****The Everything LaVar Ball Thread****

It's weird to be talking about people you don't know relationships like that

you mean in a thread where his fatherhood has been on question for 200 pages?


Thing is, there is actually context to that out there. I personally haven't said anything about his abilities as a father either. But yeah, considering there's actually stories and he's been talking about his kids the whole time, it's nothing like saying his wife should take his money and leave :lol: We really barely know **** about him and his wife's relationship. So yeah, it's weird.
I hate when people do this

I clearly said they'll attack his wife next or try to create a divide

leaving with the money was speaking to the history of white women doing that to their black husband

ask tiger
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Tiger Woods cheated on his wife with multiple women. He disrespected and embarrassed her on an astronomical level

If LaVar does to Tina what Tiger did to his wife, she should leave his ***. Any black, white, Asian, Hispanic, etc., with any sense should have left a husband that pulls that ****.
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I hate when people do this

I clearly said they'll attack his wife next or try to create a divide

leaving with the money was speaking to the history of white women doing that to their black husband

ask tiger

How is Lavar Ball's relationship with his wife like Tiger Woods cheating on his with tons of women? Tiger wasn't "targeted" or "set up" by anyone, he ****** up and paid the price. Do you have a better example of "them" setting a wife up against her man?
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People be acting like Lavar has a dysfunctional family :lol:

Please that ish look tightship
He got LiAngelo pushing a bimmer
He's good in that department
People be acting like Lavar has a dysfunctional family :lol:

Please that ish look tightship
He got LiAngelo pushing a bimmer
He's good in that department

Both kids that can drive are in BMW's and Lonzo hasn't even gone pro yet or net an endorsement deal. Lavar's doing fine :lol:
some people choose to look over the actual point

NO ONE is talking about their personal relationship

I'm clearly talking the HISTORY of division from the dominant side against competition and the history of relationships between black men and white women in terms of marriage

I can't wait to hear how yall slant this next tho

should be good
some people choose to look over the actual point

NO ONE is talking about their personal relationship

I'm clearly talking the HISTORY of division from the dominant side against competition and the history of relationships between black men and white women in terms of marriage

I can't wait to hear how yall slant this next tho

should be good
I think you're overthinking this fam :lol:
Straight up acting like TMZ
some people choose to look over the actual point

NO ONE is talking about their personal relationship

I'm clearly talking the HISTORY of division from the dominant side against competition and the history of relationships between black men and white women in terms of marriage

I can't wait to hear how yall slant this next tho

should be good

So why are we asking Tiger again?
I honestly don't get your train of thought here this is all over the place
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some people choose to look over the actual point

NO ONE is talking about their personal relationship

I'm clearly talking the HISTORY of division from the dominant side against competition and the history of relationships between black men and white women in terms of marriage

I can't wait to hear how yall slant this next tho

should be good

some people choose to look over the actual point

NO ONE is talking about their personal relationship

I'm clearly talking the HISTORY of division from the dominant side against competition and the history of relationships between black men and white women in terms of marriage

I can't wait to hear how yall slant this next tho

should be good

Say what now? lmaooooo

The history of relationships between balck men and white women? Are you trying to insinuate the history is that the white wives take the black mens money?

Please list examples cause im lost sir
some people choose to look over the actual point

NO ONE is talking about their personal relationship

I'm clearly talking the HISTORY of division from the dominant side against competition and the history of relationships between black men and white women in terms of marriage

I can't wait to hear how yall slant this next tho

should be good
you reaching. the connection you're trying to make just isn't there. 

Tiger Woods engaged in multiple extramarital affairs in front of the entire world.

Isn't infidelity the reason most wives leave their husbands over? Ask Michael Jordan...whose black wife of almost 20 years and the mother of his three children, divorced him for similar reasons.

Lavar Ball has been married to his wife for over 20 years. She has three children with him. Your hypothetical scenario and their reality doesn't quite fit within the "history of relationships between black men and white women" narrative. 
some people choose to look over the actual point

NO ONE is talking about their personal relationship

I'm clearly talking the HISTORY of division from the dominant side against competition and the history of relationships between black men and white women in terms of marriage

I can't wait to hear how yall slant this next tho

should be good

you reaching. the connection you're trying to make just isn't there. 

Tiger Woods engaged in multiple extramarital affairs in front of the entire world.

Isn't infidelity the reason most wives leave their husbands over? Ask Michael Jordan...whose black wife of almost 20 years and the mother of his three children, divorced him for similar reasons.

Lavar Ball has been married to his wife for over 20 years. She has three children with him. Your hypothetical scenario and their reality doesn't quite fit within the "history of relationships between black men and white women" narrative. 

On top of that Tiger's wife and family was damn near a front for his image.
My point is that the few examples you probably have seen, those same dudes have probably criticized him at some other point. I'm sure they are dude blanketly riding for LaVar but most people that have support him in this thread have called him out when he crossed the line. The race aspect has mostly been about how he is portrayed in the media.

And I agree with how America capitalism and let down the black community, but LaVar Ball is really not an example of that. Yes he is a capitalist and yes he hustling, yes he is only out for himself but famb is harmless in the grander scale of things. He is slanging sneakers, the most damage he can do is become a competitive fringe to Nike, or Adidas.

The issue isn't what LaVar is doing. The issue is in seeing what he's doing as some type of revolutionary, pro-black stand and in seeing supporting BBB as some meaningful act of racial solidarity and support for the "little guy." These types of responses are abundant in this thread. Increased success by the black wealthy, who in this case are framed as the "little guys," will not translate into meaningful change for poor, working-class, or even middle-class black folks. But that is the narrative that LaVar is implicitly pushing and that I see many people implicitly (or explicitly) buying into. LaVar is appealing to these sentiments in marketing his brand in order to enrich himself and his family, which is fine, but let's call it what it is.

And too often a version of this logic is touted as the solution to issues plaguing black communities--that what is promoted by and benefits black elites is somehow good for all black people in some indirect or even tangible way.

The way things like education, infrastructure, healthcare, and financial services have been turn into commodities that are hand out in unequal amounts and unequal quality, instead of being viewed as public goods is the real danger. I am pretty lefty that believe America and the black community needs to warm up to socialist solutions but I don't vilify capitalism that much. Because that is that same type of thinking as the person that vilifies socialism because of a few scumbag dictators.

The main problem is not capitalism itself, it is how we practice capitalism. American love to preach about the effeminacy of markets and the beauty of perfect competition but we practice crony capitalism, hand firms monopolistic power, and indulge them in all their rent seeking behaviro. Black people are the lower classes (poor whites too) are told to the most basic of services have to be excludable and rivialous so we better prepared to practice some rugged individualism. At the same time a more robust welfare state is built for the white and rich.

No reasonable socialist imo should be running around demonizing capitalism, it should be pointing out how toxic the America verity is, why it should not be used in some instances, and why well regulated markets would be the better option in other times.

I largely agree with this. I was speaking within the context of American, neoliberal capitalism here, a system in which the top 0.1% of households own as much wealth as the bottom 90%.

The Umar Johnson example was because Johnson wanted black people to give him money to fund a school and pitched it as it was the black community responsibility to help him get the school because "look at how the education system treats black kids". The problem is systemic, and needs a policy solution to address the multiple system issues. Giving a person like Umar Johnson a school would have done little to nothing to solve the issue. Just give most black folk something to route for, while it would be helping a select few. I have a very low opinion of Johnson anyway, but bringing him up was not meant to be an indictment of him personally.

This was basically my response to the Obama's plan to donate $2 million for jobs in Chicago in lieu of a systemic policy solution, a response which you derided :lol:

I mean, if BBB is successful--and that is a BIG if--what is the "best-case scenario" over the next 20 years? That two dozens wildly wealthy families of NBA pottery picks enrich themselves even further and put a small dent in the athletic corporate establishment? OK, that's fine, but we should understand that's where the potential benefits of this would end.

Even if I could wish a ton more public services into America’s economy. And free the black community from the economic barriers it faces, a dude like LaVar would still be allowed to exist.

As he should be. But dudes still shouldn't be bamboozled by self-interest being promoted as collective empowerment.

Just that if dem shoes ain’t ship by December. The Federal Finesser Enforcement Bureau might be on his *** :lol:


-If you want to keep making the assertion of the "revolutionary" sentiment going on in this thread, I'm going to need receipts. Who are these people giving LaVar a blank check, or saying this is a replacement for more systemic changes. Dudes are happy for the brother, when he oversteps people that support him have been critical. I can understand you having an issue with this sentiment in general. but I really don't see it being this rampant in this thread.

-American's problem with capitalism can't just be labeled as neoliberalism and be done with it. There can be conditions where labor has too much power, too much money is being spent on the welfare state that it creates poverty traps and markets are over regulated. We definitely so not live in this world though. But If we lived in that world I would be begging for some "neoliberalism". Neoliberalism seems to have just become a buzzword more than anything to vilify market solutions and free trade.

-There doesn't have to be something deeper than a couple black families finessed the situation to their advantage. So what, good for them, who are they hurting? Why should I shed tears for Nike and Adidas. Yes we have to be weary of black people using the utility they gain from supporting black business as a replacement for true economic justice, then again supporting black folk in capitalist endeavors and fighting for socialist solutions problems don't have to be mutually exclusive. LaVar and the rest of dem black families can get dat coins, and I will be happy for them, but Imma want them to run them tax dollars to fund single payer, job programs, education grants, etc.

-Obama and Umar Johnson are not the same. Obama took 2 million of his own money to donate to a program that social scientist have proven to make a difference, he committed and act of charity, and lets remember the brother fought year after year for jobs programs. Umar Johnson ran around and demanded black people give him money to get his school and shamed black people that didn't support his cause. Anyone with sense could have spotted the finesse move that would have came next. Proper context matters

Here are a couple of receipts for you. I don't have the time or patience to comb through the thread for more, but they are there.

Lavar's idea is brilliant, how he's gone about idk tho but the idea is revolutionary

Eagerly anticipating this epic failure of a brand to fall flat on its face. I'm sure I'm not the only one

Your not and thats so sad.

I wasn't a BBB supporter until I realized what he's doin.

I advise every black male with means to buy these shoes.

I know what neoliberalism is, and I understand it to be a driving force behind the historic inequalities in the United States in the twenty-first century. I have no idea why you're constructing alternative hypothetical scenarios in which neoliberalism might be a good thing. As you admit, that's definitely not the world we live in. So...?

As I've stated ad nauseum at this point, it's fine for the Ball's to do their thing. My issue is when folks buy into the marketing narrative that the Ball's personal/familial enrichment is some type of wider victory for black folks or for the "little guy" as I see it being touted. This has been my stated issue this entire time. Is it the absolute worst thing in the world? Obviously not. But it is the conversation at hand.

Obviously Obama and Umar Johnson are not the same. I was drawing a parallel in terms of private charity in both cases being promoted as the solution to complex social issues that realistically require serious policy interventions. You point out some legitimate contextual differences that you feel make the parallel problematic. I will leave this be, as I've witnessed your stamina for defending Obama from criticism from the left, and I simply don't have the interest to engage in a prolonged exchange about this particular topic. No shade, for real.
Tiger Woods cheated on his wife with multiple women. He disrespected and embarrassed her on an astronomical level

If LaVar does to Tina what Tiger did to his wife, she should leave his ***. Any black, white, Asian, Hispanic, etc., with any sense should have left a husband that pulls that ****.

so then you would question their character if they stayed with them after all that foul **** they pulled? [emoji]129300[/emoji]
Tiger Woods cheated on his wife with multiple women. He disrespected and embarrassed her on an astronomical level

If LaVar does to Tina what Tiger did to his wife, she should leave his ***. Any black, white, Asian, Hispanic, etc., with any sense should have left a husband that pulls that ****.

so then you would question their character if they stayed with them after all that foul **** they pulled? [emoji]129300[/emoji]

Still rustle about other thread famb?
im rustle proof

but you seem to want it one way but the other way in other cases [emoji]129300[/emoji]
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