The Flash (CW Series) thread, season 9

No chiste, I would put a ring on Panabaker.

She's cute + has a bubble butt + has ice breath (so the top is heavenly)
She's been growing on me. Got a cuteness to her that I aint really see in her other roles other than a bit role where she was a psychopath.
How they gonna end it like that?

Savitar, god of speed? Look like a damn video game alien :lol:

Caitlin bout to go bad next week already.

This husk thing biting the Inhumans terrigenesis steez :lol: I see. The whole remember this life that was stolen from you when it was never suppose to happen and then that's how they get their powers back is some bull.
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Ultron is a speedster now. :smh:

Panabaker is bad, always has been. Her and Simmons from AOS got the cute w/ accent market cornered in the comic shows. Actually, Deadpool's chick on Gotham is pretty bad as well.
Time to watch tonight's episode..


Wally is back to talking trash..

HR trying to steal Cecile from Joe.. :rofl:

Wally got Deebo by Iris.. :rofl:
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That was some wild and strange acting from Wally when he was possessed.

I aint know how to take it. Barking on Iris like that.

Then she cold cocked his *** :lol:
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I missed it when Savitar said his name and justheard god of speed and I thought he was Godspeed all armored up

Supergirl Crossover Synopsis

A NIGHT OF CONFESSIONS; THE EPIC SUPERHERO CROSSOVER KICKS OFF TONIGHT — Eliza (guest star Helen Slater) comes to town to celebrate Thanksgiving with her daughters. Alex (Chyler Leigh) decides it’s time to come out to her mother; Kara (Melissa Benoist) is shocked when Eliza suggests Mon-El (Chris Wood) has feelings for her, and Winn (Jeremy Jordan) and James (Mehcad Brooks) consider telling Kara the truth about the Guardian. Meanwhile, CADMUS unleashes a virus that instantly kills any alien in the vicinity so Kara enlists an unexpected ally – Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath). The epic superhero crossover kicks off tonight when Barry Allen (guest star Grant Gustin) and Cisco Ramon (guest star Carlos Valdes) seek Kara’s help with an alien invasion on their Earth.

Flash Crossover Synopsis

IT’S HEROES VS. ALIENS IN THIS EPIC CROSSOVER EVENT — When aliens called the Dominators attack Central City, Barry (Grant Gustin) speeds over to Star City to ask the Green Arrow (guest star Stephen Amell) for help in stopping them. Realizing the battle against the Dominators is bigger than they thought, they track down the Legends of Tomorrow, and Barry and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) create a breach to bring back a secret weapon – Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist). Once all of the super friends are assembled, they come up with a plan to attack but a shocking secret related to Flashpoint is revealed and suddenly no one is sure who they can trust. Meanwhile, Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) wants to join the battle against the aliens but Iris (Candice Patton) tells him he’s not ready.
wally always acting like a little bish just because he doesn't have powers. :smh:
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I know synopsis for an ep don't detail everything or summarize and just gives an outline but that reads like the entire ep is about Cadmus alien virus and Lena helping Kara then in the end Barry asks her for help :lol: Not to mention all of the other Supergirl specific stuff (Guardian, Alex lesbian, etc.)

That sounds like a weak crossover.

:lol: :rofl: @ if Flashpoint brought the aliens to Earth.

It all really just seems Barry is facing a threat he can't beat so he calls in the cavalry. I mean dann tracking down time travelers :lol:

They need to stop holding back Wally. If he dies, he dies and honestly I don't know why he lets them if he got the speed. I'd just run to some other city with no heroes and put in work. Only come back to central city to train and if they're still annoying go to Earth 2 to train and smash jesse :evil: :smokin
Dig probably finds out he should have a daughter instead of a son.
I think he does. I was t to say it was brought up in a promo scene already.
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I think the aliens are going to come to Earth because of the signal those dummies sent out trying to find another Wells
Of all the people he goes to for help with aliens, he goes to Oliver first? But then again he's the easiest person to get to. How the hell does he to the time travelers?
I like that the crossover includes a lot of their crews. Seeing all those personalities clash will be funny. Rory gonna provide the laughs as usual.
Someone might smack HR Wells. Wonder if Caitlin will be there or she would have ran off already. Glad someone gets mad at larry for all the problems he's caused.
He was so butthurt over not having powers that he didn't want to make Jesse bee's butt hurt. :smh:
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