, if you didn't want something like this to happen, idiot.

This is great, I hope the HOF sticks to its decision - its about to become the biggest tourist attraction item in the history of that building. And the asterisk is awesome. Sums up our generation of MLB almost perfectly. :lol:
You're the Kind of Girl a Guy Like Me
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i don't blame him, but its his own fault. if he had just came out and done a giambi, nothing would have happened, instead he just acted like a moron.

he should have just bought the ball and kept it. but he's barry bonds, so.........
i don't blame him, but its his own fault. if he had just came out and done a giambi, nothing would have happened, instead he just acted like a moron.

why should he if he was NEVER found guilty of anything? This would be a damn shame if the HOF would actually accept the ball with an asterik on it. The fact that officials are even considering accepting this ball is a joke. The HOF should be treated with respect and dignity, and memorbilia should not be altered JUST to create a side-show/publicity for a flailing clothing label....say what you want about Barry, but again...he hasn't been found guilty of anything.

As much as I don't like Bonds and was amused by the asterisk ball, I respect this stance.

^ Barry not having a court case and having a jury declare him "guilty" doesnt really apply to this one IMO....

We're not throwing Barry in prison, we're not taking rights away from him. We as the public are merely stating our opinion on the whole issue, and we overwhelmingly voted to brand the ball. I think it speaks volumes. We're not in 1960 and dealing with Mantle and Mays and Maris. This is the roid era, a different era, and our favorite athletes have become lab rats all the while never owning up to anything they do (some do, but most dont). As Ive mentioned on here before, I think the branded ball is almost a perfect symbol of sport now. Do i really think its in the bests interests of history for items to be altered or branded? No. But in this case I think it's almost hilarious, and because its happening to Bonds its even better. He's spent the better part of a half decade lying to the public and trying to become "woe is me" while also making truckloads of money. He can deal with it in my book. As he said when initially asked about #756, he doesnt care about the ball - its for the fans.

Say what you want about Ecko putting this up for a vote (I obviously see all sides and how people would think its grimey).................but the public sorta spoke when given a choice to do so.
You're the Kind of Girl a Guy Like Me​
Could Hypnotize​
giambi was never found guilty of anything either. neither was sheffield. they both said they took something, they didnt know what it was, but they took it. both of them apologized for taking it, because we now know what it was.

barry, marion jones, giambi and sheff have never been found guilty of anything. however, 3/4 have came out admitted their error in judgement.

add to the fact that barry is a jerk, stuff like this is bound to happen to him. whether the ball has an asterisk makes little difference. people are going to think what they want anyway.
add to the fact that barry is a jerk, stuff like this is bound to happen to him. whether the ball has an asterisk makes little difference. people are going to think what they want anyway.

Again, if he has never been found guilty or admitted to anything, why make assumptions? I'm just playing devil's advocate, but saying that something like this is "bound to happen to him" because he is a jerk is a bit much IMO. He shouldn't be branded by an asterik if people ASSUME that he did something. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt until he fesses up or is found guilty. His personality should have nothing to do with memorbilia that goes into the HOF. If that were the case, then racist/jerk should be sewn on the back of Ty Cobb's jersey that hangs in Cooperstown.
DoubleJs, are these REALLY assumptions people are making? And we need a court case with a verdict for EVERY decision that is made with things like this?

If so, then......

You are not going to take into account that he "admitted" to taking the clear while he was on the stand?

You arent going to take into account his trainer continues to rot away in prison, ONLY because he will not talk about what he knows about Bonds?

You arent going to take into account the Balco raids, and how the Game of Shadows authors viewed leaked testimony that showed Conte admitted to the Feds that first night that Bonds was one of the clients he had on a drug schedule? How the Feds found doping calenders, vials, and prescriptions all with Bonds' name and/or initials on them?

You arent going to take into account his positive MLB test for amphetamines last spring when he initially threw a teammate under the bus?

And lastly you arent going to take into account the source of the testimony leaks (a lawyer) admitting to leaking the info to the Game of Shadows authors and thus pleaded guilty and is currently awaiting his jail sentence? Which sorta tells us that the info the authors used was correct and true.....

And so on.

This is a whole nother discussion......but again, i dont think we (the public) need an entire court case and a guilty verdict on something for the public to not take some action if given the choice to do so.....again, his rights were not taken from him. We're talking about a piece of history he does not own nor has legal rights to.
You're the Kind of Girl a Guy Like Me​
Could Hypnotize​
^^ Hes right. The Hall of Fame is there to enshrine the players for their achievements. I think Mark Ecko has the right to do whatever he wants to the ball. All the museum has to do is either not display it or reject the offer. Its more of a statement on how they really respect their players or if their just their to make the most money possible.
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He shouldn't be branded by an asterisk if people ASSUME that he did something.

i agree. he has never been found guilty of anything. at the same time, he isn't being branded with an asterisk, the ball is. the ball isn't his.
His personality should have nothing to do with memorabilia that goes into the HOF.

i agree, but it does, because some people just don't like the man. he sells out the crowds, but some don't like him. i just wish he would have bought the ball. all of this could have been avoided. instead, he left it up to fate, and this happened to be his fate.

how big could this asterisk be? just turn the ball around and let the visitors see the white side.
As much as I don't like Bonds and was amused by the asterisk ball, I respect this stance.
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These threads are always interesting. Sticking up for Barry is like playing the Devils advocate. True, he has never tested positive for steroid use. Then again that's why he went to Balco and not some clinic in Mexico. He wanted the best stuff on the market, product that testing committees didn't even know about. The chickens have come home to roost for Barry. The people have spoken with their vote, the Hall seems to support it, this should get interesting.
He is just saying this now so when he gets banned from the Hall he can use this as an excuse...
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Again, if he has never been found guilty or admitted to anything, why make assumptions? I'm just playing devil's advocate, but saying that something like this is "bound to happen to him" because he is a jerk is a bit much IMO.
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and all that Game of Shadows crap i don't buy into, I guess innocent until proven guilty got thrown out the window
You're the Kind of Girl a Guy Like Me
Could Hypnotize​
but to deny his accomplishments is just wrong.

i never denied what barry accomplished. he's the greatest of my time.

but come on, he may be innocent, but in the court of public opinion, he's obviously guilty, that's why this ball is tainted.

i want to believe barry, but when people come out and slander your name, and you don't sue them.........what is the public supposed to believe?
5 years from now when he cant walk and has been bored for years he'll probably be crying to get in
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barrys pure garbage. maybe wed sympathize if that fool wasnt rubbing "flaxseed" on his body everyday.

EDIT: and :lol:
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