THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Don't doubt Nolan now, I am sure Bane will be a bad MFer in the film. Come on when we first saw Ledger dressed as the Joker no one would have guessed he would do such an incredible job with it.Also, at first I thought the camped tumblers were just for stunt work but it looks like Bane will be smart enough to acquire the designs and make his own and might be more than one of it since there are multiple camo tumblers out there. Bane ripping Dents pic is also interesting, looks like he is using it to encourage a bunch of guys to go against Bats or GCDP and encouraging them by showing what he thinks of what Dent supposedly stood for as the "white knight".
@ dudes making judgements off of a few pics. Nolan knows what he's doing.
Err.. I'll see you guys in December. I hate seeing production photos/videos of a film in progress. I'll continue updating the first post of the thread when "official" material is released.
I'm loving how we're getting a good sneak peak at Bane and the attention Tom Hardy's been getting. But, I think some of us forgot Catwoman is in this

Hope its still awhile before we get a look at her and other characters to keep the suspense/attention/speculation flowing.

Word but we haven't gotten any pics yet. I'm eagerly waiting on the first pics of Anne in the suit 
As someone who works in the entertainment industry, I really hope you guys don't take the production photos/stills too seriously and draw big conclusions from them. Everything looks different on camera with proper lighting, makeup, and shooting angles. Just have some faith and wait until some more footage comes out before you judge it too quickly. After all if you look at production stills for the old Star Wars movies or many other sci-fi movies, you'd just see a lot of grown men playing with spaceship models and dudes in rubber suits, but in post-production they put in all the special effects to make things work.
bane looks 

....and hes #$$*%+ with some goonies, his character is gonna be awesome. I have a feeling its not going to be the archetypical primitive bane, nolan going to add depth to him.
The film's budget is around $250 million, all I know the film is going to be badass and Bane has to be twice a badass as the joker was.
Damn, I have full confidence in Nolan and Hardy is a good actor but damn he is pretty damn small compared to Bale/Bats. I really hope Nolan does something to make him more Bane-esque.
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