The Flash (CW Series) thread, season 9

wells daughter was like "its impossible to figure out what hes tapping" then after a pep talk they figure it out in like 30 seconds :lol:
I noticed that too but Barry did tell her it was some old army alphabet code with only 25 letters.

I guess despite being a genius it's one of those things you just have to know.

To me that whole thing wasn't written as good as it could've been. Of all things to know to try and communicate with ppl? He knows some army alphabet but soldiers are also taught morse code in basic or at least they use to.
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Why didn't he just spell the letters on the damn glass? :lol:

Like trace the actual words with his fingers? So dumb.
I'm beginning to think he might be like deaf blind mute with some destructive power (hence the metal mask) and only knows how to communicate that way regardless of the mask :lol: :smh:

Writing the name Jay would've taken WAY less time :lol:
wells daughter was like "its impossible to figure out what hes tapping" then after a pep talk they figure it out in like 30 seconds 
I noticed that too but Barry did tell her it was some old army alphabet code with only 25 letters.

I'm guess despite being a genius it's one of those things you just have to know.

To me that whole thing wasn't written as good as it could've been. Of all things to know to try and communicate with ppl? He knows some army alphabet but soldiers are also taught morse code in basic or at least they use to.
but he had that whole talk about how they needed to work together when he could have just figured it out himself

she says there is no pattern then like 15 seconds later she says "he never has more than 5 taps in a row" 

maybe the guy was brain damaged or something, like how do you try tapping the same code for months without any results and not think to change things up? he deserves to be locked up for that stupidity 
Why didn't he just spell the letters on the damn glass?

Like trace the actual words with his fingers? So dumb.
Brah that's what I said 
 Dude was getting frustrated that they couldn't figure it out. If I were Barry I would have just yelled at the guy to spell it the F out. 
I swear they write Barry as the dumbest smart person most days.
I think they write all of Team Flash that way. Seems like they can't come up with a plan that works the first time. It has to go horrible wrong, Barry retreats, then returns with a better solution. 

Also the part where Well's daughter was like "you just want me to leave all of my friends?....." 
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Why didn't he just spell the letters on the damn glass? :lol:

Like trace the actual words with his fingers? So dumb.
Brah that's what I said :lol:  Dude was getting frustrated that they couldn't figure it out. If I were Barry I would have just yelled at the guy to spell it the F out. 

I swear they write Barry as the dumbest smart person most days.
I think they write all of Team Flash that way. Seems like they can't come up with a plan that works the first time. It has to go horrible wrong, Barry retreats, then returns with a better solution. 

Also the part where Well's daughter was like "you just want me to leave all of my friends?....." :smh:

I yelled so loud I scared my roommate. Like you've been in his cell for who knows how long, we break you out and you worried about your friends?
Or Jessie could have tossed the rock she was using to the masked dude and have him just write it himself on the floor. :lol:
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Yeah it does. Just gotta vibrate and use twice as much speed.

I mean if it didn't work like that then Barry wouldn't be able to carry ppl at the speed he does. They'd all just die.

But at the very least, he could've took off dude's mask so he could talk.
Running while carrying a baby is not the same as shaking a baby. Suspension of disbelief only goes so far.
Or Jessie could have tossed the rock she was using to the masked dude and have him just write it himself on the floor.
Wasnt he in a glass cage too?
He could've wiped it off right after. **** aint hard.

Faster than a man with superhuman speed, who could "flash" in at any second? 
Zoom obviously wasn't running in there when he took the time to tap out a 25 letter alphabet. Didn't get caught for that entire process.

So writing it on the glass which is quicker is more likely a situation he'd get caught? :lol: Can't agree there.
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He caught them regardless remember? Told the guy with the Mask not to talk to them again then he beat the brakes off Barry.
But it was clear Zoom didn't know what they were talking about. Clearly it was something important enough to put the beats on Barry, and snatch Jay right before the episode ended. I seen that coming too. Told my son it was gonna happen and he didn't believe me. He yells "No, Jay!".
Even Ray Charles coulda seen Jay was gonna get snatched. As soon as he was near the breach and turned his back I knew son was going home
He caught them regardless remember? Told the guy with the Mask not to talk to them again then he beat the brakes off Barry.

But it was clear Zoom didn't know what they were talking about. Clearly it was something important enough to put the beats on Barry, and snatch Jay right before the episode ended. I seen that coming too. Told my son it was gonna happen and he didn't believe me. He yells "No, Jay!".

Zoom knows what he's trying to tell them. Jessie mentions he's been tapping since she's been there. It's only when they figure out the code does Zoom come in and tell Mask to stop talking. Anyone think Zoom has super hearing? When he killed Deathstorm, he finished Killer Frost sentence but as far as we know he wasn't there til that moment he killed him.

Also yeah... they telegraphed the Jay chest death/snatch thing.
One thing that didn't make sense to me is Wells stabs Zoom with that speed draining serum and apparently it still didn't phase him cuz he phased through Jay's chest and snatched him.

Also obvious reason Jay can't be Zoom regardless of Jay being ghost at times this season is Jay was fixing the portal the entire time with Joe that Zoom was trying to kill Barry and the rest at his lair, chasing them back to Star Labs, etc.

No way he's fast enough Joe and Caitlyn don't notice he disappeared in to the portal :lol:

Still something up with Jay and Zoom though.
 Anyone think Zoom has super hearing? 
Would think so...

Increased Perceptions: Speed Force conduits traveling at the speed of sound may miss important events as they run by. The Speed Force grants them enhanced senses that allow them to see, hear, smell, touch and/or taste at an increased speed and understand it as it is processed.
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He caught them regardless remember? Told the guy with the Mask not to talk to them again then he beat the brakes off Barry.

But it was clear Zoom didn't know what they were talking about. Clearly it was something important enough to put the beats on Barry, and snatch Jay right before the episode ended. I seen that coming too. Told my son it was gonna happen and he didn't believe me. He yells "No, Jay!".
Zoom knows what he's trying to tell them. Jessie mentions he's been tapping since she's been there. It's only when they figure out the code does Zoom come in and tell Mask to stop talking. Anyone think Zoom has super hearing? When he killed Deathstorm, he finished Killer Frost sentence but as far as we know he wasn't there til that moment he killed him.

Also yeah... they telegraphed the Jay chest death/snatch thing.
nah, literally everyone in this tv show has "super hearing" 

at least once an episode people are having a conversation and someone finishes their sentence while walking in the room. makes no sense 

its just cheesy writing/direction, not super hearing 
If that's the case Barry really slipping. Should've learned everything he could from Jay, not just throwing lightning.

He should be able to hear dude speak under that metal mask (if he can speak).
Anyone else find it interesting that Zoom just snatched Jay's speed but now he needs Wells to do the same thing to Barry?
Blake Neely really makes good theme music, I tried to do one of my morning runs listening to the theme song. I felt like a really slow loser...
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