THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Such an amazing movie. Simply Amazing.

All the action. The explaining of all the stories at the end.

Everyone put in an awesome performance.

And for people that want an explanation for every single thing down to the tee, you guys have to just enjoy the movie for what it is and the history behind it. and last but not least... just use your imagination guys. its hollywood for a reason. stop looking at the small details and stare at the amazing big picture.

Hats off to Nolan and the whole entire production for giving us such an amazing Trilogy.
im saying batman been sitting on his couch for 8 years
plus dude was fighting with anger rather than fighting smart
Running up and swinging on bane like its a HS fight
The only reason Bane won the first fight is because i was smashing Talia earlier, lost my stamina
So him being younger and stronger than an old and injured Batman is unreasonable to you?
Batman completely underestimated Bane and that was a disadvantage in the first meeting. Bruce's mind wasn't in the right place to handle it. And just because we didn't see additional training for Bane doesn't mean anything. Bruce was able to defeat other League members who had been more experienced and even defeated Ras who was the leader.. How is that believable but someone ELSE being stronger than Batman is far-fetched?
So is that the only problem you had with what I said?

How is Bane younger than Batman when dude was a grown *** man when old girl was a child? She had been investing in the company for 8 years so she's at least 26 which means Bane is probably older than Batman.

Batman had been in a damn prison recovering from a broke back for 5 months and he all of a sudden could handle Bain no problem?

Ok maybe he's older, but your original complaint was "how could Bane beat up Batman since they had the same training" and I said he's stronger, more focused, and maybe he's older in age but Batman was fighting stupid and didn't look as experienced. But you don't answer how Batman could beat more experienced League members and the leader Ras? That's as "unreasonable" as Bane beating Bats the first go around. That is to say, its not unreasonable at all. Batman was better than them and Bane was physically overpowering Batman until Bats knew his weakness and used his intelligence. After prison he didn't destroy Bane punch for punch, he learned the weakness of the mask and exploited it. He fought smart compared to the first fight.
In their fist fight, Bats is rusty for being out of the game for 8-years. His legs was injured and was walking with a cane.
In the second fight, we can assume Bruce got more into shape, you can kind of see his progression from his several tries from climbing the pit.
He was doing push-ups and working out while recovering in the pit and he also found out about Bane weakness.
SneakerPro = Marshall Fine?

I hope this is the end of the story, and they don't piggyback off this and carry it on. However, since it sounds like some other director will renew the Batman series in 4-5 years, I don't want to see them completely start over again either.

The sports nerd in me started laughing when I saw Hines Ward returning a kick-off. :lol:
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just got back from it, amazing movie

did anyone else understand the killer croc reference? I grinned mad hard when i heard it.
Lmao thats all i have to say. maybe you need to watch things in slow motion. and need subtitles, and god knows what else.
they flat out said it.
i understand that the transition between time could have been better but who cares, they alluded to the jumps in time.
It seems like if they they had a 15 second four way split screen of batman trying to make the climb for the 5 month period you guys would be more comfortable than "5 months later"

Dude had a traumatic back injury, the doctor said he had a misplaced vertebrae which is why is put him in that makeshift sling if that ain't broken back I don't what is.

For the record I like the movie I'm just not understanding this "the movie was earthshattering" comments I'm reading.
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One more thing.

I think they should have taken the Harry Potter route with this movie and just made it two movies.

They could have fully fleshed everything out and I've never watched a 3 hour movie that I felt like they rushed.
For the record I like the movie I'm just not understanding this "the movie was earthshattering" comments I'm reading.

Cmon fam some people liked it a lot more than you, its not complex at all....the things that annoyed you really didnt bother most people or it didnt bother them enough to take away from the film.

Dark Knight was soo good, I was expecting this to not reach that on terms overall sheer beauty, and IMO, it eclipse it. TDKR was one of the most amazing movies ever. The story line, this gawd damn story line was magnificent.

Comic book movies need to take notes, this is the pinnacle.

I'm a huge Spiderman fan and I'm pretty pissed off that there motivation for the revamp was based on Dark Knight, yet they can't **** with Dark Knight, and Dark Knight Rises was mind blowing better than that.

Bane character x voice = super villain icing. If I had a gripe, and its a small one, I wanted to see Bane die a different way, meh.

EDIT: Bane character was Tom Hardy? No way. Dude was a monster in that movie. Ill saw This Means War and he was a scrub, lol. What did they feed that dude, people?
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This was an incredible movie, I'm so glad Anne Hathaway didn't screw it up.

Tom Hardy did a magnificient job with BANE, really delivered the presence of owning the screen.
EDIT: Bane character was Tom Hardy? No way. Dude was a monster in that movie. Ill saw This Means War and he was a scrub, lol. What did they feed that dude, people?

Hardy has always been able to bulk up when needed.
He gained 40lbs of muscle in Bronson.

In Warrior.
I was really surprised of Anne Hathaway's performance after hearing all the hate about her not being a good actress and not fit to play cat woman. I thought she was amazing and surpassed my low expectations of her. Her ability to change from a devious and conniving villain into a helpless and innocent woman on a dime I thought was pretty convincing. Her suit too :smokin. Great movie overall.
I see him doing another one in the future. I hope it's The Riddler and Penguin or Freeze.
Danny Davitos Penguin is a classic character, I'm sure Nolan can do it, but ill wait. That was my favorite Batman movie, the Penguin character was beyond dark, it was psychotic :smokin
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